Forum Post: Why does it seem Occupy isn't being covered by the media?
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 8, 2011, 11:21 p.m. EST by Crimzon
from Arizona City, AZ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I catch a glimpse here and a glimpse there on the net or television, but its quickly overshadowed by something else even as pointless as a celebrities birthday or some b.s.?
Is it just me or does anybody else notice?
MSNBC covers Occupy every night. So does Keith Olberman. Anybody with a computer and an internet connection can get Democracy Now every night, which covers Occupy as does Al Jeezera and RT. You can get WBAI on line which has a nightly Occupy show. There is, of course, also streaming. Why worry about the big networks. Even when they do cover Occupy they don't do it accurately. The best way for people to find out about OWS is to go to an occupation, which they will be able to do as soon as we start to re-occupy.
Going to an occupation is better than going to Disneyland. If the weather is nice, you can just drag a chair and start a conversation with all kinds of people (occupiers, visitors, tourists, etc.), and you finally feel like you're ... yeah, home. The public square, the public sphere that disappeared way back when, and that we didn't really know we were missing until we found it (it found us?) amongst people who still believe in a better world. Real sweet.
I like your comment a lot.
MSNBC they do not covers is mater of fact CNN cover more
Big media wants OWS to go away.
Of course, you're right on target. OWS represents a challenge to the status quo which cannot be tolerated. The ruling elite will try to crush OWS and any other movement which threatens their control over our lives. OWS simply has to hang in there and continue to expand the scope of its activities. This resolve will come at a cost because of increasing violence by vicious police suppression of OWS events.
Don't Quit.
Power to the people!
You're in DENIAL. This movement is much larger than it appears. It has many more supporters who are unable to participate in the demonstrations. Once the cyber movement gets rolling, you will be overwhelmed.
A kayak psychologist. Suddenly Occupy has a synonym and a homonym in the same word: EVICTION!
When your activities are up to even 1 percent of the U.S. population please let me know.
they can want in one hand, and defecate in the other, and see which one gets full.
Simple. BOTH parties are scared. GOP led Fox and Dem infested MSNBC are hoping it goes away. Both fear losing their grip on power, and use the excuse we will take votes away from their respective canidate. Power to the people. (Rest in peace J.L. )
Because that is what they do, distract, divide and conquer.
Occupy needs to surround the TV stations and demand they use our public airwaves to serve the public interest or we will have their license revoked.
good point. freedom of press...
Here here!
We need to take it to the media. Surround the stations until they tell the truth!
Part of it is the movement has an image problem. Right or wrong it's seen as young people complaining. News isn't even news any longer, it's all entertainment and OWS isn't pulling in the viewers. It gets some coverage on left leaning and far left outlets but that seems to be it.
Kind of depressing the way people view the "youth"
Especially since a lot of them have fallen through the cracks. Not old enough to have established a secure financial environment, yet too young to cry out about the back lash of the economy.
Forced to flip burgers with a degree and student loans now hanging over their heads. Somehow, someway mcdonalds is going to pay that loan right off yes sir!
If the media will not cover the protest properly (and there is NOTHING more important than this right now and they know it)...then we have to take it to the media...with signs that are large enough and written so plainly that even the dumbest of media talking heads can get it.
Make them embarrassed to be protecting the 1% at the expense of the rest. Get in their faces on the way to the car, make so much noise outside they cannot ignore it.
The media goes on creating their own Karl Rove explained "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."
Well it is time to turn that bullshit on it's head. We need to stop allowing them to use our public airwaves to protect themselves in their little bubble of reality they want to create.
We need to get those fools off of our public airwaves, and until then, start making them miserable for being fascist tools.
When OWS first started, the MSM thought it was going to be a pro-Democratic Party movement. That got them excited and they were all on board to support it and Fox liked it as it gave them a new "enemy" to focus on. Since there has been no endorsements of political parties and no major violence, it has dropped off the map. Now the Dems want to take control like the Repubs did with the TEA Party. Until OWS starts to voice pro-Dem talking points, it will be ignored or marginalized.
i see the same thing. i think it's because they cannot predict what will happen from one day to the next so they don't know how to spin it. they are incapable of reporting without spin, they need spin for their ratings.
I am the leader of OWS and will start doing interviews with all the major networks next week. I got a slogan "If you don't want the 1% screwing you anymore then you got Chesty on your side" Hell yeah. They are going to notice this
9/11 Truth get's far less MSM attention. I hear about OWS every day on the news (WTOP). 9/11 Truth is virtually ignored. Of course WTOP never reports on what people in the OWS movement are saying. All they say is that "they don't seem to know what they want". "Some of them want one thing, and others want another." Which is just grand from my POV. F' the MSM.
The main stream media could care less about this movement. For all the occupy black Friday hype, no one even reported on it that I saw. Instead the lame stream reported on how strong sales were.
I google-news a few times a day for "OCCUPY" and get a ton of links.
You people are expecting what?
Your getting more attention than you deserve,
Your only going to get mega-attention when you destroy property MSM loves that shit, ... but I see new news on google-news everyday. All over the world everyone where people are doing 'occupy'.
Maybe you mean OWS? But OWS is just a fruit-loop minor player, ... OWS is only important in its own mind, the real world 'occupy ...'
It was covered fairly heavily by the MSM about a month ago. It does seem that interest has waned recently though.
Only MSMs interest. I think that people are still interested it's just MSM has been directed to ignore
OWS isn't doing enough to be covered on press. The movement is weakening.
Oh really? Did you see Boston tonight?
Please watch the traffic site and see how it is sinking.
Media isn't interested anymore. The movement is slowing down. Opposing people are still common. I'm sure there is much more that can be done.
MSM will cover whatever their viewers are interested in. clearly, ows has stopped being interesting.
No MSM will tell the clones what to find interesting.
The movement isn't as big as you think it is.
I can only laugh at your clueless assertion. OWS became a worldwide movement within weeks of its founding in NYC, and has shaken the ruling elite of the world to their core.
it might be world wide, but as far as numbers of actually participants, pretty small. And I highly doubt any ruling elite are shaken much, its pretty much just a laughing stock within the 1%. hell even a lot of the 99% think its silly.
There are a LOT of us who can't make it IRL protests due to work, family commitments, etc.
I'm sure if we had some bumper stickers or other promo materials made that people could publicly display, then we would see how many people are supporting this from the sidelines.
I google-news a few times a day for "OCCUPY" and get a ton of links.
You people are expecting what?
Your getting more attention than you deserve,
Your only going to get mega-attention when you destroy property MSM loves that shit, ... but I see new news on google-news everyday. All over the world everyone where people are doing 'occupy'.
Maybe you mean OWS? But OWS is just a fruit-loop minor player, ... OWS is only important in its own mind, the real world 'occupy ...'
Make sure you all differentiate "Occupy ..." and "OWS"
Occupy Wall Street is a sick joke, these faggots don't even have the balls to go after GoldmanSachs or Corzine or Obama,
OccupyPortland, OccupyGreece, OccupyJapan ... is where the action is and they ain't got nothing to do with the NYC faggots.
No. The reason why is because nobody gives a shit anymore. Big and little media. You're not doing anything, so whats the point?? Do you want up to date coverage on Ground Zero also??