Forum Post: Why doesn't OWS put forward a presidential candidate?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 2, 2011, 9:49 a.m. EST by GeorgeMichaelBluth
from Arlington, VA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
3rd party? If this movement is as big as it seems, surely people would side with the cause?
Worked in australia when the people didn't like either party, got the greens the balance of power.........
because the system is in fact broken and co-opted by the greed of the 1%.
If voting could change anything it would be illegal.
Haha true dat
And the Greens are responsible for pushing their own agenda in the face of overwhelming disapproval from the MAJORITY of Australians.
This movement will never get behind a candidate. But you can. Gov. Buddy Roemer, does not take any special interest money.
Wants Campaign Finance Reform, and to re-enact Glass Stegall. I know, shocking right?! He needs support. He can't even get into the debates - his common sense ideas are just far to radical for the Republican Party.
We wish the current poloticians to stop kissing up to corporate america and advocate for the rights of the 99% also ( that simple)
We wish the current poloticians to stop kissing up to corporate america and advocate for the rights of the 99% also ( that simple)
I wish we could have a third choice. I'm tired of the two parties. We have never had a president who wasn't democratic or republican- EVER!
It's like sports teams- Why are you rooting for your team when you know they aren't the best? "Becuase I have always rooted for them!"
The parties are designed to be a dual system. As unity grows in influence, the world will tend to move more toward reunion rather than branching into even more parties. And maybe the idea of a President isn't as bulletproof as it seemed at first. If you have presidents, you have a centralized power that can be bribed.
Side note: there are a lot of parties in existence that have been ignored and unheard of for decades.
Agreed. But if so many people want this, surely we can get some members into the house?
Unfortunately, whomever decides to represent the people and this movement, and finds themselves elected into congress, will also find themselves at the mercy of lobbyists and the money & power of the 1%. I'm afraid that there's only one way to evoke change.
They don't have to accept the money or lobbyists though?
Right. They don't have to, but chances are very slim that they won't. And the longer they remain in office the more big money will wear them down.
Also agreed. But step 1 is to get people out of the house. Like the proverb goes, "you have to empty your cup". If we mix the clean and dirty water, the results won't be impressive.
Allegedly, there are over 30 security clearance levels above the President. Putting more dolls on stage only makes the show more colorful.
How are you going to get people out of the house?
Because none of OWS can pass a drug test. That, and a job in politics is still a job, and therefore hard.
OWS has no leader nor clear message at this time because it wants to garner as much support as possible. To create a large following, forming it around a common complaint or complaints is the easiest way to go. Everybody pretty much agrees that the governments and banks are corrupted and need to be changed or improved. As soon as OWS starts to propose clear solutions, the group will be fractured between the people who support the solutions proposed and those who don't. This technique is also used by political parties, that is why they are weary of presenting very detailed platforms before elections. Every new detail in the platform divides the followers.
Another reason they don't have a leader is because they dream of governing through direct democracy although many in OWS are already wondering if this is possible on a large scale. Governing a campground with direct democracy is one thing, governing a whole nation with this system is another.
A group of coordinators will be good.
Power corrupts. Really, if we were to put a leader, he/she has to be spiritually strong (not religious) in order to resist corruption and lead without such authority; just a coordinator. We can not afford to have a corrupt leader who will ultimately just sell us out.
Interesting premise. Power corrupts. Then why do so many ows ppl want to give the corrupt government more power? It seems your point is lost on the majority of ppl here
I'm missing your point.
I'm not talking about building a government with a vehicle to dictatorship.
The general theme in this site is that their needs to be more government regulations and intervention to stop injustice. No one seems to realise the irony. I am agreeing with you and wish more would
Stephen Colbert?
Like this guy:
That dude is awesome, mr t's dad? I pity da fool who can't pay no damn rent
One must shower in order to go on the campaign trail. People don't listen to stinky people all that much. That's why I'm the only one posting on your comment....I can smell you through the
That's just mean. I have showered twice today.
The goal of the movement, as sponsored by AdBusters is; cultural jamming and anti-capitalism
That just sounds awful.
Obama 2012!
From what I've seen so far, apparently Obama is the OWS candidate.