Forum Post: Why is employment growing? Ans: OWS
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 11, 2012, 3:17 p.m. EST by OurTimes2011
from Arlington, VA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Employment is growing because of OWS. There has always been a need over the past year for more workers to be hired as the economy recovers, but large and mid sized firms simply refused to hire. Whether they were simply following the dictates of McConnell, greedily trying to boost company income by holding down costs so they could get a bigger bonus, or were really just hording cash because they thought the system was about to crash (again), make no mistake about it: if OWS had not sprung into action, unemployment would be at 25%. These guys got scared when they saw you in the streets, in growing numbers.
Congratulations, OWS. Job well done.
Now, get back to work...stay in the streets....plenty remains to be done.
The original post on this thread has to be the stupidest post on the Internet this year, if not ever.
Thanks for the hilarious laugh. I can hardly stop the tears, I'm laughing so much.
Thanks for the comments. You are either the dumbest person on the internet or the easiest amused. At any rate, thanks for keeping the post going.
Say hi to Megan.
The employment growth has been modest (at best), and it will continue to be modest (barely outpacing population growth). Demographic factors are also at play (baby boomers beginning to retire), but expect our economic outlook to remain weak (particularly given the situation in Europe, our leading trading partner).
Top of the blog postings, baby. Talk about WooHoo...
I don't think it was ever a problem of it being not enough jobs out there, but it's the method in which these companies "hire" people that is the root cause of the problem.
In my area, there are over 700 jobs available and about 40% are general and the other 60% are entry level. And I see the same kinds of people being purposely hired into general positions versus entry level and in some cases, even if you have the experience, your pay reflects that of someone "without" the experience.
You want me to have 3-5 years experience, but you don't pay me in the same light that my experience values me for the position.
Also, Obama should create legislation on how people are getting hired period. I see people getting work and they are clueless in the position. Sometimes I think, if you "look" the part then you'll get the job, irregardless of whether or not your qualified or not.
And this degree sh*t, should not determine whether someone should take you serious for the position or not. Not everyone can afford higher education and then, they report on the news how student loan debt is at a all time high.
These standards for getting employed are the problem and the people in charge of hiring should have better judgement period.
Obama should speak on those statistics.
So, you are saying that even if you are not trained as a engineer, you should be hired as an engineer just because you have applied for the job? Or as a Doctor? A scientist? A teacher?
Contrary to current popular belief, everyone can afford a higher education - just maybe not at a four year university. There are community colleges offering online courses, Saturday courses, evening courses - all of which can be paid for by a Pell Grant which everyone can apply for.
Most of my friends and family acquired their four years degrees while working full time jobs and raising children. They applied for Pell Grants and took advantage of employers paying for classes. It took my brother 10 years to get his B.A. in accounting while he was serving in the Air Force. One of my best friends raised three kids and was a teachers assistant for the 8 years it took her to get her B.A. in education - all of it paid for by Pell Grants and other state grants.
Entry level positions are there to get a foot in the door. Experience (and taking advantage of employer training) allow one to move out of that entry level position and into a higher paid position.
You state that the jobs in your area are 40% general - I have no idea what that means so can't address that.......
the difference between what i am saying versus what your saying is, i am speaking about the general public and not who i know.
And i was specific about what kinds of jobs are available and how experience shouldn't always be the overall reason "not" to consider someone.
Obviously, you need to be certified to be a doctor or lawyer. And I also, stressed on how difficult it is to even finish school for some of these positions. How many people actually go to a community college to become doctors or lawyers?.
And your wrong to generalize and say that "everyone" can afford to go to school. If that were the truth, you wouldn't need to apply for loans. And Pells Grants are limited and do not cover enough expenses.
And if i have to explain the difference between "general" and "entry level" to you, then you shouldn't have even responded to my post in the first place.
I'm looking at the full spectrum here and my area is part of that. I am not just looking at who i know that's made it or not.
You spoke of the "general public" then say that "everyone can afford to go to school' is "generalizing" - then say that you are looking at the full spectrum - which is "generalizing". And you began with saying that "40% are general" when speaking of available jobs. And end with saying that one should automatically know what "general" jobs are without you needing to get specific.....Guess you yourself have done quite a bit of "generalizing" the subject.
where did i say that "everyone can or cannot afford go to school"?.
and the full spectrum isn't generalizing, it's looking beyond what is considered "standard" versus "realistic". you have a stereotypical issue with yourself and now your trying to twist my words around, instead of giving a proper rebuttal. And unlike you, I don't need someone to explain every little thing to me. I can research information myself and give out my own opinion about it. So far, all you can do is "critique" what someone else says versus stating what you "think".
Re-read the thread. Then maybe you'll figure it all out.
I too believe that the pressure brought to bear on Wall Street has contributed to the uptick in employment. Aside from the seasonal issue of holiday temp workers.
Another factor is that Wall Street demands short term profits growth that has been propped up by 1. tax breaks and 2. years of cost cutting layoffs.
The tax breaks are coming to an end because even the GOP is not willing to demand more for the rich in an election year.
Cost cutting layoffs are finally being seen, by business, for what they really are, destruction of the middle-class consumer base that corporations need to make a profit. Consumers = demand. No consumers means no demand.
Let's all hope that Wall Street is participating in this learning curve. That its not just corporations. It is Wall Street that has been demanding of business that they think only about short term quarter to quarter profit gains and ignoring the long term growth needed to thrive. Long term growth is what Wall Street and America's business schools have ignored for three decades leading to the inevitable destruction of the American middle-class.
Corporations should be educated to think in terms of their fiduciary responsibility to grow their consumer base by employing as many people as possible at the best pay possible. Growing their employee base is growing their consumer base. A healthy consumer results in healthy growth for the business.
OWS really must keep up the pressure on Wall Street so that they in turn start putting pressure on corporations and Congress to grow the American workforce.
If you believe government reports, "news" delivered by corporate interests, etc., then you are sadly deluded. If you see increased economic activity in your area, that is direct evidence in your area, which is not necessarily applicable to anywhere else.
More realistic economic and employment data can be sen at ShadowStats.
Such fanciful thinking.
Well, one thing for sure: since this forum was created in early October, hundreds and hundreds of TROLL JOBS have been created... a real boom in the trolling industry! :)
Consumer prices need to come way down. Part of the problem is is alluded to in other comments is with respect to automation. With this automation the consumer has not seen any benefits in the form of price reductions. Couple that with stagnant real wages and you have consumers with no extra money to spend - no matter how confident they are (i.e., how many people were given mortgages they thought they could 'afford because their realtor and confident they'd be making more money; and what about the banks that were confident that homes prices would continue to rise and people pay their mortgages on those submarine home loans). The economy needs to deflate many prices (homes, food, cars) - only mass demand (more volume induced by lower prices) will lead to job creation.
responses to this thread are subject to attack by organized down voting
give the rat it's 15 minutes of fame
the "jobs" created r not jobs. A jobs pays a living wage with benifits. When u get a temp job with no benefits or part time this is not jobs.
Unemployment coming down - the jury is still out for me. I think there was a bump due to the holiday, and some other one time factors may have been in play. I need to see a trend in real unemployment numbers coming down.
If unemployment is in fact coming down (hopefully), I don't believe it is a direct result of OWS. I think it is far too early to say that and is rather a stretch of my imagination. The unemployment picture and overall economy is far too huge with hundreds, perhaps thousands of variables in play, some rational, some completely irrational. Compared to the vastness of the global economy, OWS is but a tiny fraction.
Firms refuse to hire, or are reluctant to hire, because there is lack of demand for goods and services. It makes perfect business sense for them to hoard their cash until they believe they can use it more profitably than hiring workers to make product that will sit on the shelf, unsold. Many businesses are cutting costs because their top line growth is impacted by lack of demand. That only works for a limited time to maintain profitability.
However, I believe that in order to increase demand, the economy first needs consumer confidence. If consumers are confident about the government, the country, have confidence in the financial system, they will start buying again, thereby increasing demand which will result in increased employment.
It's possible that OWS will be a catalyst for change that can lead to increased consumer confidence. But I think it is too early to say that now.
If OWS could achieve some things like re-enacting Glass-Steagall. I think that would create a huge boost in consumer confidence. If OWS could achieve campaign finance reform, this could also have a huge impact on consumer confidence. Even having these issues enter into the political debate, I think could increase consumer confidence perhaps.
A well thought out reply, one that deserves a response.
While I respect your opinion on the corporate hiring process, you ignore recent history. As a result of several large bankruptcies, (Lehman, Bear) businesses became markedly conservative with respect to costs. As we all know, the biggest cost is labor. Just in time internet technology allowed companies to downsize more rapidly than ever before, just as it has allowed them to hire rapidly.
The injection of over $6 trillion in spending by governments around the world meant demand for goods and services did not fall as far or as fast as it could have. As a result, large companies have done very well over the past three years. How do you know this WITH CERTAINTY? Corporate profits are at an all time high even while wages and business taxes have gone down and unemployment has soared. (
This is what your analysis fails to explain.
Your argument assumes businesses are rational and will hire when they need to do so, when they see an opportunity to make more money. This is wrong in the type of market we have had since 2007/8. In this environment, psychology dominates. Either greed rules or fear rules. Take your pick.
Thus, the only rational explanation for the increase in hiring is OWS. Period. Companies saw massive demonstrations in the streets AROUND THE WORLD (951 cities and growing) and decided social revolution was the bigger risk. They started hiring as a result.
Way to go, OWS, way to go.
Unfortunately, your explanation completely leaves out the fact that with all the new laws - Dodd/Frank and the health care law - both of which are being implemented slowly and which are thousands of pages in length - corporations and small businesses have little idea of the cost impact to them of those new regulations.
Many small business owners will tell you that they are hesitant to hire because the increase in cost to adhere to those new, slowly instituted regulations may result in them having to lay off again in the near future.
Another factor not mentioned is that many of the larger corporation are "re-hiring" their laid off employers as "temps" with no benefits. This looks like "job growth" because those folks roll off the unemployment rolls and the temp agency counts them as "new jobs" - yet they are not "new". They are old jobs done in a new way - off the benefits book.
OWS has nothing to do with "job growth", in fact, they have been responsible in some areas for lay offs. Like several of the small business owners near Zuchotti Park.
What say we lock up the bankers who got mega bonuses based on faulty and false data? That's the real cost impact to the economy. They were responsible for, oh, I don't know, 4 million jobs being lost.
The laws you cite are irrelevant, a blame game smokescreen for banking and finance lobbyists or the truly brainwashed. Every industrialized country on earth has healthcare, except us. And, even bankers should obey the law.
You simply have no idea. We, however, do, and there is no way to stop an idea whose time has come. Deny all you like. Run as fast as you can. You will, eventually, run right back into us...Obviously, a member of the racist right, a troll, worried about "new" laws more than fairness, justice, peace and the future.
Way to go, OWS. These guys are SCARED. Keep it up!
That's the way it goes around here....despite this statement from the HuffPo about OWS....
" In the way they have organized their movement, by welcoming everyone, eschewing hierarchy, and allowing a voice to whoever shows up, they hope to set an example for the rest of society."
Anytime someone presents a different view than you do - the name calling begins........racist, troll.....!
You are claiming that job growth is a result of OWS....wrong. Plain and simply wrong.
Actually, the HuffPo piece does a pretty good job of summing what OWS has accomplished.......
And there is not one word in it claiming that OWS has spurred job growth.
Well, I don't take my marching orders from Huffington. I do my own thinking.
Try it.
I also note you said nothing about locking up the bankers. Makes me think you either are one or work for them...
And more "name calling".
You brought up bankers and locking them up. I didn't. That has nothing to do with the job numbers which was what my post was referencing - and the ridiculous claim that OWS was responsible for any job growth now being seen.
You can't prove that OWS is directly responsible - you can only claim that it is causing "fear". You can't deny that new regulations contribute to the anemic job growth, so you attempt to deflect to another subject.....
and name call and make assumptions about where one gets their information.
Typical response of one who has lost the debate.
Let's be clear. The immense job loss over the past five years was caused by a LACK of regulation. This focus on regulations is misplaced and a tactic used by those who want to deny, for political reasons, that a national recovery is taking place.
OWS is responsible for changing the conversation away from deficits and toward income inequality. The best way to reduce inequality is to have a strong economy, with lots of people working.
No question, OWS is the main catalyst. Period.
Sorry about the name calling.You're right. It is immature and does not help.
I don't think OWS had anything to do with this. It was rather expected that the economy would recover, albeit slowly. Sure, there has been some liquidity injection but most of it has been invested abroad, particularly in emerging economies. Understand that not everything is a consumer good, although consumer purchases have dropped. But business to business selling has taken a even bigger hit. Businesses have been reluctant to say upgrade their IT infrastructure or even buy new coffee machines in some cases.
When companies see trouble ahead, the usual response is to, as you rightly pointed out, curtail cost or at least rein it in. And to do that companies usually stop hiring new people, then they might additionally lay off some employees. Now that things are looking up, other than the financial sector of course, demand is slowly increasing and companies are preparing themselves for it by hiring more.
Besides, there is a confidence that Europe will be saved, Greece will manage it's mess and all will be back to normal. Of course, there is a possibility that growth has stunted in Germany, there are signs of that. Lets see.
You are, of course, welcome to your opinion. You are also wrong.
Yeah, anyone who has an opinion that is unflattering to OWS has to be wrong. Is it not?
"Companies from General Electric Co. to yogurt producer Chobani are adding U.S. workers, accelerating a rebound in hiring, as chief executive officers prepare for greater demand in a strengthening economic recovery.
Boeing Co. is bringing in more than 100 union machinists a week for a 60 percent boost in output by 2014. Nissan Motor Co. will expand in Tennessee with 1,000 people making lithium-ion batteries. And a GE executive was at a Kentucky appliance plant before dawn this month to greet some of 500 new employees.
“The next few years are going to be a different picture than what we saw in the last few,” said Hamdi Ulukaya, CEO and founder of South Edmeston, New York-based Chobani, which is building a 300-worker plant in Twin Falls, Idaho. “To get ready for this, we need to have our manufacturing capacity in place.”
The hiring reflects optimism among CEOs that the economy will continue to strengthen and more workers will be needed to meet demand. It may signal an end to a lockdown on job growth following the financial crisis that lingered even after the recession ended in June 2009, with economists estimating more new jobs created this year than any time since 2006.
Manufacturing, whether for GE refrigerators or Greenbrier Cos. rail cars, is a bright spot in a labor market still so weak that December’s unemployment rate of 8.5 percent was the lowest in three years. U.S. factory payrolls expanded by 225,000 jobs in 2011, more than double the total from a year earlier."
NO ONE is arguing that point OurTimes2011.........what they are arguing is this claim that OWS is responsible for the job growth.........
You know, I could be wrong, but the point of this forum is to spur ideas, THINKING, a new viewpoint.
I stand by my analysis.
The claim that OWS is responsible for job growth "spurs ideas"? It could be considered a "new viewpoint" that is for sure, but not one with any truth to back it up.
Reality is that we need to be adding 110,000 jobs per month to equal a full job market - Reality is that some of the gains were seasonal slots that will disappear soon. Nearly half of the new hires were accounted for by the package delivery, retail and restaurant industries; many of these positions will evaporate as the holiday shopping season subsides, placing a drag on the January and February numbers. Consumers dipped into savings to finance Christmas shopping, and one should expect less robust retail spending ahead as households retrain their attention onto their balance sheets.
An estimated 2.5 million people have left the workforce and are no longer counted as unemployed even though they want a job, and almost 1 million of these are considered discouraged workers who have given up looking.
Sustaining job gains at a 200,000 clip for the next few months would entice part of the discouraged cohort back into the market, swelling the labor force and ratcheting up the unemployment rate temporarily. Since it is generally assumed that 125,000 new jobs per month are required just to absorb new entrants into the job market, the unemployment rate could remain stuck near its present value for the rest of the year and will take several years to revisit anything like pre-recession levels.
Those are facts. OWS did not "scare" the businesses into hiring.
Look, Concerned, all valid facts. You just miss the big picture. No one is claiming OWS has solved the jobs crisis. We still have a way to go, as you correctly point out. Some of these jobs will go away. No doubt. But this is irrelevant if you get a job for a month after you have been unemployed for nine months, and the racist right keeps telling you to "buck up", keeps cutting food stamps, won't extend unemployment, won't do a single thing to help the country, tells you that any problem you have is all your fault, that you need to be "tough" while refusing to lock up the bankers. This is socialism, alright, socialism for the rich.
My point is this: we would be in much worse shape w/o OWS.
Congrats, OWS and keep it up.
Then shouldn't you guys stop protesting now?
Uhhhh. No.
The fact that a small group of unelected, spoiled, unethical people were able to impose this much economic pain on the world is something we cannot allow to happen again.
We will stay in the streets.
rainbows and unicorns my friend
Suuure, dude. Whatever. See you in the streets, and then in your living room...
you are a fool.
this movement is in large measure all about holding people accountable - this nation has incurred debt - debt due to war, debt due to the economic collapse - and you would have us refuse to pay that debt.
you would have us tank the economy even further with such nonsense.
Revenue will be raised to meet our common obligation.
And we will hold those accountable for promoting fiscal policy and economic theory that has proven itself a sham.
The movie Inside Job makes it quite clear: Conservatives set to implement financial deregulation as far back as the late 1970s, and part of that process included the appointment to the Supreme Court
And it is clear - as that process began to bear fruit, Conservatives began screaming about Liberal Activist Judges, and thus distract the public from their process of Activism toward deregulation.
repeliKans are liars
repeliKans with their process of deregulation have fucked the American public.
repeliKans continue to lie about Global Warming
repeliKans will soon reap the harvest they have sown
The people are coming. You can't stop it. You can't avoid it. And in fact, you will benefit.
Unless of course, you get in the way. Then there's just no tellin'.
Agree about massive downsizing.
Agree that government spending helped to some degree. I would expect profits to surge, based on layoffs. That profits are higher are the result of a number of factors, not necessarily due to government spending, which is what I think you are implying. It is the result of increased productivity, higher prices, better mix (selling more product that has a higher profit margin), and volume (government spending). It is really a combination of all, we have no way of knowing how much came from what, short of an enormous price/volume/mix analysis. Or a good statistical sampling of price/volume/mix.
Based on these thoughts, I maintain, companies cannot sustain profits indefinately without growing their top line. Which will require demand and consumer confidence. There is only so much productivity they can eek out of their systems (at least in the short run). Without demand from government or consumers, the only other way to maintain profits is through price and mix. These levers are much harder to move. For most industries anyway. Gas stations do it everyday, move their prices. Most industries are not so flexible. Mix is very had to move, and increasing price almost inevitably leads to some loss of volume. And in some instances near impossible, short term, based on contract pricing.
I agree there is some amount of irrational behavior in the market. But it only makes business sense, not to hire when there is a lack of demand. It would be irrational to operate otherwise. Not necessarily out of fear, but it just makes no sense.
Psychology can be a big factor. But we disagree at which level. I believe it can be a big factor in consumer confidence. Not at the business level. Not in this particular situation anyway. I do think there is a uncertainty at the business level though. This might be a perfect time for business to invest in plant and equipment. Huge capital projects to spend their time, money and resources on in anticipation of an economic turnaround. But this is very risky, as a business could be left stuck with idle machinery for years. If I was running a business I would be very hesistant to do this, not out of fear, but simply because I do not know how long it will take for the market to turn, and it could be very costly if it took a long time. I'm sure there are businesses who are not so risk averse who might be doing some of this. This could pay off in a big way.
I still say it is much to early to tell whether OWS has anything to do with the seemingly better employment numbers. This seems illogical. There is anarchy and protesting in the street so lets hire more people? Even if, I don't think it would impact that quickly, in a couple months time. I've seen job requisitions take months to write and months more to hire. Many jobs, ie construction, takes months of preplanning and ordering materials. I could go on. So then you are left with - there is anarchy and protesting in the streets so McDonalds decides to hire more workers. Unskilled labor hires relativlely quickly. And it moves the job numbers? I don't think so. But I appreciate your optimistic attitude. Perhaps if it rubs off on others it will increase consumer confidence. But I still say that will take time to move the job number.
You keep missing the point.
OWS is a massive, new and frightening (to conservatives/owners/1%) movement. Every government is worried. EVERY SINGLE ONE. This is a revolution with a reach, speed and scale we have not seen before.
951 cities and counting. This is important. 951 cities! AROUND THE WORLD. Wow!
Businesses could have hired sooner. They had no incentive to do so, in fact, they had every incentive NOT to do so (more profits = bigger bonus for managers). Plus, given the lack of ethics and the speed with which firms went out of business due to not having cash, early in the crisis it made sense to hoard. Technology means companies can operate far leaner and meaner. The resulting attitude: screw the worker. It's all about me (the 1%). Selfish. Short sighted. Stupid. Contrary to democratic ideas and modern religious principles (then again, so is slavery).
This works until people get mad and reclaim their power. OWS did so.
I don't think the government is worried at all. This is a tiny tiny little movement. Yes, it's been effective in raising awareness of some issues. But to say that it is frightening to anyone or anything is silly. And to think that the government is worried, is beyond ridiculous. What would they be worried about exactly??
Exactly what power was reclaimed that caused employers to hire......a couple of concrete examples would be satisfactory.
"Companies from General Electric Co. to yogurt producer Chobani are adding U.S. workers, accelerating a rebound in hiring, as chief executive officers prepare for greater demand in a strengthening economic recovery.
Boeing Co. is bringing in more than 100 union machinists a week for a 60 percent boost in output by 2014. Nissan Motor Co. will expand in Tennessee with 1,000 people making lithium-ion batteries. And a GE executive was at a Kentucky appliance plant before dawn this month to greet some of 500 new employees."
Any questions?
Yes. Exactly what power was reclaimed that caused employers to hire?
From CNN Money-
"While private businesses have been adding jobs consistently since March 2010, the government has been slashing payrolls." ADP National Employment Report and Bureau of Labor Statistics plotted together on one chart showing when the recovery started and jobs began being added consistently.
Proves that private businesses began adding jobs CONSISTENTLY- 16-18 MONTHS before OWS even existed.
It's called economic recovery, not OWS. But "rational explanations" aren't really your thing are they?
Sure they were hiring.
OWS just lit a fire under their asses.
Keep it up! Know your power. TO THE STREETS!
No one is afraid of OWS. Why would they be. You pose no threat to anybody. None of your ideas will ever become legislation.
Another person missing the point. Legislation is irrelevant. What's relevant is 951 cities. Changes of govt in Egypt, Yemen, Morocco, Tunisia, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Bahrain, Lebanon, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Libya, the UK and Israel, and your ass wants to say no one is worried.
Yeah. Right. Whatever.
You can't stop an idea whose time has come. Join us!
Right, and OWS is responsible for all of those changes in government? Since the movement began in the fall of 2011 and many of those governments were already in the process of change, I think you might be a bit wrong on that one. The OWS movement was actually inspired by the Arab Spring not the other way around.
Here's what we got:
Banking and credit issues caused by the ability of Anglo-Saxon investment banks to use the dollar's status as global reserve currency to distribute fraudulent financial instruments worldwide in, among other places, Scandinavia, Asia, Africa, with recent negative impacts in Spain, Greece, Portugal, Italy, France and Germany,
Internet-facilitated movements for political change in repressive regimes (Egypt, Yemen, Morocco, Tunisia, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Bahrain, Lebanon, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Libya, the UK and Israel,
Less-than-helpful policies enacted by countries with the most to gain from U.S. economic and political instability (Russia, India and China).
OWS is the result.
Any questions?
This thread credits OWS with the changes in other governments and with job growth.
What does your points 1, 2 and 3 have to do with OWS being responsible for the changes in government - OWS not the financial points you made?
OWS IS one result. It is not the reason that governmental changes took place in other countries - it is not the reason for what little job growth is being seen.
Spin it all you desire.....but no reasonable thinking person is going to credit OWS with regime change when those changes were in affect long before the "American Fall".
I will never join you misinformed, spoiled, radicals.
OK. BKB. (Burger King, baby: have it your way.)
We'll see you when you wake up.
I saw Santorum run to get in his car up in NH, followed by screams of his aides. get in the car!! get in the car!!
Santorum is clearly terrified of a Mic.Check.
BWA Hahahaha
Good one.
They are scared shitless.
Yes they are. And I think you may have missed the reason numbers have been rising - I think the numbers have been held back in the effort to elect a repelican - and I think they really fear the effort is about to backfire.
Which I think it is.
ZD, I agree. They would have gotten away with it except for OWS...
Since the "numbers" come from a government department - a government now led by a Democrat and a Democrat Majority in 1/2 of the Congress - can you explain HOW the numbers have been "held back" to elect a Republican?
The unemployment numbers are cooked - you are right about that. Anyone who has ceased looking for a job is not counted in the unemployed number. Seasonal labor is not counted in the official number. Those forced into early retirement are not counted among the unemployed.
Despite what the Obama Admin puts out about the unemployment rate - the real rate is not 9.1% - it is closer to 11%.
Job Growth still lags behind what is needed to employ all those entering the work force for the first time.
First, reported unemployment is 8.5%, not 9.1%. Second, you are right. The numbers are cooked and have been cooked since reagan. Third, employment is growing due to OWS. Companies are hiring BIG TIME.
You are right - I used our local unemployment rate instead of the national.....and I did a bit of extra reading.......
But, you are still wrong - OWS is NOT responsible for any job growth. That is ridiculous.
YES I can. In the six weeks running up to the Aug debt ceiling deadline, repelicans engaged in brinkmanship - when commentators around the globe were calling for at a minimum of 4 Trillion dollar reduction to the debt. These worthless fucks hemmed, hawed and stalled, refusing to raise revenue in any manner what so ever - despite calls from around the world and even from within their own party to do so.
The President continued to press for an end of bushite tax breaks, and an end to corporate loopholes.
the bastards refused even though the President was on the verge of giving away the entire farm in an effort to reach compromise.
As they engaged in their brinkmanship, commentators around the world returned again and again to the issue of uncertainty - would the United States default?
Hence, stock market numbers plunged. Jobs numbers stagnated.
And I'd like to haul every single goddamned repelican up before charges of sedition, find them guilty,
And posts like yours are exactly why so many are now no longer supportive of the whole OWS platform - parts of it sure, but there are too many voices like yours in the mix........
You can't make a point without name calling. And now you even threaten violence..........
and you don't even stay in context - the post was not questioning the budget deficit and how to increase revenues, the post was in response to Zendogs statement that "the numbers were held back" - which were the UNEMPLOYMENT NUMBERS.....
so . . . you clearly didn't care for my response . . . Do I really care?
That is what is known as a rhetorical question, and does not require any response.
And you obviously didn't care for my pointing out that your response was not in context.....and full of unnecessary profanity..........
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
That is unnecessary profanity.
Yep. Totally unnecessary...unless you have nothing worthwhile to add to a discussion....
Totally unnecessary is why you are here. I'm just helping you out. :D
Isn't this fun? Isn't this what you came for? that others can see how "open minded" and "inclusive" this movement really is...
I am so glad you are enjoying yourself. I am as well. :D
Again, you didn't come here to discuss your point of view. You came here to act like a dick. I thought this is what you wanted. Isn't this what you wanted?
And you prove the point again.........keep going - this is very fun.
But, you didn't come here for that. 'Cuz your a dick. :D
And the point is proven once again. If you don't agree with someone, call them a name - use profanity. The last resort of one who has lost an argument.
that is correct.
I do not care
the repelican party is DONE [ The Big Bang Theory Season 5 Episode 12]
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Im going to need to see some proof that there has been an increase, I just don't belive you.
Employment Report and Bureau of Labor Statistics plotted together on one chart showing when the recovery started and jobs began being added consistently.
Proves that private businesses began adding jobs CONSISTENTLY- 16-18 MONTHS before OWS even existed., the world's largest job search engine, today announced an interactive, online U.S. Employment Trends tool enabling job seekers to view hiring trends in real-time. With an interactive interface, job seekers have, at their fingertips, the latest local and national employment trends sourced from's database of more than five million U.S. job postings -- as well as monthly employment data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Employment Situation and ADP National Employment reports.
While the BLS and ADP reports provide data on positions filled,'s U.S. Employment Trends report provides the only forward-looking data that actually predicts hiring based on current job openings each month; it is the leading indicator of the health of the job market. By taking the hiring trends online, enables job seekers to discover job posting trends nationally, by metro area, by industry and by occupation, in addition to the degree of job competition in each metro area. Dating back to October 2010, this range of data provides job seekers with a clearer picture of the number of jobs available and the competition they will face when applying. Job seekers and other interested parties can access graphs of various employment trends, which may be printed or downloaded for ongoing reference.
ok thanks
Employment numbers are meant to calm OWS down. Why do you think the numbers dropped once OWS started?
Government uses statistics to control the population. They can tell you stuff is alright and protesters will believe it. ha!
My advice to you is to Say NO to drugs. my advice to you is to wake up. Denial is not just a river in Egypt, you know.
Try not to panic....but we are having a major impact.
Maybe the OWS is having an impact in certain areas, but this is not one of them. You basically said that that employers hired people because of a protest in the streets about a myriad of topics. It just does not connect. Now if you had said that there is a chance that the banking institutions may see an increase in regulations because of OWS, then maybe you are flicking the right bean.
By the way, disagreement on one thing does not constitute disagreements in all things. That is reserved for partisan bitches of which I am not. Now go back to your crack pipe.
Well, whj, there is no doubt that businesspeople and politicians are concerned. Look at the impact OWS had on the debates and dialog. Heads of both major parties discussed the movement in depth. And, here another thing.....951 CITIES AROUND THE WORLD. Deny all you like. Something big is brewing...
And I agree that disagreement on one thing does not constitute disagreements in all things. I'll take you at your word that you are not a partisan bitch. Now I'm gonna go back to your mom...and her crack.
Never said that something big was not brewing. I am watching and learning. Your original premise has ZERO validity and I called you on it. The connection you were making was that OWS protests convinced employers to hire more help instead of making lots of money by not spending it on hiring. That is a wash. It is not happening. There are so many other factors that tie into why business hire. It shows limitations in your understanding of the problem. When you go see my mom, bring a bigger bat or learn how to swing. She got bored.
So jobs are getting better? I do not see it. I hear the news saying it. I just do not see it. I think they also based there statistic on all the seasonal hirings that just happened and the are all probably fired.
No, employment is growing. Really. You can't make up these kinds of numbers. Trust me. Just can't be done.
Jobs themselves are getting worse. Lower pay, fewer benefits, etc.
Companies want obedient workers, like the people who have responded below. They are so brainwashed that they don't know what day it is...funny.
Well 80 percent of statistics are made up on the spot.The probability of econmic collapse continues to rise. The job market may show signs of growing. However, I like to look at it as a breaking wave. It starts from a peak goes down and comes up all the way until it is flat.
Oh yea...clearly Business owners are hiring because of groups of smelly, drugged out hippies, who beat drums, and shit in buckets.
Employment Report and Bureau of Labor Statistics plotted together on one chart showing when the recovery started and jobs began being added consistently.
Proves that private businesses began adding jobs CONSISTENTLY- 16-18 MONTHS before OWS even existed.
They are not. (I got the saracasm)
Man, are YOU a moron. Not all OWS are smelly, drugged out hippies, who beat drums, and shit in buckets. (Actually, sounds like you are describing the racist right wing....want me to explain?)