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Forum Post: Why isnt anyone here working for a real solution?!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 12:48 p.m. EST by arjang1a (54)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Why has NO ONE spoken about the venus project? or the zeitgeist movement?

I mean, I take it that you people want change and a kind of change that doesnt just last a year or two.

Then you my friends need to educate yourselves on the powerful capabilities of a resource based economy

All I see is, do this, do that, bail this, put money there, you will never get anywhere with this kind of chirade. The protests will stop once the weather gets cold, and people will go back to their shitty lives.

BUT, if we raise awarenes over time and get more people involved, we can create a mass movement of non compliance with the system and THATS the way to get to these corporate assholes.

Anyways, im not gonna rant on, if you havent watched the zeitgeist films then I will simply not waste my time on you, just watch the films then let me know waht you think:




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[-] 1 points by arjang1a (54) 13 years ago

Its not just interesting, its the ONLY way, or we're all gonna be dead couple hundred years from now due to this free market capitalist system

[-] 1 points by arjang1a (54) 13 years ago

anyone ?

[-] 1 points by ARod1993 (2420) 13 years ago

I've been reading through the PDF handbook that TZM has on its sight. I don't really have much to say yet because it's gonna take me a while to process all of this and I have a multivariable calc test tomorrow. That said, it's definitely interesting.