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Forum Post: Why Occupy Portland Failed. Please learn from us

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 10, 2011, 11:08 p.m. EST by LeicaM42 (4)
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Thoughts from the other 99% please review and add to Moderator: JordanL

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Joined: Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:45 am Posts: 1

Thoughts from the other 99% please review and add to Dear 99%, I have fed you, clothed you, sheltered you, provided technology and tools from flat screens and servers to hammers and ladders because I hoped you could make a difference. Now, instead of bringing you things, I am going to bring you several pages of advice that I hope is shared. I fear your cause is lost and next time through the empty tents and tarps will be blowing like autumn leaves and your legacy one of disharmony and disgust. PLEASE PROVE ME WRONG

TRADITIONAL MEDIA FOLKS Love them or hate them they have a job to and they will do it. You are in a public park (illegally, I might add). They have as much right to be here, as do you. Right or wrong, the vast majority of people in even the liberal city of Portland use media to form their opinions. When you loose Willamette Week (and you seem to have), let alone the Oregonian, you have lost the battle for the hearts and minds. Welcome them (cops too) if you prefer not to be photographed, POLITELY (the F word is not polite. Neither is the term “Asshole” or “Bitch”) ask them and I’ll bet they will respect your wishes. Quotes (which have aired!) like “It’s easier to get a blow job from a sixteen year-old than find a hammer in this f-ing place.” Do not make you look particularly bright or do they help the cause.

COURTESY Judge not a book by the cover. Tuesday I watched a well dressed woman of color of African-American origin walk through the park at lunch. A fairly well dressed person of color, a younger man, called her a “Bitch”. Maybe she is maybe she is not but she is sure as hell going to have a negative opinion of Occupy. Help out. Time and time again I see the cliché Volvo driving grandmothers from Lake Oswego bringing you food, blankets, clothes, tents, books, art supplies and time and time again I help them unload walking past benches filled with able-bodied folk. Get off your behind and ask, “How may I help?” Same goes for camp. Make your world a show place, a better place, a model of what can be, not of what is wrong (greed, elitism, attitudes, entitlement, unwillingness to lend a hand.)

VALUES TO LIVE BY CARE-Be patient and kind, do not keep a record of wrongs or injustices. Care enough to do the “Hard Right” thing at times. Never give up on believing in your common sense, faith in what you are doing, patience and caring about others.

CELEBRATION-Celebrate each other’s successes and the success of the larger community. Say “Thank you” and “Well done.” Build people up.

RESPONSIBILITY-Work as a team to meet challenges. Teamwork functions best in an atmosphere of openness and trust so ask questions, learn every day and ask what you can do to help. Take responsibility for your actions. And take action.

TANSPARENCY-Build open relationships by telling the truth...the good, the bad and the ugly. Always practice relentless truth telling. Practice forgiveness. Say “I’m sorry”

SERVICE-The Boy Scouts ask that every Scout do a good turn (deed) daily. What good deed have you done today? A cliché? Yes. But not a bad way to improve the world. Service also means respecting your resources. Use them wisely and share them…respect other’s persons and property.

LEADERSHIP-Everyone here is a leader. Leadership is about people and relationships. Become a people growing community that reflects the value of everyone and focuses on each other’s success. Resolve conflicts promptly. Create a cultural that celebrates, respects and cares for people.


Always ask yourself, “What do I want the audience to… Believe To Do To Say?”

Thank you. The 99%

Thu Nov 10, 2011 2:34 pm


Joined: Sun Oct 30, 2011 4:45 pm Posts: 174 Location: behind you

Re: Thoughts from the other 99% please review and add to The disharmony was sown by our failure to act sooner. These problems aren't new. Neither are the solutions. Your suggestions are a good start.


Thu Nov 10, 2011 2:43 pm


Joined: Tue Oct 18, 2011 10:17 pm Posts: 45

Re: Thoughts from the other 99% please review and add to BRAVO Leica, you expressed what I always believed was the under lying sentiment that got shouted down at times. This does not have to end in an ugly way, it can end with dignity so injustice can be taken on with more people getting involved. People want and need change, it will happen with what you said. Peace to all



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[-] 2 points by ramous (765) from Wabash, IN 13 years ago

Wow where was this posted? Im sad by it, very sad. Portland I salute you. But I hope other camps hear it. We are still doing good in our camp because we are working with the city hall and police and do what they say, and yeah we are in the park illegally but we aren't all in their faces about it. So right now, we still have the town's acceptance letting us break the law a little, and people listening. BUT when so many other camps have problems or violence, then it worries our town that our camp will get like that. We can see it, them wondering. After the shooting in VT, after the TB, after Oakland. Its not just if you lose the media, if you lose the people's good opinion of you, you fail. We are the loud ones, but if we want the silent majority to stand with us, we have to do better. Please do better. Non-violence. Treat people like you want to be treated. Do what the cities ask of you. (In ours, we pack up every Friday night so they can have the park for the friday night concerts.) Be good citizens. Keep saying the message. Learn from Portland and do not let them be in vain.

[-] 2 points by LeicaM42 (4) 13 years ago

Please get this word out to ALL the other camps Mark in Portland

[-] 1 points by ramous (765) from Wabash, IN 13 years ago

then keep replying and liking posts so it doesnt disappear.

[-] 1 points by LeicaM42 (4) 13 years ago

By me Occupy PDX get word out to other camps OPDX being closed and crushed as we speak spread the words to all please ALL

[-] 1 points by LeicaM42 (4) 13 years ago

By me Occupy PDX get word out to other camps OPDX being closed and crushed as we speak spread the words to all please ALL