Forum Post: Why do you think other countries hate the USA?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 28, 2011, 1:23 a.m. EST by TrevorMnemonic
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Did you know that the original Bush administration and the UN used Hitler military tactics against Iraq? Bombing their clean water resources, bombing factories that provided food... which was needed by their INNOCENT civilians to survive... It's how you exterminate a society. Cut off their food. And people in America called it PATRIOTIC. Another Hitler tactic that was used was the long distance missile strikes. Using guided missiles, weapons that could be used to kill at a distance, they do that so those doing the killing need not have to face the reality of what they were doing. It's all just a point on a map. They have no idea a child is in that house eating dinner with their family.
Madeline Albright said the price of half a million deaths of children was worth it! Why do you think other countries hate the USA? It's not too late. We can save our nations reputation in the world. All you have to do is be aware and informed and act upon that knowledge. Everyone must be aware. Tyrants run our country.
Bush and Cheney are clearly war criminals.
And so is your boy O-bomb-ya
The war in Libya is a bullshit operation. All the Obama administration and NATO did was support terrorists like the government and the CIA did in 1979 when they funded and armed Osama bin Laden and the Afghan Arabs and the Muhajireen. Yeah those sadistic fucks made Afghanistan way better. Mission accomplished. Our government is full of fucking lying hypocritical tyrants. Obama is doing the same exact shit he claimed to denounce Bush for before Obama was president. Fuck these presidents and their bullshit lies and their wars that slaughter millions. About a million innocent Iraqi civilians have died sine the 90's to the wars we waged against Iraq and the sanctions put upon them. Obama works for the same fucking Machine that Bush did. Up next war in Pakistan, Syria, or possibly Iran. Maybe the world? We'll have some troops hang out in Kuwait for now. This is the world we live in. Can't you see this is the Land of Confusion?
@ TrevMnem. : Thanx for your passionate and accurate posts.
Right up to the nineteen seventies and end of the eighties, The USA was held in very high regard right across the Muslim world for being against 'Godless Communism' and for being "a republic based on laws" which had overthrown its colonial overlords, gained independence & dignity and which gave 'honour unto G*d'. Many Muslims saw the USA as a country to be admired and emulated.
However, US Foreign Policy since WW II has been to see Islam as a bulwark against 'Communism' and to this end The USA has been allied to, in league with and in support of every reactionary, anti-progressive regime across the Muslim World.
Alas, with the end of The Cold War and The Fuelling, Stoking and provoking of a "Clash Of Civilisations" ( ) - as heavily postulated, proselytised, promulgated and promoted by the numerous Neo-Colonialists, Neo-Liberal Fundamentalists & Neo-Con PNACers ( ) AND a 'New & Hot' "War Against Terror" disguising an Old Fashioned Global Imperial Resource Grab ; the relations between The U$A and Muslim Nations are now at an all time low.
Alors, quel debacle et quel dommage ...
Further, to my post above and your "The war in Libya is a bullshit operation.", I repost the following from a previous thread :
The new front on the 21st century resource wars is Africa and Libya is 'Chapter 1' ! AFRICOM ( ) is now in full swing & with reference to Libya and for some information from beyond the MSM veil, I post some points & observations :
1) Libya's offer to other African countries to trade, exchange & barter Libya's gas & oil ( ) in exchange for agricultural produce, raw materials & especially Gaddaffi's ideas for an African GOLD backed currency { }, which would thus have undermined existing notions of the "petro-dollar" and demand for the U$D as the Global Reserve Currency ... is Absolutely Critical to understanding NATO's War on Libya ;
2) A dark & ever avaricious corporate eye is upon Libya's unlikely but very real, Huge Water Resources ( ), which will be available for future export to Malta, Sicily, Egypt & Tunisia etc., { } ;
3) Libya has next to no national debt and is NOT in hock to the Unholy & Usurious WTO / IMF / World Bank - Nexus. Libya's 2010 notional debt was less than $6.4 Billion & 9% of GDP at a per capita debt of only ~$970/person - (See line 99, ) ;
4) Having a State Owned Central Bank, Libya is not a member of that Elitist Club of Private Central Bankers, the Bank of International Settlements. One of the first acts of "The Rebels" was to establish A New Private Central Bank of Libya ( ). This point can NOT be Emphasised Enough ;
5) Libya ( ) has a very small population relative to its size (~6.5M) & thus seems ripe for de facto take over in the always avaricious eyes of The Empire & the Global Oligarchs, who with the help, blood & lives of "The Rebels", will now seek to turn Libya into yet another Imperial Fiefdom.
Alas, the modus operandi of this latest WAR for Resources & Imperial Hegemony is now increasingly clear for us all to see. Libyans should be extremely wary about "throwing the baby out with the bath water" and of "jumping out of the frying pan & into the fire" ; as becoming indentured Wage-Slaves to the Oily-garchs and being in perpetual Debt-Bondage to The Infernal Banksters will NEVER constitute Liberty, Prosperity or Dignity for Libyans.
fiat lux et fiat pax ...
Thanks for the post shadz.
You seem to know a lot. I'm always interested in information. So I ask a question on any topic of corruption... do you have any "crazy" info on anything else? I would have to say that easily 5 times a week someone points me in a new direction of information on different topics and I am always grateful. The truth must be known on everything.
@ Trev : Mate, I don't know anything that someone hasn't told me or taught me OR that I haven't read and digested from someone else. 'Crazy' is a subjective notion, however below I post a few links for your consideration :
a) ,
b) ,
c) ,
d) &
e) .
veritas vos liberabit (= The Truth Will Set You Free!) & ;-)
I meant "crazy" as in "I can't believe this is true but it actually is." You know when you're in absolute shock that something is that corrupt.
Thanks for the info
Well Trevor, I can't claim to uniquely know something that millions of others also don't also know but recently I was made aware of certain video evidence re. Shanksville, Pennsylvania (see below), which with all the other evidences {too numerous to list & link} has resulted in my "9/!! Meme-Equation" being adjusted :
9/11 - NORAD + Thermite x (WTC1 + WTC2) + {WTC7 x WTF!!!} + [Pentagon - Plane + GlobalHawk / Missile] + UA93 - C.S.I. = COUP d'ETAT ...
Thus, please see and digest the following :
a) Re. UA93 ; ,
b) Re. WTC7; ,
c) Re. Pentagon; &
d) Re. WTC 1&2; .
"Crazy" ?! Maybe ... and maybe NOT !
verbum satis sapienti ...
All politicians are corrupt. It's practically impossible to get such a position without being or becoming corrupt. The big problem is people fighting over who is more or less corrupt, instead of coming together.
He has continued to many things I have disagreed with. Too much collateral from drone attacks. I think he thinks he needs to be a bit of a Hawk or the right will call him weak on defense. I think that is the wrong tact. But, at least he didn't pull the first trigger and send all those troops to Iraq in the first place.
Ur right. Unneccasily bombing 7 nations is no biggie. At least he didnt start Iraq or Afghan. What the hell is wrong with this country!
My research informs me that the USA has soldiers in over 140 nations/regions all over the world. As the New Roman Empire, why should occupied nations have any love for America?
We don't care if they love us or not. Our presence is there to help encourage peace and build trust. We have the best trained solidiers and our presence in other nations plays a big role in providing them with assistance to training thier solidiers. We also have things set up to provide relief in many regions. Don't worry I already know you are one of those left leaning liberals who view the military as nothing more than our staff of imperialism.
Are you serious? Do you really believe this?
Last time I checked I was not a member of Code Pink.
So we are killing millions of innocent men, women and children and stealing their resources to help encourage peace?
Nice Liberal sources!
This one is not liberal ... just shows facts in different areas:
Maybe you should go there and to the other ones as well to give you a broader outlook. Peace
Someones blog is not a very credible source, and by the way I read about the guy running it and yes he is a liberal.
So okay, but the facts are real and he gives live links to support. Just thought I would offer this information to you. You do not have to read. Good luck ... (-:
Are you good looking?
lol At age 64 I think not!
Love, light and joy to you ...
Your country? You mean a freemason state of managed democracy.
We all know that, you should post on some other places.... this is OWS, we we whant END OF WAR, just becuase that.
I am always amazed at how worried the U.S. gets about other countries having/developing nuclear weapons. I mean, who are we to tell other sovereign nations what weapons they can have?
'Merica. Yeah it's absurd. No one should have nukes. Period. Not even the USA. It was a sad day when the atom bomb was created. No one can win at global nuclear war.
I know we should not even tell them how we feel, we should just go kick some @$$ and let the rest think twice about it.
Because we have Jack In the Box and other cool stuff that they do not have.
I'll just point out one of the many reasons. The government helped put most of those dictators and hardline regimes in power in the middle east through finical and military backing. The government did everything to keep those people in power while turning a blind eye to what they where doing to there people, so long as they would sell us oil for dirt cheap. If and when one of these dictators or regimes stopped playing by our governments rules, our government made them out to be bad guys and started a war with them. The Gulf War and Bush Jr's war in Iraq are great examples of this.
yessir. Just like when the CIA funded Osama bin Laden and the rest of the Afghan Arabs and the Muhajireen in 1979. Obama is currently doing that to Libya.
Bin Laden never worked for the CIA.
In 1996, Mr. Fisk interviewed bin Laden again. The arch-terrorist was equally adamant: “We were never, at any time, friends of the Americans. We knew that the Americans supported the Jews in Palestine and that they are our enemies.”
Look it up. The CIA in 1979 funded the Muhajideen and the Afghan Arabs. Osama was a prominent member of the Afghan Arabs. If you don't believe me, look it up online.
Not to mention how shallow, materialistic and wasteful America is along with America trying to push their values on the rest of the world and stealing their resources. Personally, I am ashamed of being an American!
I'm not ashamed. I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore. We must spread the truth and get corruption out of the government.
Then leave the US! Go live somewhere that is up to the standard you prefer. If I felt the way you do about the US I would find somewhere more suitable.
AND why should I move from my country???? Oh, I should just stay apathetic and keep my mouth shut? OR should I help create CHANGE?
AND anyway we could not leave even if we wanted to because our house is underwater owing 98k and our 120k house is now worth only 78k. We are in our 60s and depend on SS and State pensions. So you see we have been screwed and are stuck.
Then get the fuck out.
AND why should I move from my country???? Oh, I should just stay apathetic and keep my mouth shut? OR should I help create CHANGE?
Stay apathetic and keep your mouth shut.
I would be very happy to do that and live my life, but when it threatens my life and others I am afraid I cannot. Peace
Move out of the U.S. already. I am not saying it to be a jerk to you. You seem very dissatisfied with this nation and obviously have a higher opinion about other places. You have the freedom to choose where to live, and that is a benefit the vast majority of the world does not have. If I felt the way your post's tone makes it seem then I would definately be going somewhere else in the globe. For example if the US were to convert to being a communist nation I would move down probably to South America.
AND why should I move from my country???? Oh, I should just stay apathetic and keep my mouth shut? OR should I help create CHANGE?
The media has shielded Americans from knowing the truth about what our military does in other countries and it also never provides a realistic view of how other nations operate in society. The same is true of their media news - hell they still think that the Western part of the U.S. still has cowboys and Indians fighting.
Imperialistic Pricks without a heart?
people in other countries do not hate us. They want to come here and live and work. There are a couple of countries that do hate us because I see them all lined up on the tv bowing to something. That's what people think they are doing, but what they are really doing is showing us their ass. they are saying kiss my ass in sign language. Now those people ought to have a boot swung right up in there.
kay. Here's the deal.
you sound just a bit hysterical. Citing Hitler is silly. Churchill initiated a campaign of bombing in Europe during WWII that resulted in what are called firestorms - conflagrations of such magnitude they create their own weather. Dresden was one of at least three European cities burned to the ground in this manner. When a nation contemplates war, they are contemplating murder on a mass, industrialized scale - smart countries engaged in such contemplation will consider carefully how best to bring their opponent to capitulation with as much speed and efficiency as possible - considerations of who is killed rarely go beyond those in leadership positions. Smarter countries strategize ways to achieve their aims without recourse to war.
The V2 rocket was not a guided missile, it simply came out of the sky when it was out of fuel. This was a weapon of terror, and not a method that could provide reliable military objectives on any battle field.
While our venture into Iraq was wrong it does not explain why other countries hate America. It explains the recent distrust that has developed regarding US foreign policy - distrust that the election of President Obama itself helped alleviate.
Iraqi society was not exterminated.
It is kinda hypocritical to complain about Iraqi deaths under Bushite military policy and strategy, while at the same time deaths in Mexico since 2006 have topped 45,000 - all in response to competition in the process of meeting American Consumer Demand.
After every bullshit operation the hate of the world against America increases and its economy falls. There is no solution to this problem. You'll finish in the black hole of the history and the rsponsability of that will be yours and only yours. Obama is formed of the same stuff of the other governors and the next President will be the same. The evil is in their head and isn't recoverable.
They hate the ignorant slacker Obama. 88 rounds of golf...and counting
I call him George W. Obama
Why do the Dead hate their KILLERS?
Shit that's a tough one,
The problem is the US is fed shit on TV 24/7 that they're the good guys, ... that's problem #1.
The truth is there is ONLY one SATAN on earth and that is the USA, and its people.
What did I do to anyone? I'm trying to stop this shit and spread the truth to people. We have 4th reich style media. It's called Fox News and this propaganda lies and creates bullshit. If Fox News hates Obama so much why won't they tell everyone how Obama and NATO supported terrorists in Libya?
People need to wake up.
I think alot of countries love Americans
keep putting your head in the sand America
Because they know the truth. Watch this.
Other countries hate U.S. because of the greed, racism, imperialism, intolerance & hate that infests America. Look around you. Just LOOK at what African-Americans have to deal with EVERY DAY.
Land of the free? If you're white. Land of opportunity? Really ONLY if you're a straight white male.
because you are a bunch of assholes, conceited and stubborn who think you are the world
that picture is pretty much it
I don't. But yes, a lot of people sure do.
I do not think about it. Do you know why? Uninteresting! Interesting to others. There is a solution that could put an end to all evil. By the way, there is a prophecy Vanga. Idea, that will set a final Peace - will be from Russia. I'm sure - She was a Right!
As a Canadian i do not hate the U.S. You are leading the Occupy charge in many ways, and represent 'freedom' in many ways better than maybe any other country, at least ostensibly in an ideological sense, though in reality there seems to be a great dichotomy and disconnect between many of you, though perhaps not so much more so than anywhere else really.
Lets face it though, your government and many of the bankers, corporations are corrupt and need to go or change drastically, and though it is an international issue, much of the power is stationed in one way or another in your country.
Regardless of all of that, i think the bottom line is this is a worldwide issue, the financial crisis, abuses of power, repression, human rights violations etc. etc. reach beyond any borders, and i believe any solutions must eventually do the same thing, not to take away from any progress made on the national level, perhaps that is where it must start in a sense.
thanks for the comment Canada. It sucks that it is global. I always tell myself I'll move to Canada if things get any worse.
Why not move now? It's already a better place.
"'cos we are there!"
Trevor please go to and raise hell, or find my post and like it, something to draw attention to S.1867 and russias mention of global war. it sounds small but if we can get one show to start the day with this, all the networks will do it just to keep up.
USA is selling dollar and weapon to other countries only.
Yeah, and the way they show how much they hate us by risking their lives to escape or leave their own countries and come here for the kinds of opportunities and a standard of living found no where else...what says hate more than that?!?! great question. keep up the good work. this is nothing at all like caricature, either. no, you are to be taken seriously. very serious, what with your profound thoughts that are well thought out and so goshdarn precise!
Please cut the fucking SHIT.
There is NOW a waiting list for ten years to denounce your US citizenship, MORE people want to leave the US then enter. The rich all want to get the fuck out.
You know only 2 country's on earth require you to file tax returns when your an EX-PAT?? You know which? The US & Libya, two fucking dictatorships,
All other countrys when you leave your done, the USA requires you to file with the IRS to the day you die, no matter where you live, the only way out is to de-nounce your citizenship, and that is a ten year waiting list otherwise all the money would already be gone.
does the fact that millions of people risk their lives to leave places you probably think are swell to come here make you throw a fit all the time?
or are you on all-hissy all-the-time?
Our country having better average standards of living has nothing to do with us bombing other countries and killing innocent people. Everything in this video is fact. If you don't believe that, google it.
and despite bombings that are far from perfect, millions of people STILL will risk their lives escaping from socialist hell-holes or other 3rd world nightmare states to come here. that's how much they "hate" us. what a joke.
let's say you had a malignant tumor with a very low chance of successful surgical removal and recovery. but against all odds, the doctor pulls it off. the tumor is removed and you are cancer-free. when the doctor comes to see you after you wake up, are you going to complain about the shoes he is wearing and that the stitches in your torso where the tumor was removed aren't perfectly symmetrical, thus declaring the whole operation a complete failure? because that's the kind of bunghole you come across as:
someone who simply wants to whine, bitch and complain. all glasses are half-empty, if it isn't perfect it is awful, and gimme gimme gimme.
Are there really worse places than the USA? I don't think so. The USA has more people incarcerated than the rest of the world combined.
The USA has more NUKES than the rest of the world combined.
The USA spends MORE money on WAR than the rest of the world combined.
another silly little hissy fit from the biggest crybaby in the world.
so what do you make of the millions and millions of people who risk it all to come here for freedom and opportunity available nowhere else?
your inability to answer this question speaks volumes about you and your intentions. you just want to rant and whine.
Do you ever fucking sleep? What time is it where you are?? Its 11:30am here at my shack.
I don't believe for a second that the USA was ever a great place, I'm flipino, and live far from the great devil nation you call the USA. But my people all know the truth about the USA and have been fighting US imperialism for 200+ years.
The only people who want to go to the USA are un-educated idiots, there still are people in Somalia, or Uganda, or Myanmar that think US streets are paved with gold, but EDUCATED people world over know the streets of the US are paved with SHIT&human-blood,
Even the Mexicans are no longer going to the US as the job's are gone, why the fuck are children protesting in NYC? Cuz they're rich jew parents lost it all to the Madoff Ponzi. I think most people in Europe, or CHINA, most places know the truth. Look at your OWN CIA FACTBOOK, the USA is a 3rd world country with NUKES. The education level of the USA is PAR with Haiti, and Zimbabwe.
This MYTH that the USA is special and people want to go there is ONLY for the most POOR, even Grad-Students today are no longer lined up to go the US, because of fear.
Nothing more needs be said but 2 things. 1) usa has more people in prison than the rest of world combined 2.) USA spends more on war than the rest of the world combined
It's an UGLY fucking place, where the people watch TV and are fed shit 24/7, there never was and never will be any good from the USA.
there are so many wonderful people from the Philippines here in the USA. many of them work in health care and I have met a countless number of them. warm, friendly and wonderful people who are educated and intelligent and know how to give loving care to sick people.
you must be a failure in all aspects of your life to be so bitter and angry.
on top of that, it drives you crazy that millions of people from all over the world risk everything to come here, including so many from your own country. maybe they are trying to get away from the stink and vileness of you.
manny pacquaio also loves the USA. he is able to help so many of his countrymen because of the freedom and opportunity America has given him.
your anger and crying makes me laugh, you jealous fool.
And yet the our armed forces are full of all those America hating filipinos so that they can get citizenship in this UGLY fucking place. Nice call, way to speak for your .0001%.
You ever been here? Seen what your bases have done? Turned all our women into WHORES. You really think that GI-JOE raping Asian women makes you great? You know what GI-JOE calls our women to their face? "LITTLE BROWN FUCKING MACHINES". We're NOT even human to the mind of the white-man, so don't feed me any shit. Perhaps in the USA you are fed shit 24/7 but we judge people on their actions, all that we ever see of the USA here is your war machine, and drunken killers chasing our women.
Yes actually I have been there, and you still didn't address the points I made only a continuation of the rant you were on before. Doing those types of things don't make anyone great, but that has nothing to do with the greatness or ungreatness of a nation. By the way, it hurt your country alot more when the U.S. Miliary left at you governments request than it helped, that is why two years after they pulled out, your country was begging them to come back.
Hurt who the guy's selling beer and whiskey near the base? The whores? Why do you fuckheads support your military adventurism?
How would you like to have a 'base' of fuckhead drunks living near your home trying to fuck your children 24-7?
Yea, begging probably like saying your country is BEGGING the cops' to kill all the OWS protesters.
The difference between me & you is I use my eyes, and you depend on your media to education you.
Talking about 'begging' once the Kent-State style killing of OWS protesters your government will be telling the people on Fox-News that the public was 'begging' for this 'final solution', yes begging,
But its all good that we have changed the subject from rich white kids pissed off that their parents lost their inheritance to the subject of how the USA has fucked the world.
Ok so your obviously a hater and that's cool, but why don't you try reading some history or maybe finding out what an economic disaster it was to make the military leave before you spew. Make sure you go tell Manny P to stop comming to America for his fights so that he can stop living the life he is because he comes here. Educate yourself so you don't sound so foolish and try to speak for the thousands of your countryman who fight and die for this nation.
I wonder what countries could survive their status quo in the event of our collapse. I wonder which countries haven't received some sort of aid from us at some point or another.
Therefor, other countries can look themselves in the mirror before judging us.
And now we have "Operation Iraqi Freedom" formally known as "They Have Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq".... Also known as the thing that has lead to the killing of a known 150,000 unarmed innocent civilians.
War kills.
Maybe we should just fund rebels like they did in 1979 and see how that turns out. Oh... that group funded by the CIA and the government turned into Al Qaeda? Oh shit. What about in 2011? It seemed to work for Libya. Oh... they turned out to be terrorists that kill and torture and are full of members of Al Qaeda. Damn. Why aren't any of these strategists, presidents, congressmen, the UN, the CIA, and NATO being held accountable for these war crimes and acts of treason? Supporting Al Qaeda is treason and Obama and NATO supported terrorism in Libya.
I want to go to the kangaroo place. : )
Lulz seen it before but it's still just as ridiculous, true, sad, and funny.
ommmmgggg!!! too funny!
hahahahahah I love it ^^^. So true. So so very true. I wish more could see the irony of what a joke the US has become!
And now after murdering 24 Pakistani soldiers, US and other NATO forces might find themselves stuck for a lot longer with a lot less in Afghanistan.
See info on Steve Jobs being taken out ... at:
Update from David Wilcock on September 16, 2011
80 different countries have now formed an alliance against the Old World Order / Nazi-esque cabal:
Satanic reptilian bush was a nazi spy (his nazi last name is "scherf") (The nazis in the white house – part 24 – see bottom of page for all parts from 1 on – - 2 bush brothers, a nazi spy and a nazi war hero )
More info at:
That's because the USA is run by nazis who have the "depopulation agenda" in mind because they worship lucifer / aka satan and do their best to kill as many christians (any God's law abiding citizens) so to trap their souls at the end of this 26,000 year cosmic cycle.
Please keep an open mind (because God did not give us a stagnant brain) and study the following information. It's at:
If there is a God, it's not the one in the bible or any book written by men. God is more likely to be happiness in my opinion. Happiness is the state of heaven.
What in the hell is a "Hitler military tactic"?
The strategies they used. It's a turn of phrase.
The Nazi's invented the guided missile. They bombed the clean water, factories that produced food, crops, and much more so the innocent people would starve, or die of dehydration, or sickness from drinking unsanitary water. These tactics were internationally outlawed after WWII.
As an active member of the US military, I find this blatantly wrong. Long range missiles are used to save lives. they are used very precisely and sparingly. Have you driven a Mercedes? so did Hitler, ever driven in a BMW? they made engines for Hitlers tanks. How about seen a blimp? shot a gun? just because hitler did something does not make that act evil. Tanks and planes were mastered by Hitler. should we abolish those too? get your facts straight before spouting nonsense.
Save lives by blowing up the clean water supply? Can you explain this? You should know this is an illegal act.
You can disagree with my comparison to Hitler, but you can't deny that 500,000 children died in Iraq because of UN sanctions in the 90's. You can't deny that over a million innocent people have died in these wars since the 90's. You can't deny that. It's all fact. Sorry sir, I appreciate your oath to our country, but I don't agree with what a corrupt government does with your dedication.
I have a cousin still in the military, I have 2 friends who used to be in the military, and I've watched and read a lot about the Veterans Against the War in Iraq. I also read a lot about civilian "casualties." The only person who thinks he's been doing something necessary, that I personally know, is my cousin who's only been in Afghanistan.
Fight terrorism. Hell yes. But you and I both know that Iraq was not a threat to us and they never had WMD's.
they definitely had WMDs. we stood by and watched idly as Saddam gassed thousands of kurds because some of them wanted to form their own nation. also, the figure is 103-113 thousand civilians killed in Iraq since 2003 by violence, not just us, they kill their own people. your numbers are incredibly exaggerated.
I think you misread my post and assumed I'm referring to just "Operation Iraqi Freedom." My post includes what has been done to Iraq since the 1990's. Did you not watch the video in my link where Madeline Albright admits that a known 500,000 Iraqi CHILDREN had died due to UN sanctions in 1996?
Here it is again
is the US the only member of the UN? i think there are 192 other member countries that share in that responsibiltiy
Yes but along the way the US presidents say "I fully support the UN sanctions." I'd be okay if we at least voted against it and didn't support it. But that's not what went down. The USA is not infallible.
nope we aren't but we aren't the sole reason that their are issues in the world like the people in this forum, who are also in the movement, would have me believe
We are one of 3 countries taking violent explosive action on a decade long basis. Obama has bombed more countries than Bush.
we have been bombing nations for years. and nations have been bombing other nations for even longer. china and Taiwan, north and south korea, india pakistan, the list goes on and on. a nation won't last five minutes with the use or atleast threat of military action. its a fundamental part of the international anarchy that we live in
I guess that makes it all okay. Cool I'll go back to watching American Idol while the government violates the constitution in acts of wars while stripping away our bill of rights with the justification of war.
yes, white phosphorous is used against enemy combatants, as a smoke screen, and as illumination. the US did not sign the UN treaty banning its use. until you have been in the chaos of battle, you have no right to dictate the ways in which me and the men around me save ourselves. in war, people die. its the nature of the business, no one likes it but it happens. if your stupid enough to shoot at my humvee, im going to do whatever i can to put you out of commission as soon as possible, be that rocket, rifle, or grenade. i will do wahtever i can to prevent civilian casualties but some are just unavoidable. when you show me clean war i will show you successful OWS.
And if you're stupid enough to drive your humvee all the way across the ocean into MY country, then I'm going to put IED's everywhere, hoping you hit one.
You obviously didn't watch the video; that was raining fire, and for a sense of context, that was a city underneath the raining fire, and incase you're still a murderous biggot about it, those people had their flesh burned off their bodies. 70,000 people. Civilians.
I cannot contain my disgust for people like you.
then write your senator but if its me or the guy shooting at me then he is going down. war sucks. people die. it can't always be prevented
The ONLY just war is for Self Defence ... otherwise as US Marine General Smedley Butler said, "War Is A Racket" : and only Homicidal Psychopaths AND Billionaire Banksters desire war ; !!
fiat pax !
i never said i desired war, i said that i would fight it though. that whole war is only for self defense argument is a load of isolationist crap. war is for defending a countries security and interests. it is a necessary part of the anarchist international system that we live in.
Well said.
Google for Max Boot empire.
They HATE the USA cuz they know the history,
THE USA people get all they know from watching TV,
The world knows what is going on
The USA only is kept in the dark and fed shit, but they enjoy it,
The majority of USA people 99% are so full of shit that they deserve the government they have.
These nazi bastards / cabal kiled J.F. Kennedy too:
Quoting from:
"11. In 1963, President John F. Kennedy entered into an Agreement with President Soekarno to provide the funds to allow the United States Treasury to print its own currency, thus subverting the “right” to print the currency held by the Federal Reserve. The Agreement would have transferred some 59,000 tons of gold to underpin this currency. The problem with this was that the US domestic currency would have then been backed by gold which would have been a violation of international agreements meant to stabilize currencies. 11 days after signing this agreement, President Kennedy was assassinated. President Johnson the suspended EO11110 as issued by Kennedy and transferred the bullion to the Federal Reserve. The Green Hilton Agreement was not implemented until 1968 when Soekarno fell from office and when Global Trade made it imperative that the world have a Global Currency. As the Gold had been transferred to the US Treasury in 1968, a series of Bonds known as Kennedy Bonds were issued in order to honor the terms of the Green Hilton Agreement made between Kennedy and Soekarno, the 1968 terms of the gold delivery to the United States being different than made in 1934. When after 30 years, interest had not been paid as promised, a reissue of the bonds in an increased number were issued as commemorative notes and were accepted by the owners of the Gold, the Dragon Family."
WoW is anyone reading here involved with international law who can comment on the lawsuit reported at WinWinforAll's link? I read the quote to someone who was in school the day Kennedy was killed and served in Vietnam. He said it sounded familiar and that another friend (now deceased) with a background in military and political history would have really known about it. He says that organizations such as the John Birch Society exist to make sure that the history is not forgotten and relegated to a mere paragraph as today's textbooks tend to do in 'dumbing down' our next generation-how many reading here really know that America did not lose in Vietnam? Use any search engine to find the truth and be thankful for those who preserve information, truth on matters and history.
economic warfare and conventional warfare hand in hand
Or, maybe they hate America because they are not America. It is no secret that many non-American's flood this site in an attempt to influence the discussion in the direction of there host countries failed government systems.
I live in Nebraska. I love America. I just hate a corrupt war mongering government that slaughters millions of people throughout the globe in 25 years. A corrupt government that starts wars based on lies is unconstitutional and a disgrace to America.
Go look up Operation Northwoods and tell me you still love a corrupt government.
Back then we had presidents like JFK who didn't allow this type of Bullshit. Then he got shot.
That has nothing to do with the topic of this thread. The question was "Why do you think other countries hate the USA."
I posted this thread. The question is rhetorical. It is just the title. The info and the truth is in the body of the text.
Our country is run by frauds. If you think the government is perfect and in no way corrupt, go walk out and start a rally for loving the government with signs that say "The government is perfect" and see how many people join your cause.
Who cares what other countries think!
I do. You want world war or something? Such a pigheaded comment of yours.
Who cares! We would win. Everyone else is a wuss compared to us!
I'm just going to hope that you're 14 and misguided.
Why so you could molest me? Thank goodness for me, Im not 14 and not misguided.
lulz. No because an adult shouldn't be as stupid as you are. Your comment right there only shows your childish mindset even more.
You say childish mindset, I say cautious mindset.
War is war and military tactics haven't changed all that much since Biblical times actually. They hate us because we live in the richest nation on earth, have more than anyone else, a higher standard of living, and we still whine, moan complain and bully everyone else because we think someone has to be the firm parent.
Do you live in a bunker, ramous? Wake up! The States are very poor now. A lot of people haven't a job, a house or anything to do. They sleep on the pavements and can't exploit a national health service. Quite a lot of cities have no more the lights in the streets. The american economy is worst than the european one and you governors have cut the military budget two times in a year. They kill innocent people because they know they have lost their place in the world.
Overblown media. We've had MUCH worse recessions than this one. Its just now there is global communication so a lot more drama about it.
If you think so, I'll let you in your convinction. But I'm sorry that you will remain deeply deluged.
Oh good god, look it up. Its not an opinion. Don't you learn anything in school?
Don't I learn anything in school? You're right. As a matter of fact I'm a teacher. So I teach at school and I learn from life. This is the first recession the States have never had in their history. They are technically failed.
? seriously? a teacher saying this is the first recession the US has ever had? You didn't bother to look at the link I posted or crack an encyclopedia to find out? Shame. No wonder teachers have to get together and change answers on standardization tests.
Recessions of the 20th Century
Date Duration
Sept. 1902-Aug. 1904 23
May 1907-June 1908 13
Jan. 1910-Jan. 1912 24
Jan. 1913-Dec. 1914 23
Aug. 1918-March 1919 7
Jan. 1920-July 1921 18
May 1923-July 1924 14
Oct. 1926-Nov. 1927 13
Aug. 1929-March 1933 43
May 1937-June 1938 13
Feb. 1945-Oct. 1945 8
Nov. 1948-Oct. 1949 11
July 1953-May 1954 10
Aug. 1957-April 1958 8
April 1960-Feb. 1961 10
Dec. 1969-Nov. 1970 11
Nov. 1973-March 1975 16
Jan. 1980-July 1980 6
July 1981-Nov. 1982 16
July 1990-March 1991 8
March 2001-Nov. 2001 8
I haven't said that this is the first recession in your country. I've said that it is the most terrible. When you read, take care of the meaning of the words. In these conditions it's a nonsense to discuss with you. It's like discussing with the air.
ah must be a language barrier then because you posted right above me:
This is the first recession the States have never had in their history.
I have used the word "first" not in order of "time", but in order of "importance". There isn't a language barrier at all. It depends on two facts: we use the same language but not the same register and I translate from Italian to English. However there's no problem. Ar last it's only necessary to understand each other.
Then you want to use the word 'worst', for American English how we use it. I understand the difficulty, I was born speaking Spanish. But more important, it is NOT the biggest recession in US history so far. Its not the longest yet, and its not the most damaging yet. Its up there definitely among the top, but not the worst. And technically, the 2008 recession lasted 1 year and 6th months and is over. Right now, they do not know for sure if we are in another recession that happens right after 2008 one, or if recovery growth is just slow.
In the general opinion this is the worst recession for the following reasons.
Bella, what opinions would those general opinions be? The recognized economists here are not saying that its the worst. Please provide (credible) sources for where you are getting this. Perhaps international economists?
Your economists say also that the rate of unemployment is now of 8.9%, but it's effectively about the 20%. They say so because they fear that million of americans could revolt, if they got to know the thruth. Your situation is the same of that in the Soviet Union before the fall of the Wall of Berlin. So in a few weeks your Country will be upset. 31 States out of 50 have failed. A lot of cities have given up the night illumination, there are a fearful number of homeless and so on. The same thing is happening in Italy and in all the european Countries. I'm sorry to make you sad, but I can't say lies. The fact is that the western economy has lost his fight against the eastern one. That's why your Country has become so aggressive. All the Empires come to an end. Now it's the turn of the western one. I have a lot of sources from which since a lot of years I get these news. The best is "". Look at the tags "news" and "politics".
War is war let's just kill a million innocent people in 20 years because it's war. No. Those tactics are outlawed actually... google it.
They hate us because we're rich? What about Saudi Arabia? Why don't they hate them and terrorize the insanely rich people in Saudi Arabia that live super close? They don't give 2 shits if we're rich and they're not. They're on a different part of the planet. They hate us because we kill innocent people in their lands. That's how you fuel an insurgency. What would you do if a foreign country put sanctions on your country and murdered your child? We can't go around killing people and invading other countries. It's only a matter of time before we piss off too many people. I don't want to see another World War. I don't want to see any war. We criticized Saddam for killing people yet our country is responsible for more deaths of innocent people than Saddam ever was. It's imperialism and profits. That's why we invaded Iraq.
No need for a reduction ad hitlerum. These are not Hitler's tactics, but basic war tactics used many times before Hitler. Study some history.
I'm sorry did the Romans or whatever other wars use guided missiles to strike another country's water supply? Oh wait the German's invented the guided missile during the Nazi rise.
I know history bro. Google it. And it's considered a war crime in today's modern world. Google it.
This idea can be found in Greek Mythology, and in a zillion subsequent wars. Since the beginning of time, humans have understood the idea of attacking the enemy's supply chain, and not just the enemy directly. They might not have used bombs to do it, but they used the tactic.
The idea of hiding the reality of the action of killers from the killers themselves is also old. Of of them is the Iron Maiden where the victim is completely hidden from the torturer's view. Another is the idea of using catapults which threw burning material from a far distance to burn villages to the ground. Another is the idea of using many shooters when executing someone so that none of the shooters know which one amongst themselves is the actual killer. Another one is the torture of encasing where a room is built with no doors nor windows around a prisoner so that he cannot escape. This is a way to execute someone without having to witness his sufferings. The oldest such idea is to put people in prisons far away from our everyday lives so that we don't see their daily pains.
While the details of the implementation might be new, these core tactics are very old.
BTW - I didn't call you a liar. I simply stated the information you are passing is not factual. I assumed you didn't know this and that you were naively passing of information you found on a conspiracy website.
I'm sorry for your need to argue mundane details to the point of referencing catapults that fling fire a hundred yards or so.... but the tactics used in Iraq can be assimilated to those Hitler and the Nazi regime used. If it makes you feel better I can edit in that it is also similar to Greek Mythology. I don't think that will quite hit home as hard as knowing our military, the UN, and NATO have used horrid tactics that the Nazi's also used.
Here's an interesting piece of writing if you're interested.
Fun Fact: Al Qaeda is just an offshoot of the Afghan Arabs that were funded and armed by the CIA and the US government in 1979. A prominent member of the Afghan Arabs was Osama bin Laden.
I heard that the Nazis used guns during WW2. Oh wait, we use guns too! Oh no - we are Nazis!
I also love how "google it" now means "discover the truth."
When I say "Google it", I mean stop questioning me and google it. My response isn't going to change if you keep asking me the same question.
The Nazi's invented the guided missile. Whether you like my comparison or not, it doesn't change the facts that these illegal tactics were used and over a million innocent civilians have been killed since the 90's due to the US, NATO, and the UN.
Well, there is always that other tactic that was used by both sides during WW2 - carpet bombing. It just seems absurd that you would be criticizing the use of "smart" bombs over "dumb" bombs. We have greatly reduced collateral damage with our guided missile technology. While you are correct in that we may steer the missile into child sitting at the dinner table, but that is much more likely if we are dropping loads of bombs an entire area.
Instead of just saying "google it" - why don't you link the sites where you are getting your information. Otherwise, you have no idea what your reader is going to find.
A tactic is not about the details of the implementation, but about the general idea. Whether you beat your wife with a stick or hand slaps makes no difference.
This is the problem. It's all too easy to make an reductio ad hitlerum. What you end up doing is confusing matters even more. When you compare NATO to the Nazi regime, you make NATO look worse than it is and you reduce the horribleness of the Nazi crimes. Hitler and the Nazis hold a very special place in history. They killed six million people using horrible means. Don't compare NATO to that. It makes everyone more confused. Instead say what NATO does wrong and leave it at that.
Again, these tactics are as old as wars.
These tactics aren't allowed by international laws.
Also NATO and the Obama administration supported a terrorist takeover in Libya. The "rebels" torture, kill, rape, and have ties to Al Qaeda. I think my comparison is justified based on the past 20 years of wars and bombings, sanctions, and "rebel" support.
Talked about in congress
Comparisons work where they fit. When it comes to the history of our recent wars, it fits in quite a few places, sadly.
Do you think NATO did has much damage as the Nazis?
No. But all of what I mentioned before, including NATO, have used tactics illegal in our world, and that the Nazi's used. In the Arab world since the 90's our country has killed well over a million innocent people. That's pretty damn close.
At least you shoot people, you don't make them work in camps for months before poisoning them. Still, I don't agree these tactics were Hitler's for the reason I stated about and I would still call this a reductio ad hitlerum. But, we can agree to disagree.
We can agree to disagree. But the Nazi's created the first ever guided missiles. haha later guy
Read Shirer's 'rise and fall of 3rd Reich'
Great-Grandaddy BUSH brought HITLER to power and laid out the whole military conquest, and BUSH/FORD desseminated 'elders of zion; by ten's of millions of copies in the 1920's all paid for by BUSH/FORD.
It's VERY IMPORTANT that people keeping talking about BUSH, for before daddy bush was prez he was under RAYGUN and before that CIA director, the BUSH family has run the saudi OIL biz since the 1920's.
It's essential that everyone understand the BUSH-CLINTON-BUSH-OBAMA nazi history
Give us a break with your conspiracy theory drivel. It's boring.
What are you saying that Henry Ford didn't print 20 million copy's of "elders of zion", and pass them around Europe in the 1920's?
Are you saying that grand-daddy BUSH had nothing to do with gassing millions of Jews and he didn't own the company that made the poison gas?
It was prez BUSH-1 in 1990 when we bombed IRAQ the first time that said "NEW WORLD ORDER", funny cuz when BUSH/FORD/HARRIMAN brought HITLER to power they then called the new europe a "NEW WORLD ORDER".
Move along, conspiracy? So I suppose the greatest author of the 3rd Reich Shirer is the conspiracy kingpin?
Why do you folks hate the history of the USA?
Like now the powers that be wanted to destroy EUROPE, and today they're doing it again.
THE USA hates competition.
He did not. He published 500,000 copies which were distributed in US.
All your other information is modified, or absolutely and utterly false.
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion were circulated throughout Europe ( paid for by Henry Ford ) during the early decades of the twentieth century, and many people believed them. That led, at least in part, to the anti-Semitism that brought Adolph Hitler to power. Henry Ford circulated The Protocols in the United States and wrote a book entitled The International Jew which claimed that Jewish bankers were responsible for World War I and the Bolshevik Revolution. Henry Ford supported the Nazis, and Hitler acknowledged his support by awarding him the highest German medal available to civilians. The Ford factories in Germany provided trucks, tanks, and vehicles for Hitler's armed forces.
Totally agree with you. They are khazarian jews / askenazi jews / anti-christ jews / fake jews ... they are beasts / aliens / ETs from Zeta Reticuli... I hope the info below is something you already know about, if not, please study w/ discernment:
They are being sued right now: More on "United States is a corporation" owned by the british - - on November 24, 2011:
Bush, Blair found guilty of war crimes in Malaysia tribunal Posted by Laura Tyco ⋅ November 22, 2011
g. bush's nazi last name is Scherf - - see the well researched info link below: (The nazis in the white house - part 24 - see bottom of page for all parts from 1 on - - 2 bush brothers, a nazi spy and a nazi war hero )
More details of their secrets are exposed at:
Very detailed info on this US domestic enemy (nazis) can be read through the following links (found on blogs above): 2007 Contact papers in particular exposed the enemy of man (or the anti-christ) of this planet and here are the links: (Armageddon draws near) (Our only source for real "news") (Not gloom and doom, but hope) (Pick up that shovel and start digging) (Freedom has to be earned) (Announcing: The possible end of civilization) (Know what is going on) (September is the deadline - if not much sooner) (Accept your power, rewrite the script) (Time to act on what you know) (War within the minds of man) (Clean out the foxes from the hen house) (Who runs our foreign policy?) (Staged UFO invasion to terrify us hosted by NBC's Matt Lauer) (The plan to destroy the United States of America) (It's time for the real 13th Amendment) (The Plan to destroy the United States of America)
Necromania and Cannibalism 24/7 is the future of the USA.
There was only ONE good ameriKKKan in human history and his name was Malcolm-X, he said "It's only a case of chickens coming home to roost when JFK was killed",
I say today that the collapse of the USA and the coming civil-war, is ONLY a case of chickens coming home to roost.
For 50+ years the USA has fucked the world, and now your all going to fuck each other to death.
Necromania and Cannibalism 24/7 is the future of the USA.
Who cares if other countries hate us? What are you, some insecure little bitch?
I don't like that our country, the UN, and NATO have killed over 1 million innocent people over the past 20 years. Illegally might I had. I care about my country. I don't care about a corrupt government that abuses it's power. What are you? Inhuman?
Why not?
please tell me your glorious strategy to at the same time, defend our freedom and not kill anyone? last time i checked, people die in wars and wars are necessary for the survival of a nation.
First of all we were attacked by a group, not a country, not a military. We were attacked by a group. So why did we bomb and kill a fuck ton of innocent people in Iraq. My strategy is to go after the enemy, not innocent people and countries with no intention of war with the US.
Also buildings don't fall down like that.
And what are you? Supra-human? I simply do NOT care what other countries think of us, and I find it rather absurd that anyone would.
You are also probably stupid. Sorry but your idea of perception is misguided. If every other country were to hate us... what's to stop them from wanting to destroy us? That's why a country's world image is important. Why do you think our country destroys other countries? Because of our government's perception of their country.
It has nothing to do with perception. Review the now colloquial definition of friend - it implies a mutually beneficial, reciprocal relationship. In the 18th century even a brother, or uncle, could be a "good friend."
All of our foreign "friends" are business partners, and allies, and nothing more. It's not a personal relationship.
There is NO good in the USA, all must be cleansed. For the good of the entire FREE WORLD, all 'humans in the usa' must be contained and imprisoned. The final solution at this late hour is how does the world rid itself of this USA parasite that consumes 90% of world resource, with 5% population.
hilarious. you're a fart in the wind. meaningless and inconsequential.
Does slizzo's dick get this hard for everyone or just my avatar? I get like 20-30 notifications a day from this guy, its like he's the only thing on OWS. He must be a MODERATOR or something or REAL OWS leader, cuz OWS forum only lets me post about 2-4 reply's a day and one real post per then I get a wait 4 hours notice, ... So he's doing something that a normal mortal can't do here, so I ask where does his power come from? Lastly I might ask why does he only attack and never say substantial bullshit like others on this pissy forum called 'ows' that will be forgotten in another month.
don't fuck with the real power, jerkoff.
Expose Expose Expose their lies and secrets !!!! They are the anti-christ !!!
So, use the power of the pen to do it. By now, more and more people know about: 1) USA is a corporation owned by the british crown 2) Congress works for the corporation and "lawyer politicians" (of course) work for the british crown and not the USA (they took an israeli oath called "kol nidre" and joined the BAR=British Accredited Registry) 3) They use a fraudulent corporate constitution (they took out the 13th Amendment that prohibits lawyers / esquires to take public office
All the above info can be found at:
some of them are really packed with their secrets being exposed:
2007 Contact papers in particular exposed the enemy of man (or the anti-christ) of this planet and here are the links: (Armageddon draws near) (Our only source for real "news") (Not gloom and doom, but hope) (Pick up that shovel and start digging) (Freedom has to be earned) (Announcing: The possible end of civilization) (Know what is going on) (September is the deadline - if not much sooner) (Accept your power, rewrite the script) (Time to act on what you know) (War within the minds of man) (Clean out the foxes from the hen house) (Who runs our foreign policy?) (Staged UFO invasion to terrify us hosted by NBC's Matt Lauer) (The plan to destroy the United States of America) (It's time for the real 13th Amendment) (The Plan to destroy the United States of America)