Forum Post: Why is the Senate so determined to allow the U.S. military to arrest and detain U.S. citizens?
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 3, 2011, 12:09 a.m. EST by TripleTittyTheTroll
from Salt Lake City, UT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Hey, you guys are mentioned twice in this article. We're coming for you. It's all over. Better hide under your bed !
Principal is like principal of a school, the person in charge. You want principle.
I served in the U.S Air Force for almost a year before I was kicked out. And I had made a lot of friends on the inside who would agree with the way this occupy movement is going. Don't think that just because congress passes some bullshit laws that the entire military is out to destroy the basic principals this country was founded upon. I have faith that some our 'real' leaders will not put up with this bullshit. Research the difference between the backrounds of the 'officers' compared to the "enlisted" members.
Obama is a coward. He will make one of his famous "compromises". He will agree not to veto it as long as they pass his jobs bill.
For some mysterious reason, at least once every year Congress seems duty bound to pull out their copy of the Constitution and pee on it, as if to mark their territory. So far the courts have seemed fairly likely to notice unconstitutional behavior, as long as it's not kept secret... if the courts don't stop something this blatant, our problem is larger than this bill alone!
Will Obama veto it?
He can, I don't think he will because he thinks "the people" are stupid animals.