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Forum Post: Why do those that try to suppress freedom of speech on this website have so much fear? What do you “hope” to gain with your “futile struggle”?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 10:02 p.m. EST by GlobalSucks (87)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Some of you are spending every waking hour “trying” to disrupt freedom of speech. You in fact are no better than the creeps this protest is all about.

You only serve to awaken those whose free speech you are trying to suppress

Your propaganda and fascist methods are in fact a major factor in opening the 99%’s eyes. It would be easy for them to imagine that you are being paid by the 1%, based on the fact that there doesn’t seem to be any other logical explanation.

Why don’t clear the whole thing up for us. This is what we want to know.

  1. Why are you trying to suppress free speech on this website?

  2. What will you gain if you are successful? (You have already failed)

To the 99%, if you want to hear their answer leave a comment or just a word, so this forum stays on the front page for a while. If they don’t answer we can just figure they are probably paid shills that aren’t smart enough to come up with a logical answer



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[-] 1 points by AZvotenow (44) 13 years ago

The struggle is only lost when the people are absorbed by meaningless exchanges with enemies whose only intent is to derail a people's movement. They are the same voices who cried against women's rights and civil rights for the rest of us. KEEP TO THE STREETS. OUT NUMBER them at the POLLS. Voting is your power. SCARE The wits out of them. REGISTER AND VOTE for those NOT owned by the corporations, IF you give them hope real people candidates will rise.

[-] 1 points by GlobalSucks (87) 13 years ago

I agree. It looks like this movement is already helping democracy. I am already seeing organizations and politicians endorsing it and what it stands for

[-] 1 points by Fresh2Death13 (207) from Windsor, ON 13 years ago

If There is anyone who is on this site still that doesn't know they have LEGAL recourse please check this out http://algoxy.com/ows/strategyofamerica.html WE have legal options people an Article 5 convention is the first step

[-] 1 points by GlobalSucks (87) 13 years ago

Why doesn't anybody reply to this. Is it just all trolls or is this just a non issue

[-] 1 points by toxictoast (7) 13 years ago

The place is overrun by trolls these days. I miss the first few weeks when it was just people who were genuinely interested.

[-] 2 points by GlobalSucks (87) 13 years ago

Not one of them has answered the questions.

I guess we will have to assume they are on somebody's payroll

It doesn't really doesn’t matter, they are just more evidence that this movement is getting people’s attention and some of those that are the targets are trying to suppress the movement.

If they were ignoring it then it would show that we aren’t relavant

[-] 1 points by ARod1993 (2420) 13 years ago

What exactly are you referring to here?

[-] 1 points by GlobalSucks (87) 13 years ago

If you spend much time on this website you will soon realize that there are groups and single poster that continually make ridiculous forums that dominate the front page. They constantly trying to drive real forums off the front page. That’s just one of the things they do

[-] 1 points by bobonit (59) 13 years ago

Yeah, I would like to know the answers but so far nobody has any


[-] 1 points by GlobalSucks (87) 13 years ago

I don't see any answers yet. It's starting to look a little like cowards and shills. Not one of them has came forward to tell what they are trying to do

[-] 1 points by bobonit (59) 13 years ago

Now body they had the balls to go toe to toe. Cowardly little bastards

[-] 1 points by GlobalSucks (87) 13 years ago

yep I guess it is just you and I trying to keep this thing alive

[-] -1 points by roloff (244) 13 years ago

Because you Are George Bush or an eevul rich capitalist

[-] 1 points by GlobalSucks (87) 13 years ago

That was a little confusing. What exactly did you mean by that?

[-] 0 points by roloff (244) 13 years ago

That you are George Bush or an eevul rich capitalist

[-] 1 points by GlobalSucks (87) 13 years ago

That's just plain nasty. Don't ever call me that again

[-] 1 points by AZvotenow (44) 13 years ago

The 403 message I suspect is because you scream your message with insults and foul language that is outside common decency. You are not a protestor with a goal but a kid yelling, Look at me. Protestors have a goal and seek action. People like you are stealing all the power of a real protest. You will be arrested for looting, disordery conduct, trashing some place and then scream that the world is unfair. This momement needs huge numbers to march and protest such that when the police move in, it is clear THEY are wrong. US has been here before. Gov burned there camps, came in with tanks. And THEN all the people rose up. GET EDUCATED, GET CIVILIZED USE THE STRONG TOOL LEFT TO REAL PEOPLE IN AMERICA. "IT" IS MAKING LAWS TO STOP PEOPLE FROM VOTING. AFTER THAT WE ARE SLAVES

[-] 1 points by GlobalSucks (87) 13 years ago

I didn't complain about any 403 message. What are you talking about?

Please send your stupid spam to those who are trying to suppress free speech on this site by dominating the front page with childish BS.

I haven’t noticed you spamming those people. Are they bro's or co-workers?