Forum Post: Why Not Live the Life You Want?
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 10, 2012, 7:18 p.m. EST by toonces
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Why not group yourselves together and prove the society you wish to develop will work? You could start your own companies with he pay scale and benefits you want and charge for the merchandise what you want. Here in the United States you could organize yourselves and create the society and prove that your idea of economics would be superior to the system we are currently engaged in.
I don't understand why you would wish to change the economics we all currently operate under without testing the system you wish to have us all work under.
Why are you unwilling to organize yourselves to operate under the system you wish to prove viability?
Why must everyone be subjected to your system regardless of the opportunity to choose whether or not we wish to participate in the system ourselves?
See worker cooperatives, voluntary unions, and worker cooperatives.
“Be the change you want to see in the world.” - Mahatma Ghandi
Lead by example, not by force.
Yes, that is why I wonder why they want to change conditions for everyone, particularly for those whom have been able to flourish within the existing system, and not just work with the people and companies they agree with and live the life they would choose to live.
It's called an unlevel playing field, but Ron Paul moles will never understand what that means.
Get off your drugs and take a look at reality douche brain.
Yeah, maybe we should send one of our spies in to infiltrate the fed. You know, Alan Greenspan used the US to test his economic theories for decades. Until he finally had to admit, eh - his thinking maybe kinda sorta could have been... um wrong so terribly terribly sorry about that sorry.
I don't think they have any idea how to do that. i mean it takes
A - Money
B - Business experience
C - Financial management
D - Anything else associated with running a successful business and being able to satisfy those who join in wanting to be equal but yet can't contribute equally.
On the other hand if the right people come together like todays small businesses it can happen - just on a smaller basis - like one, maybe two or three people running the business.
Well what about the Amish?
Well, if you want to become part of the Amish community you have to work and work hard. I am not sure very many would be able to do that without expecting lots in return.
Maybe you won't have a choice, maybe the Amish have had it right all along, maybe it's time to prepare.
They have had it right all along but the government keeps interfering.
Good example.
Why don't the OWS supporters organize their own society?
Some changes can only be made at the system level and not within the existing system. It's like telling an NFL Owner, "if you don't like the roughing the passer rule, why not simply tell your team to disregard it and see if things go better for your team."
The answer is obvious, it is not a change one team can make. It is a change that has to be made at the highest level of the system.
They could start a new league.
That would be akin to seceding from the union, or starting a new country, to extend the metaphor...both illegal acts in the United States, and grounds for armed conflict.
No, it would be like starting the arena football league. There was nothing keeping them from forming a different league.
We cannot form a new society without forming a new constitution, and we cannot form a new constitution without armed conflict (at least while the old constitution is in place).
It would appear that the "old" constitution is in tatters, and very little of it still stands.
Why not? In America you are free to live your life as you choose. You want there to be a higher tax burden, just associate with those who wish to contribute more to an authoritative body that will regulate how you and others in your agreed upon society agree to live. It is not like the government would be taking more than you want to pay in taxes so it would not be any hardship monetarily on you or your society.
We don't need to write a new Constitution, we need to resort the existing Constitution. That is the great thing about the Constitution as it was drafted, you are allowed to live your life with minimal governmental control and I am allowed to live my life with minimal governmental intrusion.
Why not? In America you are free to live your life as you choose
That's a lie. In fact, in the 1860's a whole lot of Americans tried to live as they chose, and the result was the bloodiest war in American history.
Apart from the gov't regulating you, you are your own worst enemy.