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Forum Post: Why just FOX hate? Who isn't bought out?

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 5, 2011, 3:41 p.m. EST by airplaneradio (50)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I notice FOX (News Corp) shows up all the time in these posts as some big misinformation center and while its clear they have a bent, I don't see why the outrage is only on them. For the record, I watch/read Time, Newsweek, Drudge, WND, Al-Jazeera, CBS, MSNBC, and some international ones. I want Right, left, outsider, and those who claim to be independent. But when it comes to mainstream it's all Fox hate here. I hear some people complain about GE and how they don't pay taxes, but they own NBC with Comcast. Disney owns ABC. CBS by Sumner Redstone who owns Viacom which was essentially the owner in the first place until a recent split. CNN, Time Warner. Think about that, the major 5 media conglomerates own our media and they tightly knit with lobbyists in government. Some of the same companies are doing war machines on the side. I don't get the one sided hate. It's not like we one Ministry of Propaganda anymore. We have supermarket choices and can choose the one that benefits what we already believe and reinforce it. If you're on the right, watch Fox and read WND. On the left, watch MSNBC and read the Washington Post. You hate watching FOX? Complain over at Media Matters. Hate watching MSNBC, complain at News Busters. It's a salad bar to your taste but the main issue is, billionare magnates who essentially combined own everything from our news to entertainment programming and music are essentially in mass control. Remember the news about GE not paying taxes and NBC was the only network that didn't report that. Come on now. They all have interests and all tell us what we want to hear.



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[-] 1 points by Idaltu (662) 13 years ago

I've been watching this forum for weeks....I haven't notice any particular hammering on Fox. However, you are right...every national new media is owned by Wall Street. And that should be a warning to all of us.

[-] 1 points by ithink (761) from York, PA 13 years ago

hmm I actually haven't come across many fox hate'n posts on here. Which I thought was kinda surprising. Though, don't get me wrong. I hate fox.
