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Forum Post: Why do we keep electing the same rich nitwits?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 9:52 a.m. EST by RationalReaper (188)
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The rich look after the rich...only the poor and middle class will look after the poor and middle class.

Both parties have been blowing smoke up our asses since Dwight D Eisenhower left office. Since then it has been an all out attack against the middle class...Democrats..the so-called champions of the poor have been paying lip service but largely ignoring the 99%.

You see...they too have corporate donors they don't want to lose. Why did they cave on everything major when they had both houses? I suppose you could blame that on blue dogs....but.....analysis says....something is wrong.

Pelosi and Reid , Baucus and others need to go. Term limits would eliminate these problems.



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