Forum Post: Why don't you like Herman Cain?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 11:19 p.m. EST by ArrestAllCEOS
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He has turned around failing businesses, so wouldn't it make sense to have him turn around our failing country?
Also not having a career politician would be nice
This is why i don't like Herman Cain ...
Finally! A candidate that supports pizza!
Yeah except this isn't an episode of the Simpsons ...
OMG that's baaaad
I was just thinking about it. He should do another remake of this song with words that are more fitting.
(( Imagine there's no money...
Because the bankers stole it all ...
And i helped them steal it... Because I'm a worthless piece of *%^& ...))
omg did he have permission
Yeah his great plans like his 9-9-9 plan he stole from Sim City.
This is one of the few comments on here that has actually made me lol.
9/1/2008 he still didn't see the recession. he was playing politics and acting like the democrats made it up. he is an economic dolt. while there are some similarities, a country is not a business. his comments on foreign policy make me think i've done more homework than him as well.
I think the only time I ever agreed with Michelle Bachman is when she said " turn 999 upside down and your left with 666. haha. but seriously this plan is a joke. What do you do in states that already have a sales tax. some people will be paying like 20% sales tax. terrible plan. The only person I would hate to have in the white house more than a corrupt politician is a corrupt corporate puppet.
Multi millionaire ex Kansas Federal Reserve Chairman is just more of the same.
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
I have 9...9...9 reasons. =)
My one good reason to reject that nut? The '999' tax plan, deliberately designed to squeeze us more and give it all to the fat cats.
He's a liar. He's backtracking on the Federal Reserve because this issue has finally been brought to the attention of enough people that he can't ridicule them and call them 'stupid' like he did in his book.
I do not dislike Herman Cain. I simply do not believe he is the right person for the job and his 999 plan is going to hurt the working class. When he said "If you don't have a job and you are not rich, blame yourself!" it shows that he does not fully understand or does not want to understand how the economic collapse effected a lot of people.
The 999 plan will add a 9% tax to goods that we already pay a state sales tax on. Here in Tennessee we have a 5.5% state sales tax on unprepared food items. If the 999 plan takes effect people will have to pay a 9% federal sales tax on top of the 5.5% state sales tax thus making the total tax on food 14.5% per unprepared food item. That's just for food. We also pay a 7% state sales tax prescription medication adding a 9% federal sales tax will boost the amount of tax on prescription medication to 16%.
Given how expensive its getting to feed ones family and how expensive some prescription medication already are a 9% additional sales tax could take even more money out of peoples pockets that they don't have. If he was to pair his new tax plan with a increase of minimum wage I might consider it a good idea. Give how the Median Income has taken a dive and how stagnant wages are right now any across the board tax increase on goods is a recipe for disaster.
Remember one of the main reasons that jobs are not coming back as fast as they should be is due to the fact that demand for products and services is increasingly low. As much as the GOP thinks the rich are responsible for creating jobs, a prosperous middle class is more responsible then the rich for job creation and always has been. Don't believe me? Look up supply and demand then look up how it's tied into job creation. Then factor in the fact that the working class is responsible for 70% of demand for products and services.
The more we have to pay in taxes for necessitates, the less money we have to spend elsewhere and the less we are spending elsewhere, the longer its going to take for a lot of the jobs that we lost to come back.
What failing business did he turn around gain???
Godfather's Pizza??
A franchise that I had never heard of until Herman Cain started bragging about how successful he made it??
Find me the CEOs of Starbucks, McDonalds, even Panera Bread for christ's sake!!
Then again, running a country like you would a business is fundamentally flawed anyway.
Another point, I think there is nothing more arrogant than claiming the presidency should be the first elected office you deserve to have. Why not be at least a fucking mayor or anything first?? Here's an asshole claiming people should be doing any job, but anything less than president is beneath him??
Did someone really post this as a topic? He is clueless. They are all crooks. It won't matter if its him, Romney, Obama, they are all the same. We don't have a choice, only the illusion of choice. Not until bribery is removed from politics and we elect someone who wants to reduce federal power to the state level, where our voices can be heard.
I liked him till he stated saying stupid things with no basis in reality.,0,4516329.story?track=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+latimes%2Fnews+%28L.A.+Times+-+Top+News%29 . . . just a thought
More of the same GOP bullshit.
the movement has a message. you can read it on the news page of this site. When Herman Cain subscribes to this message and magnifies it with his current celebrity he will gain credibility with the movement. When he takes direct action to support the movement he will gain some support. When he refuse's all corporate donations, super pac or other wise, he will gain A LOT of support from the movement.
Federal Reserve lackey.
What the heck does "999" mean, anyway. Haven't figured that one out yet.
It's a typo. It's upside down. 6-6-6...
He's not too strong on foreign policy.
ArrestAllCEOS has been unmasked as a TROLL.
I am thankful I am not Republican. Is this the best they can come up with or is he just another " better than option" in a long line of " what could be worse" options? Can't really see anything different from my Democratic party, but at least we already are in the White House. Until the day ever comes where the elected officials inside the Beltway actually make the interests of the people more important than the corporate sponsors with their hands up the backsides of their politician puppets, will there ever be anything productive for our nation come out of Washington.
What do you think about Huntsman?