Forum Post: Why more bank regulation will fail, protesters take note!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 22, 2011, 10:12 a.m. EST by GeorgeMichaelBluth
from Arlington, VA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Because the fed doesn't make house calls.
Plain and simple the government will never step in a regulate the banks except for some "token" measures to keep the people happy, to shush them up, make them feel like they are in control after all.
GOVERNMENT CANNOT PRINT MONEY WITHOUT BANKS! The fed does not drop dollars off to people's houses!
The government needs banks to distribute (at interest) the money printed by the federal reserve, to people like you. Money that they created, people like you and me, the 99%, are paying interest on. The way it works: Federal reserve creates money Federal reserve issues money to the treasury (at interest) Treasury extends it to the commercial banks (at interest) Commercial banks lend it to us (at interest)
We get fed the whole story that business needs access to credit to survive. Business does not need credit, it needs capital. The whole current monetary system is built on a pyramid of debt. Capital left capitalism a long time ago, and you know why it's failing? Because the 99% can't print their own money. Money printing and debt transfers weatlth from the poor and middle to the businesses and governments that can print the money, and have access to this new money.
Did you ever wonder why the rate you can borrow money at is usually less than the base rate plus the inflation rate? Think about it, if you are paying the bank back with dollars that are worth less than what it costs them to make the loan, how do they make record profits? Is it possible that the money doesn't truly exist and is merely a book entry? Why else would they take a guaranteed loss? You pay back interest on artificially created money, and your income tax dollars go to pay the US treasury's "debt" to the federal reserve. That money goes to a private corporation, owned by the worlds 1%.
No wonder the founding fathers warned so strongly about the corruption power of central banks.