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Forum Post: Why Do You OCCUPY ? Tel everyone why you are with this.

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 9, 2011, 9:40 a.m. EST by jordankratz (33) from Portland, ME
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I might say that I do support this movement and hopes it will grow larger and larger.It is time for some real change and like Obama said and didnot do.Change you can hope for.Our Country needs help form the Political System and Big-Money Corrupting the Great Government we have.And we all need to take more time when we vote and really think if that person will represent us or some big Bank.I have some good ideas but I won't live to see them happen.As I stated in another comment made. CANDIDATES ELECTION 1.All Candidates for all elections will run having the same money.No more this guy threw in 50 million and this one had 50,000 bucks.We vote for People on what they say and do not on their wallets.US TV will run debates live,etc and all Candidates get the same time in Airplay provided by us and our taxes.NO more of the rich man/poor man stuff. 2.Now we as a people both Conservative and Liberal all use your brains and listen/read about all these Candidates and think hard before you vote. 3.As we in the USA are all created Equally and live Equally in a land of Freedom then we all will run Equally for Office without the BS of Money Inequality WASHINGTON POLITICS 1.End Money Lobbying 2.End large money Donations to Politicians/Parties/Political type Groups.We must put a stop to this and make a $1000 limit and no more.The marriage of big-money and Politics must end.It is creating an inequality as human beings. 3.Washington needs to concentrate on our issues not how much money they can raise for their own purposes.They are there for the people and by the people.

This is why I support OCCUPY.I do not touch on other sensitive issues.I say let them sort out later down the line.USA is for everyone not just one group.Get money out of our voting lives and things will get a lot better in time.Do not rush to get it all because you will only divide our Nation.It is time for people to use their brains and realize Money does not mix with Politics !



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