Forum Post: Why not just take their companies and give it to the public?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 7:39 a.m. EST by soloenbarcelona
from Barcelona, CT
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Don´t worry, I´m not a communist nor an extremist as the title might imply, but...
I know most of you believe Hugo Chavez is a evil dangerous man, but what about next "Hugo type of accion":
Take back the few sectors that are key to human development.
1- all hospitals and other sanitary establishments back to the public. Now give all these executives milions in bonusses, the owners a little cash back and make sure rich and poor have to use the same services in the future. (Quality will stay high like that)
2 - Same for energy sector and education.
3 - make sure everybody gets a minimum to eat and shelter to sleep.
4 - Control closely your banking system or make them public again.
Say 50.01 % would vote for a president that sugests a plan like that, then everybody would just have to except no? I´m sure you have some rules in your constitution that will not allow it, but I hear many of you say its time to change the constitution anyway.
Again, I might be a little more lefty then righty, but openminded and see both side have some good point. I just believe it´s clear the system is failing you, our planet and if the 1% doesn´t come up with a better plan, I see Hugo Style as and better future then continuing the way we are going.
Its just a question anyway not a demand or anything like that.
The Working Group to propose a petition of grievances and organize the election of a National General Assembly to present those grievancees to the government before the 2012 election is meeting in-person and over the internet. Please join this Working Group which will periodically "report back" to the General Assembly. VOLUNTEER for the Working Group by going here:
cool, thank you. I´m going to look into it. I´m a master in Science of economics Erasmus Rotterdam, so might be of service.
Need some 'examples' of the 'change the constitution' thing. I have heard no one say that. The constitution is our contract to have a peoples government. Why would anyone want to change that?
I got the message it was outdated and needed reform. (Maybe it was just crazy people and your constutution is perfect, I google it and see) Just found it.
Constitution is no problem, its dinamic but has to follow this rule it seems: "The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government"
The meaning of the constitution is often perverted. That's sad, but it is our fault for waiting so long to say anything. A leaderless resistance is not my idea of a 'good move' yet here they are. I believe in the purpose of the constitution. I do not believe the government has upheld their end of it. I scarcely blame the rich. Government control and/or intervention in the 4 parts you mentioned is certainly an issue.