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Forum Post: Why does OWS have better feeds than CNN?

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 19, 2011, 7:17 p.m. EST by mserfas (652) from Ashland, PA
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I was just watching CNN. First, whether accidentally or on purpose, they showed a glitchy, useless snippet from a protester speaking at Des Moines. Then, they have video of Mitt Romney talking somewhere in New England, with sound quality like the voice disguiser one of those guys from Anonymous used to make threats against Los Zetas.

By comparison, the sound from Tim's TheOther99% live streaming feed, taken from his cell phone, was darn near perfect, and the video not bad, and he went for hours walking around the city with only a few glitches in transmission. And he's not the only one I've seen with such good footage.



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[-] 1 points by talkinboutarevolution (54) 13 years ago

Because CNN is a corporate whore who is trying to appear sympathetic to OWS but in reality wants to shed a bad light on it.