Forum Post: Why does the US government Promote so much ignorance and denial of a real scientific education?
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 7, 2011, 12:32 a.m. EST by irsfaggot
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By definition and this is where it gets interesting is 911 truth is not based on truth, remember calling them truthers is an insult that came from opposition, no 911-conspiracist ever called themselves 'truthers'
any more than pro-abortion call them selves anti-life, and or anti-abortion call themselves deferred death, as they love babys, but kill them as adults, ... go figure
Take a step back and lets remember that these 911-theorists, and that's a nice name, cuz its not about conspiracy as nothing is secret.
What I have said is the 911-theorists science I have seen is like the shit that comes from creationists another 'anti-science' group that you see coming from YOUR zionism
The mother load of all today is the global-warming denial people, who are also based on bad-science or fake science,
So lets see in the are of fake science you have
jesus freaks 911-theorists global warming denial
all 3 groups arguments are based on emotional bullshit and not science
I almost want to add abortion, but I firmly believe in womans right to choose.
Today the majority of american's can't even have conversation because of limited education, the entire civilization has been destroyed by stupidity, engineered by the Christian-Right ( zionism ).
The people would vote to regulate the corporations if they knew the truth about global warming. Also, science conflicts with the Bible, and politicians love to use the Bible for votes. Bible followers do as they are told without question.
I think we can agree that throughout the history of western religion the catholic church has fought with science, during the dark-ages they killed scientists everyday and tortured them not unlike dick cheney or obama do. The desired goal was to force the scientists to deny their observations during the dark ages.
Today the Church is a front for Right-Wing Christianity/Zionsism.
Orwell said it best ... IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH
Don't feed the trolls!
its explained here
Why does OWS embrace Ignorance? Why? For what?
they don't. you have been arguing with fake supporters. give it till around 9-10 am central time. big difference.
"deferred death" i must find a way to use that word :)
Today OWS is confronted by the 911 Freaks, they believe that Arabs could not have brought down the WTC towers that it had to have been done by 'dark-forces' reptilian overlords to quote LTR's.
How do you argue with a jeebus freak about how old the earth is? You cannot
How do you argue about the melting temperature of steel with a 911-Freak? You cannot, they'll tell you the sun isn't hot enough to melt steel
How do you argue global warming with a Rush Limbaugh ditto head? You cannot they'll bash your face in by training. They're only argument is "Global warming doesn't exist, this I know cuz limbaugh told me so"
Ignorance of what?
jesus freaks/christian-zionism Inc, - ignore real geology and astrophysics
911-theorists Inc- ignore chemistry, physics
global warming denial Inc, - Deny's climatology, and measurable pollutants
Ignorance of real science allows you to be controlled by Morons.
Why does OWS forum waste so much time on 911 theory?
Why are most people ignorant of real science? Maybe that's why they're at OWS protesting a lack of job or future? Ignorance and will only make you one thing. POOR, and that's a fact.
Heh, from what I hear, ignorance is what is saving bankers from prosecution, so there's that. : p
It is interesting how often 9/11 comes up, wasn't aware it was still an active fringe. For the most part I don't bother with those threads, too far off message. I have a feeling that is the standard reaction.
Please right now write a POST and say what you just said, that IGNORANCE is what keeps DIMON/CORZINE from prison and OBAMA from impeachment,
I agree that 911-theory is a fringe, but so is R-P A U L, and you see a ton here, in my mind its all a distraction, the DNC still see's hope in OWS being co-opted for 2012 re-elect Obama that is why nobody allows any discussion of DIMON/CORZINE because it all goes back to Obama.
Please follow my suggestion, I can tell you care, right a post on how ignorance prevents OWS from staying on focus.
Well you see I don't feel that way, though I do care deeply. As with 9/11, eventually I just grow to allow the Ron Lawls there own little audience while I do my thing, and that is human nature. I consider myself representative of general occupiers, ergo OWS is not generally ignorant, nor absolutely enthralled with these fringes.
My view on politicians is they are currently all various levels of broken, so even if Ron Lawl is the best, that is hardly an endearing title. And Obama is.. well, I don't consider him a threat, though whether or not he vetos the legislated totalitarianism heading his way will be very telling.
I can tell you want to be heard badly, too. My suggestion there would be, in earnest, refrain from caps, and spend some time rereading your comments. It'll go a long way to making people engage your discussion in a thoughtful manner. Also, I would refrain from coming in with sweeping generalizations about occupiers, that will earn you vitriol quickly.
Edit: I hope I don't come off as a pompous jackass, wasn't quite sure how to respond to this : (
Edit2: You are right on the fuzziness of our agendas, I am thinking about how to try to focus us behind a handful of concrete points that everyone across the spectrum agrees on, what I've gotten after speaking to several people is this:
Campaign finance reform/lobby reform - Remove money from politics.
Encourage smart/responsive consumption, engineer the economy with our dollar.
Incentivate employee owned companies (host of reasons for this).
Each could (and does I believe) have its own thread, but they are simple in their essence.
Obama has already made his move, he's against the current totalitarian bill only because it forces him to declared combatants as prisoners of war and thus they would have rights. In Obama's recent decision he made it clear that anyone he holds will have no rights, military or civilian.
Now to the be utmost respect towards you and you giving the magic-negro a 1,000 chances when will you demand his IMPEACHMENT?
Don't like cap's? This is what democracy looks like.
Okay, fair enough. I must ask though, who would you have in charge right now? In my mind, he's the best we got until we can force better.