Forum Post: Why Don't Native Americans Join Us?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 9:44 p.m. EST by RutherfordBHayes
from Buckhannon, WV
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Do they usually vote Republican instead?
Individuals respond or not. Political party and heritage are irrelevant. Belief matters, and conviction matters. You have to believe it is worthwhile, and have the conviction to stand by those beliefs.
They may have but if anyone has learned to keep their heads down... I don't blame them, and we just need to make sure they get a seat at the campfire this time.
Many have a warranted distrust of government.
Maybe they are waiting to do their own Occupy America.
Probably for the same reason that it's whiter than a Tea Party down there - they're not disaffected middle-class white folks.
You'd have to ask each and every one of them yourself. I imagine they each have their own answers. This is sort of a silly question.
I'm not sure but it is Columbus day and to celebrate go to your neighbors house and let them know you own it now.
they where killed