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Forum Post: Why has Obama Not been Impeached? Why is Dimon and Corzine Obama's Patrons still dining at 5 star restaurants?

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 6, 2011, 7:46 p.m. EST by owsleader2011 (304)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Come on people Team-Obama is robbing people while we fiddle and Rome Burn's, yet I see no signs on the streets to "IMPEACH OBAMA",

Where is the outrage?

You claim to occupy wall-street but ignore theft happening today, the wall-st theft happened 1998-2007, the mortgage crisis theft happened 2002-2006. Now its 2011 and OBAMA and DIMON/CORZINE are robbing banks and wiring the money to Europe to be used to Re-Elect Obama in 2012.

Everyone is silent? WHY?



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[-] 1 points by Snowleopard (42) from Cortland, NY 13 years ago

Obama is not the only crook in Washington. Since Reagan theft has been the norm. Since Reagan TREASON has been steadily practiced with No Repercussions. Way back when America was a first world country no one would DARE do what is taken for granted today, like out right robbing from treasuries, to blatant treason, and to whole sale destruction of our lands. There was once a time when these practices were not tolerated. Today it just happens and people are still not mad enough. If the people were really mad we would not have Occupy Wall Street and Washington DC with numbers in the hundreds but in the MILLIONS!!! There would be so many people camped out at the Washington MALL that the police could not remove them because many millions is too hard to remove from their camp spots. The system is too easily removing the Occupiers so many more people are needed. Unless you have millions they will keep removing you and with that removal came the media blackout you now see. You need to keep your positions and have fewer positions to defend but ones that can be defended. You need to get back in the news hence in the spotlight which forces the media to talk truth for once. I noticed the news is back to that drivel we used to be stuck with in the 1990's which made me turn off my TV set. When Occupy started at least the news for two months were forced to talk about the US (99%) and THEM (1%) scenario.


[-] 1 points by demcapitalist (977) 13 years ago

Why are Alan Greenspan and Hank Paulson and George Bush not in Jail ? Why is Anne Rand not dead? --------oh never mind she is dead.

[-] 1 points by rockyracoon2 (276) 13 years ago

interview with Ann Barnhardt re negligent CME and our lawless society


[-] 1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 13 years ago

This is America. No one cares.

[-] 1 points by alouis (1511) from New York, NY 13 years ago

OW can only do so much at one time. Reoccupying homes and spaces is what it's doing now and that's a lot.

[-] -1 points by owsleader2011 (304) 13 years ago

Post WWII the men returning from was in the UK didn't have a home, as now.

So they squatted they occupied the un-occupied homes, to this day you can still legally 'squat' in the UK,

Now why don't you people use that as a model, just go do it.

But living in squalor in parks and living in your own shit that's nasty stuff that only an idiot was see as 'fun'.

[-] 1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 13 years ago

No one can look past R vs L paradigm. It is ingrained in them since birth.

[-] 0 points by owsleader2011 (304) 13 years ago

Some 50 years ago I made the observation, and It was obvious to me.

It's not about left or right,

It's not about top or bottom,

It's not about pug or dem,

It's about CORRUPTION,

Today the USA is the most corrupt government on earth, you have OBAMA ready to send protesters to GITMO, because his patrons fear OWS. Even now they're identifying the leadership.

Of course it very complicated beyond what I just wrote, because the police state is careful to give everyone a 'cut' of the take, for instance 56% of the US public now get a check from the government, most of the theft is from stolen OIL abroad, today the USA simply prints worthless dollars and hands them out to the 56%.

But the rest of the world watches in fear, cuz they know that the dollar will implode any day, when that happens the world will find a new currency and move on most like the Chinese Yuan(rmb), ...but in the USA there will be civil war for a decade.

[-] 1 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

repelican scum

there are no leaders here

and you are not of us

[-] 0 points by owsleader2011 (304) 13 years ago

Zen I love your website, and why do you think I PUG-SCUM?

What part of what I say do you not agree?

That DIMON&CORZINE put OBAMA in power? Fact

That DIMON&CORZINE are stealing money from banks as we chat? Fact

Why must you attack the messenger and ignore the message? What is the point?

p.s. Your not a dog, and you know about as much about zen as israel knows about freedom.

[-] 1 points by MiMi1026 (937) from Springfield, VA 13 years ago

Impeach ALLL of Congress First !!

[-] -1 points by owsleader2011 (304) 13 years ago

A I P A C will never allow their congress to be removed.

IMHO I really think the outcome of what''s happening today is that Obama will be our last president.

The trouble makers in OWS will be sent to GITMO, which is why OREO-OBAMA keeps it open.

By last president I mean, that their will be a COUP, and the military government will keep OBAMA in as a sock puppet as he serves his purpose well being a black-man (OREO) that can easily send black&brown children to die in the oil wars.

For decades the CIA/NSA and police state in general have complained that the USA has too much 'democracy'. Now they're fine tuning what they have long wanted.

Lastly, why is NOBODY on OWS not talking about the new "DHS FUSION CENTERS", fascinating shit.

It's like the OWS consistently avoids the important shit of the day by design.

TV keeps the viewers occupied with who michael jackson is screwing in his after-life, and OWS keeps the progressives occupied in parks across ameriKKKa living in squalor. Too fucking strange.

There is ONLY one reason we have HOPE, and there will be change, and that is because the US DOLLAR has collapsed and the US now cannot borrow money. The USA not change because of its People, it failed from its own HUBRIS, the people of the USA have always been shit, no more than cockroaches.

[-] 0 points by owsleader2011 (304) 13 years ago

READ, but NEVER FORGET that CORZINE is the man find's OBAMA his money.

Question du jour: why is Jon Corzine still at large? In what fabulous Manhattan restaurants has he been enjoying plates of cockscombs and lobster with sauce hydromel and cinghiale ai frutti di bosco, while less well-connected citizens of this degenerate republic have to order their suppers from the dumpster in the WalMart parking lot where they have been living lately. Is there still an Attorney General in this country? Will somebody please follow Eric Holder down a hallway and see if he leaves a trail of sawdust on the floor. Or did congress just retract all the fraud statutes by stealth in the same way that the Federal Reserve handed out $7.7 trillion in bailouts back in 2008 (much more than the generally accepted figure of the $800 billion TARP) without anyone finding out until three years later when some Bloomberg reporters rooted the numbers out of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) filing. And by the way, what is the US Federal Reserve doing handing out billions of dollars to the Royal Bank of Scotland? Was Scotland admitted to the Union by stealth, too? Or did Jamie Dimon just buy it as a birthday present for Barack Obama, who likes golf. This is what life in the USA is like nowadays: shit happens and shit un-happens, and you find out about it years later. Only a desperate and hopelessly degenerate nation would choose to live this way, in a law-optional society, in which money means everything, and yet nobody even knows what money is (or where it goes, and what it does when it goes there.) Jon Corzine has not revealed the destination of the loot (somewhere between $600 million and $2.5 billion, estimated) that vanished from the "segregated" accounts of his many clients at MF Global. The rumor is that it went to cover a rude margin call from Jamie Dimon's bank, JP Morgan, after JC took some unfortunate positions in European sovereign bonds in a bad month. Beyond the question of why Mr. Corzine is not in jail (as a flight risk, just like DSK) is how come the Department of Justice has not so much as issued a statement saying that they were looking into the matter, so as to reassure both the victims and the financial markets that this is not a culture that just makes shit up as it goes along - i.e. that we have predictable rules and formal procedures for doing stuff. The clowns and villains who run America have accomplished something really epic: they have vanquished meaning. Nobody knows what anything means anymore. Anything goes now. All bets are off. It's not reassuring. It leads to bad things happening like blood in the streets. When nothing means anything anymore, some people will actually strive, make an effort, to reestablish meaning in practical economic and political life, because civilized life is impossible without it. So, in those historic moments when civilization is suspended, people will work like hell to restore meaning. Sometimes though, like Germany in the 1930s, you discover that the suspension of civilization is itself intoxicating, and you ride with that for a while. Things are really flying apart now, and just in time for Santa Claus. The European bond rollovers are about to come in fast and furious during the season of Advent and nobody can make their interest payments. They will be skipped or postponed and promised for "next Tuesday," and yet the bizarro universe of credit default swaps will not be triggered - is there a counter-party on God's green earth who could afford a pay-out? Of course not. It was all a charade. So we'll just learn that there actually is no "insurance" on all this paper. Yesterday's "hair-cut" will be tomorrow's "throat cut" as the middle innings of suspended civilization play out. There are heroes as-yet-sung-and-unsung in America, people who prefer reality over reality-TV, people with a taste for meaning in life, which often requires the recognition that some things are true and some not so true, and you're better off with what's true. What appears to be true is that the old order is finished and a new disposition of things is coming along. The Long Emergency will beat a path straight to the Great Re-set. Sign up for it. Roll up your sleeves. There is so much to do in this country. If you are young, especially, it's all waiting for you.

[-] 0 points by owsleader2011 (304) 13 years ago

This is so fucking important just like what 90% of the zombies working from India who can type english are trying to do with US, here on this forum, they are trying to 'vanguish meaning', all of them are telling us to ignore what we see, that its not important.

All the while everyone is getting robbed of their life saving's, and everyone is told its ok,

[-] 0 points by humanprogress (55) 13 years ago

the grand theft happened prior to obama's administration and the republicans burried america further down by inducing recession. get that straight.

[-] 0 points by owsleader2011 (304) 13 years ago

I think more needs to be said about your premise the 'grand theft', I happen to be an expert on the subject of international finance, so what particular theft do you refer to? The theft's are ongoing, but most are out of our power as the theft happened long ago and the money long gone. I my mind you should only work on things that are of the scope of today. So tell me what grand theft?

Bartlett & James wrote a book in 1988 called "America What went Wrong" the USA was already systemically destroyed 30 years ago, so what are you talking about?

There is NO difference between PUG or DEM, never has been never will. If you study BIG campaign finance you see that the billionaires give equal amounts to both party's, cuz they don't care, they only care about control, they don't care about party's or face's.

Tell me about this 'grand theft' you have in mind?

In my mind the theft has been continual since this land stolen from the Injuns, Hamilton ( federalist papers ) argued that the leadership and control of the US government should be directed by 'interest', but the money of the rich, and it was accepted then and now that it didn't matter how the money was obtained, all that matters is he who has the gold, makes the rules.

People are SHIT in the USA, and always have and always will be.

[-] 0 points by owsleader2011 (304) 13 years ago

We can't change the past.

The bank robbery's are happening now, ... why is nobody calling the cops.

The John Dillingers of are time are eating in 5 star restaurants and buying our politicians in plain site of the FBI.

This is not about DNC or RNC, this is about the fact that law enforcement is afraid to touch anybody that ever as or ever will work for Goldman Sachs.

Forget about politics.

[-] 0 points by MVSN (768) from Stockton, CA 13 years ago

You have to be kidding.... Nothing to do with the republicrats? Are you a plant?

[-] 0 points by grapes (5232) 13 years ago

Obama teaches us that bending over and getting lubricated is the best way to get close to what we really want (getting ----ed over again and again). He would not fall into the traps that his fathers and mother fell into: cracked up because of being too unbending and being too much of a firebrand. If the environment called for doing grotesque inhumane things, the smart ones (I am sure that Obama counts himself smart) would just do them because that would be good for survival. Perhaps the willow tree that bends with the wind and not be broken is his model of survival. We just have to fall in line behind him when he is pushed into the hogwash and comes out grinning charmingly - we will learn how good the hogwash really smells, too, and learn our "survival skills" under his tutelage.