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Forum Post: Why don't Occupy Wall Street start their own Politial Party?

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 4, 2011, 10:55 p.m. EST by DemocratPRO (0)
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Instead begging Democrats and Republicans to help you fools. Why don't you guys start your own political party and change the laws the way you want it?



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[-] 1 points by zoom6000 (430) from St Petersburg, FL 13 years ago

They made it diffecuilt without money

[-] 1 points by Sanchez (76) 13 years ago

Too much work. You would need a committed and dedicated infrastructure to build a Movement over a period of years or, if they were lucky, two or three if conditions spiral downward which they probably will. In the last hundred years, there have been only two Third Parties that garnered a significant number of votes in Presidential elections: The Progressive or Bull Moose Party of 1912, 1916 and Perot's Reform Party in 1992. At the national level, there have been very few elected to Congress from a Third Party, I suspect. I can't name one but in the early decades of the last century there may have been several. The system is rigged in favor of the two major parties particularly with all the money required to run a campaign and the corporate control of the media. The Plutocracy is in control and the elections are basically for show (throw the dogs a bone here and there, make it seem like they have some influence). The real power resides behind closed doors when the Banksters, Financiers, and Corporate Heads meet with our representatives to plan, plot, connive, and promise deals. They use lobbyists to write most of the bills, the vast majority which are related to business of one sort or another. Elections are crucial to keeping the population quelled. They are for only for public consumption to give the illusion of power. A Radical Reform Movement driven by sincere, dedicated and ethically minded people is always a possibility but the work involved and the number of years it might take is too daunting for most Americans. In the end, they would lie, cheat and steal the elections anyways. Do you really think the super-rich are going to let you reclaim your govt? Fat Chance. From my perspective, there are only four solutions and they are probably far-fetched. First, organize a Movement nationwide which would morph into a Party and run for Congress and President. Second, seize control of the Democratic Party through incredibly hard work. Third, Boycott Elections and get the message to the Power Structure, that until we have public funded elections with another 9 or 10 reforms, voting will not take place. Fourth, Revolution.

The young are idealistic and energized, those in their middle years, too comfortable, for the most part, and those in their latter years, too tired, burned out, cynical. Upton Sinclair (who wrote many books, most prominently The Jungle) ran for Governor of California as a Socialist and nearly won. But that was during the Depression when Socialism and Communism had good names for many of the disenfranchised.

[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

Thank you for this contribution. I 'm in my 50th year but I'm willing to give it all I've got because I have two young children. I would ask you to recommend your first option to everyone you meet as I believe it is within reach. Please read the 99% Declaration here https://sites.google.com/site/the99percentdeclaration/ I know it's hard not to be cynical but from my point of view it's worth the effort. The 99% just might pull it off, 100% of the world would be blown away if they did, lol. Thank you. feel free to msg me

[-] 0 points by figero (661) 13 years ago

because then they'd actually have to stand for something lol!