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Forum Post: why is business belamed?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 8:37 a.m. EST by Probusiness (3)
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Why is business belamed? To start off with I am not a millionair, I make enough to get me and my family by. If i didn't i would get a second job to do it not belame everyone else. When i was young everyone looked up at people who where rich as someting to strive for. Now everyone see;s them as the bad guys. Lets put the belame where it is due. THE WHITE HOUSE!!! How about go there to protest. OBAMA is destroyig this country. Unemployment was 7.7% the day that bush left office...now it is 9.1%. the national debt has increased well over 4 trillion dollars since Obama took office. That is the most ever...and for what? What do we have to show for it? A health plan that is destroying this country. If it was so great why isn't he signed up for it? Whe are the people in congress using it? Move the protest to Washington on Obama's doorstep where it belongs and GET THIS GUY OUT OF THE WHITE HOUSE!!!!!!!!



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