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Forum Post: Why hate groups are targeting OWS

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 5:11 a.m. EST by OurTimes2011 (377) from Arlington, VA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

If this movement is truly successful, it will represent a major change in the economic and political systems of the US.

One major factor in keeping the population under control are the artificial class and race barriers that have been erected by the ruling class. (Howard Zinn's A Peoples History of the US has the best explanation of this.) By the way, I include union leadership in the 1% ruling class.

OWS tries to be a classless, raceless movement. This frightens the ruling class to no end.

Thus, one of their major social control mechanisms has failed.

To counter this in the short term, they have encouraged hatemongers to post on this forum, and to express sympathy with OWS. The racist right has been insistent on denying Obama any cooperation. These forces of hate have felt threatened since Obama's election, anyway, and they sense the power of this movement. Without an artificial racial and economic divide, these groups would have no reason to exist.

Many poor whites make up the bulk of these hate groups, but others, specifically immigrants (East Indians, Russians, etc.), belong, too. The poor whites have been more negatively impacted by the financial crisis than most, so the risk to the ruling class is two fold:

  1. Hatemongers might just wake up and realize they have been played by the 1%, and actually join the movement. This would be a nightmare for the ruling class.

  2. Many of the exploited poor white folks who are hate group members or sympathizers are also members of unions and the police/armed forces. Without a reason to protect the 1%, the 1% would suddenly become quite vulnerable physically.

If the ruling class can paint this movement as racist and antisemitic, they can lower the attractiveness of OWS to the bulk of Americans, who believe in fair play above all else.

I suggest occupiers remain peaceful and positive.



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[-] 1 points by abmebratu (349) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

I agree 100%...Have no doubt about it there are concerted efforts to weaken this movement. The best way for someone to dismantle this movement is to give it a negative image by any means necessary.........That's why I'm warning all occupiers to remain peaceful and to remain positive..........Here are some of the labels that have been thrown at us so far. Hyppie, Antisemitic, Communist, Mob, Rioter, Socialist, Disconnected. Anti-American.....Always remember they said the same things about all other popular movements in this country. remember even abolitionists were called "Niger Lover". Power always reacts this way. It's our job to remain positive....However I must say some of the weird things done by some of our peers has not helps deflate the hippie slight. I personally don't like the term. I'm no hippie. The word refers to an idealistic and lost person. Me and my fellow occupiers are no hippies. We are calculated, we are decisive and we don't have eccentricities, preferring real struggle over ideal up in the air discourse.

[-] 1 points by Builder (4202) 13 years ago

Paint all you like.

The movement is growing and becoming more inclusive.

Current approval poll of OWS is at 54 %. Four times higher than Congress.


[-] 0 points by EndTheFedNow (692) 13 years ago

lol, nice. You post about hate groups then follow with your hate about "right wing racists" and "poor whites" are hate groups!

I'll give you a D on your divide and conquer attempt. Much too transparent.

Pluck that log out of your eye.

[-] 0 points by monahan (272) 13 years ago

So get rid of the unions

[-] -1 points by RichardGates (1529) 13 years ago

yeah. it's cool that you speak your positions but dropping party crap will get a lot better reception.