Forum Post: Why in all of HELL are you marching on Chase instead of Goldman?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 12:16 p.m. EST by dkatz
from Hoboken, NJ
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That's like...dumb.
Goldman and Chase, all major financial institutions were involved in sub-prime loans. Which is the main cause of the housing bubble that brought us the financial crisis. Of course Goldman Sachs went a step further and CDSed those loans.
I agree with you completely that Goldman is a greater evil, but there is no need to be aggressive with this issue.
Please march on Washington at the WHite House or Congress - that is where the real power and enablers of Wall Street greed are found. Other social democratic countries (i.e. Canada, Scandinavian countries) have no less greedy capitalists but their system taxes the capitalists for their greed and discourages bailouts with regulations which are enforced. Please go to the source - it's the regulations and tax makers who make the laws who enable people to get away.
Please march on Washington at the WHite House or Congress - that is where the real power and enablers of Wall Street greed are found. Other social democratic countries (i.e. Canada, Scandinavian countries) have no less greedy capitalists but their system taxes the capitalists for their greed and discourages bailouts with regulations which are enforced. Please go to the source - it's the regulations and tax makers who make the laws who enable people to get away.
Chase is part of the problem. We took on massive debt to help bail them out. Yes, they did pay us back but look at the mess we are in after helping them... I don't see them stepping up offering to help us, do you ?
Honestly...What would you have done in Chase's shoes? Not taken the bailout money? Lol. My point is that Goldman is far worse. I've heard more than a few people close to Wall Street blame the entire Greek economic collapse on Goldman.
Does it really matter who is worse ? Does it make a difference if some one killed 100 people as opposed to 99 ? Chase is part of the problem. How much of the problem they may be is debatable but they are still part of the problem.
Yeah. Who cares if you accidentally stepped on an ant or if you burned down a school? You're part of the problem.
If you abstract away into generalizations, you begin to hate an idea instead of the people truly responsible. And you wonder why there is so much anti-Jewish sentiment on here. Because everybody is fighting an idea instead of individuals.
Do you own JP. Morgan & Chase stocks or something ?
Not at all. I just don't agree with the direction that this movement is taking. I don't like stocks, because I don't like to think about money any more than I have to.
Please don't be so quick to condemn =( It makes the world an ugly place.
But who are you to decide where this movement goes ? If you don't like it don't support it. The people that force their opinions on others makes the world an ugly place also.
But I DO like that so many people are together for a common cause! I think that's GREAT! So I can't help but try to give my input in the vague, impossible hope that even a few people will agree with me.
Why not both?
Because Goldman you'd have much more support if you marched on Goldman, since they're much more widely hated and despised. Hell, you'd have other banks marching with you if you marched on Goldman.
I don't think we would want banks marching with
Haha I know. My point is that you should go after the greater of the evils.