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Forum Post: Why do so many people involved in OWS dislike Obama , And what can we do about it we need a president but who?

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 25, 2011, 9:56 a.m. EST by thefutureisnow (223) from Newark, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I am trying to get to the bottom of why so many people dislike Obama for the 2012 presidential race and do not want him to be president again , No one seems to be acknowledging the positive things he has done since 2008 and only want to talk about promises he made that were not lived up to , and he is the first president and first family in the history of the united states ,that has African American heritage within their family And he needs our support because four years is not enough to change the 200 plus years of white bred racist tyranny in American politics, Give Obama four more years in the white house,



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[-] 4 points by RedJazz43 (2757) 13 years ago

Because Obama is nothing more than another hack politician of the 1%. He is the head of one of the two parties of the 1%. Not only does he continue and expand the wars of the 1%, he continues the neocolonial policies of the1%. He signs draconian legislation that will curtail civil liberties in the US. He uses an opposition Congress as an excuse not to exercise executive power to do all he could for the 99%, especially the unemployed and the debtor class, when all kinds of programs could be instituted by executive order. He refuses to order the release of the heroic Bradley Manning. We have 2 occupations in DC, at one point 3, and so far he hasn't joined any of them, which to me is what a truly responsible person in his position would do. If occupy needs a leader, then why doesn't he put himself foreward to lead it, but the first step in that process would be for him to occupy. You're either part of the solution or part of the problem and everybody who is aware of it and not occupying or at least going to a GA or forming a GA is part of the problem,

The positive role Obama has played it to keep the 1% in power. He got more money from Wall Street than any candidate in history. All his top economic advisors are Wall Streeters. He knows what side his bread is buttered on,

Just because somebody has an African American heritage doesn't give them any moral superiority over anyone else. Urban politics in America are full of African American crooks, often opposed by African Americans of real integrity, but Obama ain't one of them.

[-] -1 points by mee44 (71) 13 years ago

Because the Barackster is a shallow teleprompter.

In his defense though, he feels your pain, all the way from his $4 million vacation in Hawaii!

[-] 3 points by Anachronism (225) 13 years ago

If you don't know you are not paying attention. Though, I will say this - he never had a chance. The inertia of the global debt collapse is too strong and he is just along for the ride. I really does not matter who you put in for president - the system runs them.

[-] 1 points by thefutureisnow (223) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

wow thanks that,s probably the most constructive comment i have seen today , and i am attempting to create a process of elimination forum, which is basically getting all of the problems out of in the open or out of he way first to then contemplate potential solutions , to eventually create somewhat of a new political ideology out of many different threads that are seeking to achieve the same goal , and the goal for this particular forum is who would be the best choice for president in 2012 , that,s what i am like i said in the post trying to get to the bottom of because everyone always wants to be on top because that,s where they think the power is , but every political ideology must have a basis or fundamental structure like a coral reef that grows on a ship that has sunk in the ocean ,

[-] 3 points by BlueRose (1437) 13 years ago

I think both Republicans and Democrats are far too conservative, I hate being forced to vote for the Democratic frontrunner all the time, I am interested in Socialist Party nowadays. If Obama signs NDAA, I will definitely NOT vote for him.

[-] 3 points by harry2 (113) 13 years ago

Obama is the lesser of 2 evil options. A two party system can not serve it's purpose. - Govern for the People -. Not for the party. There is more in live then a choice between "good and evil". All the between is what counts in a normal live.

[-] 2 points by JoeTheFarmer (2654) 13 years ago

That is the faulty reasoning that gives us a two party system.

They want you to believe that voting for a third party is a waste of your vote. It is not a waste of your vote.

[-] 1 points by harry2 (113) 13 years ago

Can not agree more. Hope good things will happen in 2012.

[-] 3 points by aahpat (1407) 13 years ago

I can't speak for OWS people, just myself.

As a lifelong social justice advocate who marched in Civil Rights and anti Vietnam protests I could not and did not vote for Obama in 2008 because it was clear to me that he was an ardent Drug War supporter. He has since proven all of my worst fears about him.

His disingenuous and dishonest and deceptive innuendo that passed for rhetoric in '08 is why so many people, who were idealistic supporters of his in 2008, are disaffected OWS agitators today.

Bloody Barack Obama has cynically abandoned everything that he has ever promised social justice advocates. He is nothing but a right-wing pandering Wall Street whore. He has turned the Oval Office into a branch office of Goldman-Sachs.

Bloody Barack Obama does not deserve the support of Americans who want economic and social justice restored in this nation.

I will be Writing-In Elizabeth Warren for president in the Democratic primary because Warren, unlike Obama, reflects and respects my values.

[-] 0 points by thefutureisnow (223) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

that,s enough especially if you have done your time so to speak all those years , thanks for your reply i only want to know the facts and the truth i am a writer and i am writing about the OWS movement but i am also involved and have been to seven states so far but i have been taking a break since thanksgiving until right after new years then i will be back to occupy , in person for the remainder of the winter , and may hook up a small office in the next city i go to , thanks again for your reply happy holiday,s

[-] 3 points by aahpat (1407) 13 years ago

Good luck to you.

I have not voted for a drug warrior for president since 1992. Clinton's first term was the last. I took a personal vow in 1996 that I would not vote for Drug Warriors for president as my only means of forcing them to stop the war. I quit the Democratic Party and became an Independent at the same time and for the same reasons. I refuse to support or vote for drug warriors who do not reflect and respect my social justice values.

[-] 2 points by enough (587) 13 years ago

Obama's biggest financial contributors are Wall Street bankers. He appointed Wall Street flunkies Bernanke and Geithner to run our economy at the behest of Wall Street donors. He invited bank executives into the White House on numerous occasions to get their advice. The two Chiefs of Staff in Obama's Administration, Emanuel and Daly, were selected specifically to ensure that Wall Street's needs are attended to. Obama brushes off criticism of Wall Street executives, who crashed our economy through excessive greed, by saying in public that they may have been unethical but did not actually break the law. Why on earth would anybody, especially #OWS supporters, vote for this punk politician who is obviously in the tank for the bankstas. Not one on them has been held to account and are actively protected from criminal prosecution by Obama's SEC and U.S. Justice Department. His Republican opponent may not be any better, but one should never vote for an incumbent who betrayed our trust and insults us continuously with his jive-ass rhetoric intended for the less informed and gullible among us.

[-] 0 points by thefutureisnow (223) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

do you think Obama had it planned or was he swayed and played o the point of no return , Russ Feingold illuminated a theory to me about Obama and said he was intentionally placed in the white house by right wing rep , who backed him behind the scene,s , but i am still trying to get to the bottom of why they picked him , there are plenty of people they could have picked besides Obama , it makes me wonder if maybe he did have positive intentions but once he got into office people may have started to hound him and he broke down and submitted to what they wanted him to do , so you think he knew what was up and basically gave everyone who voted him in for change the shaft purposely ,

[-] 1 points by enough (587) 13 years ago

Either way, the result is the same and the result is bad. Personally, I believe Obama was and still is in way over his head. He's just an empty suit with a gift for oratory. He rode the wave of anti-Bush sentiment and novelty appeal into the White House. When I see him inviting Wall Street bankstas into the White House repeatedly, when I see him actively soliciting campaign funds from them, when I see him appointing Bernanke and Geithner to run our economy after they brought it down, when I see him appoint gatekeepers like Daly and Emanuel to make sure Wall Street is happy, and when I hear him try to blur the line whether Wall Street executives committed crimes like fraud and market manipulation, I can only come to one conclusion. He was always in the tank for Wall Street interests. He is just a punk politician who thinks he sway public opinion with populist rhetoric and bullshit, even though those who pay attention know he betrayed their trust.

[-] 0 points by thefutureisnow (223) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

yea its fucking sad that he had to let come to this he could have just said fuck it and stood up , and not gave fuck if he got in for a second term or not this is really bringing me down and opening my eyes to some scenes that i did not want to believe , we must find someone to endorse for several political offices not just for pres but for as many as we can get , we have almost a year to get it together i hope we can i am tired of all these fuck ups talking about oWS needs a new name and its dying as predicted , these idiot,s have no idea what,s really going on , or else they are on this site to divide those of us who are trying to stick together or at least work together to get some real answers and real solutions to real problems,

[-] 0 points by thefutureisnow (223) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

yea i supported him the first time too , and the last time i voted before that was Kerry Edwards , and now they are criminals it never fucking stops , its almost point less like maybe we should just forget it and keep working on OWS , for the future and appeal to the United nations , although i did see something about the IMF going backwards in Europe , their has to be another answer ,

[-] 1 points by enough (587) 13 years ago

Obama isn't the answer and I'm not sure the other politicians running for president are any better. It is usually a wise thing to vote out politicians who disappoint you or fail to deliver. At least, you can look yourself in the mirror by not being fooled twice. Punk politicians like Obama love the echo chamber they live in and cannot perceive the disgust of those who foolishly voted for his hope and change nonsense. He is just another Chicago politician who thinks he can dazzle the populace with his bullshit.

[-] 0 points by thefutureisnow (223) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

i think its quite possible you may be right but there must be someone some where , who has not come out yet that we could support and at the very least try to get the congress and senate seats switched up ,

[-] 3 points by enough (587) 13 years ago

The smartest choice is to select the least of all evils. #OWS would be wise to field its own slate of candidates, just like the Tea Party did and did so quite successfully in 2010 general election. But #OWS wants to remain leaderless and refuses to clearly state its demands or adopt a platform. Based on the way things work in this country, it almost ensures that #OWS will not have its own people and voices representing it in the White House and the congress. The best #OWS can expect is lip-service or feigned sympathy from those currently in office or seeking to be elected. In other words, as presently configured, #OWS, at best, are just a bunch of useful fools to politicians. Wall Street bankstas will remain shielded and invulnerable under the status quo. It doesn't have to be this way and may change if and when #OWS does what it needs to do to get its voice heard and elect its own representatives to the White House and the congress. When this occurs cries for change and justice can be translated into concrete laws that actually serve the 99% and not just the connected few.

[-] 2 points by Anachronism (225) 13 years ago

Obama is a good "company" man http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bB-vYuYhdSE

[-] 2 points by jiradog (92) 13 years ago

He has started wars in Lybia and Yemen without congressional autorization. He will next week sign a law allowing the military to arrest US citizens who are suspected of aiding terrorists, and imprison them without trial indefinately. He is a tool of the bankers and has done nothing to reign in the bailouts of domestic and european banks by the FED. He has done nothing to downsize government. His administration is anyting but transparent. His oath to the Constituion is a lie. If we keep voting for evil people like him we deserve what we get. He is exactly the problem. I see no difference between him and Bush. Of course I didn't expect him to be any different. I am not easily fooled any more. There is only one person running for president who will make the necessary changes.

[-] 0 points by thefutureisnow (223) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

and who would you say that is ,

[-] 1 points by jiradog (92) 13 years ago

The biggest problem with this country and the western world is that a banking/corporate cartel has taken control behind the scenes. The heart of this beast is the control of the money supply through the federal reserve. This allows big government that they can control for their wars and fascism. Only Ron Paul is determined to end the federal reserve and reduce the size of government so we can be free again. It certianly is not Obama who has expanded the wars and is bought and paid for by the big banks. I don't care what color a person's skin is, I want people in government who will work for peace, freedom and prosperity. Just because he is black doesn't mean he is not corrupt.

[-] 0 points by thefutureisnow (223) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

yea i do like Ron Paul i have some friends in Maine and a few other new England states who totally support him , i guess i may have to get over my wishful thinking of a great success with Obama , it has been kind of personal with me i have seen both sides of the political fence , and i may have to come to terms with the fact that this country may actually be as fucked up as we think it is , i just want to find a way to get around the propaganda , because propaganda has ruined many political figures in the past who could have done great things for our country if they would have gotten past the propaganda , i know there is corruption in all races i hope i do not just have to come out and say yea i am a fucking fool for believing that things will work out the way i see it , thanks for that reply ,

[-] 2 points by Brandon37 (372) 13 years ago

You don't understand why people dislike Obama's performance? Really?

[-] 2 points by IslandActivist (191) from Keaau, HI 13 years ago

The media is the culprit. You can look at any newspaper and see how it doesn't make sense and blames Obama. For example, one article I noticed claimed Obama is a bad president because he does not believe in American exceptionalism and only commented if he believed in or not with " as I suspect Germans believe in German exceptionalism... French believe in French exceptionalism" etc. Exceptionalism is a tool the people of Ronald Reagan created in order to sway voters away from what he was about to accomplish. In truth because of Reagan, nothing any president does will help. The media will try to convince you otherwise.

[-] 1 points by thefutureisnow (223) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

propaganda i see i am have been researching Obama,s achievements since he had been in office and the positive out weighs the negative , but you are right the media will do anything to get what they want especially with people like rupert murdoch and news corp , thanks for the insight ,

[-] 2 points by Odin (583) 13 years ago

On a cold January night in 2008, I waited for a bus, which was to take me to Washington near 50th St and 7th Ave. in Manahattan. Since my Dad was a civil rights activist and attended Martin Luther King's rally in Washington in 1963, I was determined to attend Obama's inauguration which I did on another cold day in DC. I had the full support of my children who were proud of their grandpa for having the courage to stand up against something that was not right at a time when few whites did, and for it culminating in a country that was finally able to look past a person's skin color or ethnicity.

It saddens me more than most to say that President Obama's presidency has been a failure. I, like so many people had such high hopes, and now I feel like a dupe. He has taught me that it really doesn't matter much who you vote for at least in the two party system. Your interests will take a back seat to big moneyed interests unless your main interests are the ones that the politicians from both parties want you to be most concerned about. That of course would be guns, abortion, and gays in the military.

I received a little American flag at Obama's 2008 inauguration, which I hung in my living room. I sent other flags which I got in DC to my children. However I did take my flag down from its perch in my living room a few weeks ago, and I brought it to NYC with me to protest Obama's fund raising swing through the city. It was very ironic that the protest that I took part in ended very near where I caught the bus on that cold winter night in 2008. As for that little flag, it still hangs in my living room, not to remind me of the hope that President Obama represented to so many people, but rather to remind me how broken our political system is, and how naieve I was.

[-] 1 points by MaryS (529) 13 years ago

But do you really think the blame should go on one man? Is that realistic, given the environment he came into and the mess that he inherited? I mean some of what people are saying is true, he tried too hard to be a Centrist and as Zendog said, was on a learning curve with that. The 2-party system just needs to change, but Obama can hardly be blamed for a system that forever keeps us divided. He has clearly been obstructed from accomplishing many things that he wanted to. The Republicans are just dying for people to react exactly this way. And the Libertarians want you to think they have something better going on- all they have is a cool sounding name. Don't fall for it.

[-] 0 points by Odin (583) 13 years ago

I don't blame President Obama alone, however he would have had the support of the people early in his Presidency to clean house, but he didn't. Instead he hired some of the same people to be in his Cabinet who helped cause the melt-down.

While you may see my lack of support of support of President Obama as playing into the Republicans, I don't. I make informed decisions, not based only what I read in the corporate owned media, and I vote my conscience. Believe me, it does not make me happy that President Obama has been a failure, and I truly believe that like anyone who goes into the Presidency, he wanted to go down in history as being a great President, but he is not.

If he was truly interested in reforming Wall St., he should have had people like Brooksley Born in his Cabinet. She is that courageous little lady who butted heads with Alan Greenspan, Robert Rubin, Arthur Levitt, and Larry Summers warning that the derivatives market was a ticking time bomb, and needed to be regulated. Three years later, and no criminal charges brought on any of the banksters! That's inexcusable. If that weren't enough, he recently signed the NDAA law into effect.

I do agree with you that the two party system needs to be changed as most of us know that Washington is a sewer. I also agree that President Obama tried hard to be a Centrist much like President Clinton did when he signed the bill that repealed the Glass Steagall Act. I think it was called the Financial Modernization Act, and was sponsored by three Republican Senators. That law was repealed on the twelth try after the bankers poured tens of millions of dollars into their lobbying efforts, from when it was enacted in 1933. And it was the beginning of the end of sound banking practices, and while the chickens didn't come home to roost during Clinton's watch, they did under President Bush and Obama's watch.

[-] 0 points by gosso920 (-24) 13 years ago

It's fascinating that you went to DC a full year before Obama was sworn into office.

[-] 0 points by Odin (583) 13 years ago

My mistake, sorry , you're right, it was 2009.

[-] 2 points by Fluke (47) from Örebro, Örebro Län 13 years ago

This snippet from the very illuminating documentary, Inside Job, anwers your question.


"It´s a Wall Street government"


[-] 0 points by Odin (583) 13 years ago

Everyone in this movement should see Inside Job.

[-] 2 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 13 years ago

Obama is a fraud and caters to Wall Street and the war mongers. Oh and here's all the proof you need to see how true that first sentence is.

Wall Street's takeover of the Obama administration is now complete. "The mega-banks and their corporate allies control every economic policy position of consequence. Mr. Obama has moved rapidly since the November debacle to install business people where it counts most. Mr.William Daley from JP Morgan Chase as White House Chief of Staff. Mr. Gene Sperling from the Goldman Sachs payroll to be director of the National Economic Council. Eileen Rominger from Goldman Sachs named director of the SEC's Investment Management division. Even the National Security Advisor, Thomas Donilon, was executive vice president for law and policy at the disgraced Fannie Mae after serving as a corporate lobbyist with O'Melveny & Roberts. The keystone of the business friendly team was put in place on Friday. General Electric Chairman and CEO Jeffrey Immelt will serve as chair of the president's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness."


He supported the bailouts of a fraudulent financial system that is extracting wealth from our country and stealing people's pensions and homes. The bailout money was used by the federal reserve to create 7.7 trillion dollars out of thin air for their own private interest, and Obama has yet to do anything about it.


"Is this the United States congress, or the board of directors of Goldman Sachs?"-Dennis Kucinich

The Federal Reserve is not a government agency. It's a private for profit bank ran by frauds. Its a Ponzi scheme where they issue debt created from thin air and then they STEAL your tax money and put it in their wallets and their cronies' pockets. You know those trillions of dollars in government debt? Who do you think pays the interest on it?!?! WE DO! The Federal Reserve has no accountability and create trillions of dollars out of thin air for their own private interests all the while devaluing our US dollar. You don't see Obama trying to correct this fraudulent system.


He's bombed more countries than Bush. Countries like Libya, Pakistan, Yemen, Afghanistan... etc

He extended the Bush tax cuts.


He never actually closed guantanamo bay.


He lied about ending the wars in Iraq and the current withdrawal was scheduled by the Bush administration. And there is a billion dollar military base in Iraq and I guarantee you that it aint empty.



He also supported the patriot act, which essentially deletes the 4th amendment.


He's started unconstitutional acts of war against Libya, which he spoke out against when Bush did that to Iraq.


Obama signed for the indefinite detention of US citizens without trial into law under provisions of the NDAA and "designates the world as the battlefield and that includes the homeland." -quote senator Lindsey Graham who supported the bill and argued in it's favor.



“This bill [the NDAA] authorizes permanent warfare anywhere in the world. It gives the president unchecked power to pursue war. It diminishes the role of this Congress. The founders saw Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution, which places in the hands of Congress the war power, as essential to a check and balance against the executive abuse of power. This legislation diminishes Congress' role in that regard.” - Dennis Kucinich

In reference to the passing of the new NDAA the Armed Services Committee released this,"the threats posed by al Qaeda cells in Yemen and Africa underscore the evolving and continuing nature of the terrorist threat to the United States. The Conference Report ensures the United States will have the ability to meet this threat and neutralize terrorists from these groups and conduct effective interrogations." More war for Obama!


List of terrorist organizations our country could start war with and the countries they're in.


"This [the National Defense Authorization Act of 2011] designates the WORLD as the battlefield... and that includes the homeland."


Next stop Africa and Yemen!!! Maybe Iran or Syria next? Fulfill that cold war with some Operation Northwoods and go to war with Russia? Who knows? It's the government. It's a threat to national security to tell you the truth all the time.Maybe China a few years from now?




“We suggest a distinctive tactic for breaking up the hard core of extremists who supply conspiracy theories: cognitive infiltration of extremist groups, whereby government agents or their allies (acting either virtually or in real space, and either openly or anonymously) will undermine the crippled epistemology of believers by planting doubts about the theories and stylized facts that circulate within such groups, thereby introducing beneficial cognitive diversity.” -Cass R Sunstein, Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs in the Obama administration.

Oh and don't forget about this Hour long presentation in congress about Al Qaeda members being the Libyan rebels, as well as extremists, rapists, and murderers.


In case any of you don't like the first video because it's a republican here is super Liberal Dennis Kucinich railing against Al Qaeda in the rebels as well.


And here is an article on the Libyan rebel leader admitting to having a bunch of Al Qaeda members in his "rebellion" which is actually just terrorism.


And to all the remaining Obama fans, please don't try and accuse me of being in favor of Newt Gingrich or tell me some bullshit about McCain Palin. My criticism for Obama is simply based around facts and in no way means I support a GOP agenda. Obama is a fraud and so is Newt Gingrich.

[-] 2 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

I plan to vote for the President - but you haven't articulated any of the reasons why.

And the reason why many of the Occupy protesters don't like him is because so much of his economic team is made up of Wall Street insiders, there has been no real push from the White House to hold fraudulent lenders and investment bankers accountable for their actions, and a few other issues.

I can't imagine turning the reins over to yet another goddamned lying repelican

Now he knows well how the repelican party will respond to his efforts - it's a learning curve he won't have to repeat after election - which any new guy from our side certainly would be stuck with.

I think he may have had a bit of an ideological hurdle to overcome as well, that being his desire to bring both sides of the aisle together - the repelican scum have gone so far away from that possibility there will be no turning back.

the repelican party is DONE

[-] 3 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 13 years ago

Obama is a lying fraud!!! He is a republican in disguise. He's Geroge W Obama. Don't believe me? Here's the 100% facts.

Wall Street's takeover of the Obama administration is now complete. "The mega-banks and their corporate allies control every economic policy position of consequence. Mr. Obama has moved rapidly since the November debacle to install business people where it counts most. Mr.William Daley from JP Morgan Chase as White House Chief of Staff. Mr. Gene Sperling from the Goldman Sachs payroll to be director of the National Economic Council. Eileen Rominger from Goldman Sachs named director of the SEC's Investment Management division. Even the National Security Advisor, Thomas Donilon, was executive vice president for law and policy at the disgraced Fannie Mae after serving as a corporate lobbyist with O'Melveny & Roberts. The keystone of the business friendly team was put in place on Friday. General Electric Chairman and CEO Jeffrey Immelt will serve as chair of the president's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness."


He supported the bailouts of a fraudulent financial system that is extracting wealth from our country and stealing people's pensions and homes. The bailout money was used by the federal reserve to create 7.7 trillion dollars out of thin air for their own private interest, and Obama has yet to do anything about it.


"Is this the United States congress, or the board of directors of Goldman Sachs?"-Dennis Kucinich

The Federal Reserve is not a government agency. It's a private for profit bank ran by frauds. Its a Ponzi scheme where they issue debt created from thin air and then they STEAL your tax money and put it in their wallets and their cronies' pockets. You know those trillions of dollars in government debt? Who do you think pays the interest on it?!?! WE DO! The Federal Reserve has no accountability and create trillions of dollars out of thin air for their own private interests all the while devaluing our US dollar. You don't see Obama trying to correct this fraudulent system.


He's bombed more countries than Bush. Countries like Libya, Pakistan, Yemen, Afghanistan... etc

He extended the Bush tax cuts.


He never actually closed guantanamo bay.


He lied about ending the wars in Iraq and the current withdrawal was scheduled by the Bush administration. And there is a billion dollar military base in Iraq and I guarantee you that it aint empty.



He also supported the patriot act, which essentially deletes the 4th amendment.


He's started unconstitutional acts of war against Libya, which he spoke out against when Bush did that to Iraq.


Obama signed for the indefinite detention of US citizens without trial into law under provisions of the NDAA and "designates the world as the battlefield and that includes the homeland." -quote senator Lindsey Graham who supported the bill and argued in it's favor.



“This bill [the NDAA] authorizes permanent warfare anywhere in the world. It gives the president unchecked power to pursue war. It diminishes the role of this Congress. The founders saw Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution, which places in the hands of Congress the war power, as essential to a check and balance against the executive abuse of power. This legislation diminishes Congress' role in that regard.” - Dennis Kucinich

In reference to the passing of the new NDAA the Armed Services Committee released this,"the threats posed by al Qaeda cells in Yemen and Africa underscore the evolving and continuing nature of the terrorist threat to the United States. The Conference Report ensures the United States will have the ability to meet this threat and neutralize terrorists from these groups and conduct effective interrogations." More war for Obama!


List of terrorist organizations our country could start war with and the countries they're in.


"This [the National Defense Authorization Act of 2011] designates the WORLD as the battlefield... and that includes the homeland."


Next stop Africa and Yemen!!! Maybe Iran or Syria next? Fulfill that cold war with some Operation Northwoods and go to war with Russia? Who knows? It's the government. It's a threat to national security to tell you the truth all the time.Maybe China a few years from now?




“We suggest a distinctive tactic for breaking up the hard core of extremists who supply conspiracy theories: cognitive infiltration of extremist groups, whereby government agents or their allies (acting either virtually or in real space, and either openly or anonymously) will undermine the crippled epistemology of believers by planting doubts about the theories and stylized facts that circulate within such groups, thereby introducing beneficial cognitive diversity.” -Cass R Sunstein, Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs in the Obama administration.

Oh and don't forget about this Hour long presentation in congress about Al Qaeda members being the Libyan rebels, as well as extremists, rapists, and murderers.


In case any of you don't like the first video because it's a republican here is super Liberal Dennis Kucinich railing against Al Qaeda in the rebels as well.


And here is an article on the Libyan rebel leader admitting to having a bunch of Al Qaeda members in his "rebellion" which is actually just terrorism.


And to all the remaining Obama fans, please don't try and accuse me of being in favor of Newt Gingrich or tell me some bullshit about McCain Palin. My criticism for Obama is simply based around facts and in no way means I support a GOP agenda. Obama is a fraud and so is Newt Gingrich.

[-] 1 points by kayak69 (57) from West Sand Lake, NY 13 years ago

So, who do recommend?

[-] 0 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

trevor stop being an imbecile - I didn't say you had to vote for the President, I said I am going to vote for the President.

Every other serious candidate for the office to date is simply another un-American scum sucking parasite intent on selling out to Wall Street.

[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 13 years ago

Not really being an imbecile.

Also I never said you told me I had to vote for him. I was just pointing out some Obama facts to someone who says they're voting for Obama. Ignoring facts is being an imbecile.

[-] -2 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

most of your facts regarding Libya are either not facts at all, or where they are they come coupled with a spin that is insupportable.

in my opinion, that is indeed being an imbecile.

stop pandering to hysteria.

[-] 3 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 13 years ago

i trust Dennis Kucinich more than a guy named Zen Dog on the internet. Also I highly doubt you watched the entire presentation brought about in congress about Al Qaeda and Libya.

[-] -2 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

I missed it. In it's entirety. I'm on dial-up.

[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 13 years ago

So you didn't actually check out any of the links and you had the audacity to call them lies? Wow.

This just in: Just because CNN didn't cover it doesn't mean it didn't happen.

[-] -1 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago


I've heard the Libyan spin already from others - I'm tired of it.

[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 13 years ago

How is it spin? You just keep saying that but have yet to dispute any of the claims. Also that's one thing you disagree with in this massive list proving Obama to be a fraud. Like I said, i trust Dennis Kucinich more than some guy named Zen Dog on the internet. If you can provide proof of how I am wrong on the matter, that'd be great. But so far you've just called it spin, which proves nothing other than you have an opinion.

[-] 0 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

Obama is a lying fraud!!!

here you're pandering to hysteria - I really don't have time for hysteria - I've kind of sworn off hysteria in favor out outright bitterness and rage.

He is a republican in disguise. He's Geroge W Obama. Don't believe me?

No, I don't. As candidate he overturned neo-con policy by stating explicitly he would pull out of Iraq - and within days Dubya began discussing the possibility of a time line. Before Candidate Obama's statement the principle of a time line was not even on the table.

He passed healthcare reform - stating that single payer was the best option, he couldn't get repelicans to go along.

During the budget debate he consistently stated that "revenue generation" must be on the table - repelicans refused. Revenue generation - raising taxes on the one percent.

There is a huge difference between Obama and the repelican party. That fact is stark and self evident.

[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 13 years ago

Yes I make both those claims. And instead of leaving it at that, I posted the TRUTH about what he's done and posted links to credible sources as well.

Keep thinking Obama is a savior and that he hasn't betrayed the people that voted for him. Enjoy that NDAA bill that allows the indefinite detention of US citizens that bypasses the 5th and 6th amendments in the bill of rights.

Definition of FRAUD - A person intended to deceive others, typically by unjustifiably claiming or being credited with accomplishments or qualities.

The few good things he's done don't make up for that massive list of failures I posted.

Wall Street's takeover of the Obama administration is now complete. "The mega-banks and their corporate allies control every economic policy position of consequence. Mr. Obama has moved rapidly since the November debacle to install business people where it counts most. Mr.William Daley from JP Morgan Chase as White House Chief of Staff. Mr. Gene Sperling from the Goldman Sachs payroll to be director of the National Economic Council. Eileen Rominger from Goldman Sachs named director of the SEC's Investment Management division. Even the National Security Advisor, Thomas Donilon, was executive vice president for law and policy at the disgraced Fannie Mae after serving as a corporate lobbyist with O'Melveny & Roberts. The keystone of the business friendly team was put in place on Friday. General Electric Chairman and CEO Jeffrey Immelt will serve as chair of the president's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness."


He supported the bailouts of a fraudulent financial system that is extracting wealth from our country and stealing people's pensions and homes. The bailout money was used by the federal reserve to create 7.7 trillion dollars out of thin air for their own private interest, and Obama has yet to do anything about it.


"Is this the United States congress, or the board of directors of Goldman Sachs?"-Dennis Kucinich

The Federal Reserve is not a government agency. It's a private for profit bank ran by frauds. Its a Ponzi scheme where they issue debt created from thin air and then they STEAL your tax money and put it in their wallets and their cronies' pockets. You know those trillions of dollars in government debt? Who do you think pays the interest on it?!?! WE DO! The Federal Reserve has no accountability and create trillions of dollars out of thin air for their own private interests all the while devaluing our US dollar. You don't see Obama trying to correct this fraudulent system.


He's bombed more countries than Bush. Countries like Libya, Pakistan, Yemen, Afghanistan... etc

He extended the Bush tax cuts.


He never actually closed guantanamo bay.


He lied about ending the wars in Iraq and the current withdrawal was scheduled by the Bush administration. And there is a billion dollar military base in Iraq and I guarantee you that it aint empty. The departure from Iraq was required by the 2008 Iraq-U.S. Status of Forces Agreement signed by Iraq Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and then-President George W. Bush and approved by the Iraqi parliament, giving it the status of law.




He also supported the patriot act, which essentially deletes the 4th amendment.


He's started unconstitutional acts of war against Libya, which he spoke out against when Bush did that to Iraq.


Obama signed for the indefinite detention of US citizens without trial into law under provisions of the NDAA and "designates the world as the battlefield and that includes the homeland." -quote senator Lindsey Graham who supported the bill and argued in it's favor.



“This bill [the NDAA] authorizes permanent warfare anywhere in the world. It gives the president unchecked power to pursue war. It diminishes the role of this Congress. The founders saw Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution, which places in the hands of Congress the war power, as essential to a check and balance against the executive abuse of power. This legislation diminishes Congress' role in that regard.” - Dennis Kucinich

In reference to the passing of the new NDAA the Armed Services Committee released this,"the threats posed by al Qaeda cells in Yemen and Africa underscore the evolving and continuing nature of the terrorist threat to the United States. The Conference Report ensures the United States will have the ability to meet this threat and neutralize terrorists from these groups and conduct effective interrogations." More war for Obama!


List of terrorist organizations our country could start war with and the countries they're in.


"This [the National Defense Authorization Act of 2011] designates the WORLD as the battlefield... and that includes the homeland."


Next stop Africa and Yemen!!! Maybe Iran or Syria next? Fulfill that cold war with some Operation Northwoods and go to war with Russia? Who knows? It's the government. It's a threat to national security to tell you the truth all the time.Maybe China a few years from now?




“We suggest a distinctive tactic for breaking up the hard core of extremists who supply conspiracy theories: cognitive infiltration of extremist groups, whereby government agents or their allies (acting either virtually or in real space, and either openly or anonymously) will undermine the crippled epistemology of believers by planting doubts about the theories and stylized facts that circulate within such groups, thereby introducing beneficial cognitive diversity.” -Cass R Sunstein, Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs in the Obama administration.

Oh and don't forget about this Hour long presentation in congress about Al Qaeda members being the Libyan rebels, as well as extremists, rapists, and murderers.


In case any of you don't like the first video because it's a republican here is super Liberal Dennis Kucinich railing against Al Qaeda in the rebels as well.


And here is an article on the Libyan rebel leader admitting to having a bunch of Al Qaeda members in his "rebellion" which is actually just terrorism.


[-] 1 points by jiradog (92) 13 years ago

Have you heard of Ron Paul?

[-] -1 points by jaktober (286) from Sonoma, CA 13 years ago

Do you believe Ron Paul is going to sell out to Wall Street?

You don't think Rocky Anderson, Jill Stein (who won 27% in a 3 way mock election recently) and Kent Mesplay are serious candidates?

What are your feelings on Americans Elect?

[-] 0 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

Lawn Raul is another goddamned repelican

the repelican party is DONE

[-] 2 points by gsw (3423) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 13 years ago

Rocky Anderson, Justice Party needs signatures to be on ballot.


Progressive issues, and is not the same old republican/democrat choice, look into this candidate.

I like Obama. He had a really tough job, and to rescue the world's economy and our country's foreign policy, and earn back respect in the world, after the Republicans, with Democrats not standing up vociferously enough, he should have fought more for a larger initial stimulus, more for universal health care, and more for education. Obama has had many accomplishments, and has been a decent president. I just thought he would be a little more progressive, and fight back more against the Republicans earlier, when they showed they were not going to try to get along in the spirit of bipartisanship. The republicans stink, they didn't say anything about not paying for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, tax cuts for millionaires, welfare-subsidies for corporations such as ethanol, GM. Now they are out of office, they want to pay as you go. I agree with pay as you go, not just lip service. The president likes it to, but this economy has been so low, with so many unemployed, it has been hard to pay as you go in a down economy. When things were good, we shouldn't have ging all crazy going into all those countries. Now the republicans are talking of going into Iraq, N. Korea. We've got to build up America, so we can help be a beacon of light to the world. We should have more options to pay for education, more peace-corp opportunities. Anyway, if Obama wins, and another outside party, such as Justice Party, is stronger by 2016, then I'll be fine with that. I just can't see giving all the power to the crazy Republican Tea Party. They just keep repackaging the same old republican lies over and over, and saying them, repeating them, makes there lies truth for those whom they are preaching to.

[-] 0 points by BlueRose (1437) 13 years ago

Can you explain to me what Daughters of the American Revolution is, why he has dealings with them? Until I know, I am distrustful of Rocky Anderson. Sounds like another Ron Paul.

[-] 2 points by gsw (3423) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 13 years ago

what I think on the Daughters of the American Revolution, ...my guess (without looking it up) is people whose ancestors fought in the American Revolutionary War.

Oh I had to google it so I don't show of my idiocy, ...but I was correct

DAR | Daughters of the American Revolution www.dar.org/ Block all www.dar.org results Non-profit, women's organization for the descendants of individuals who aided in achieving American independence. Engaged in historic preservation and

[-] -1 points by BlueRose (1437) 13 years ago

Thank you, but it does sound like another Ron Paul "freedom" and "liberty" ploy.

[-] 2 points by gsw (3423) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 13 years ago

he has history fighting for lesbian/gay/bi rights. claimed wasn't taking donations greater than $100. Spoke against the evils of the military industrial complex, and both parties are corrupted by money in the system. That's just my opinion. Wikipedia him.

[-] 0 points by BlueRose (1437) 13 years ago

He's another Mormon candidate. Great.

[-] 0 points by BlueRose (1437) 13 years ago

Yeah, ok, I want to hear from his supporters, see what they are about...

[-] 0 points by madfoot (52) 13 years ago

What do you mean "ploy"? Ron Paul isn't a faker. In Anderson's case, I haven't checked his record but he sounds like a dedicated progressive. I'm a libertarian, not a progressive, so I won't necessarily support Rocky Anderson, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't if you agree with his policies. I'd like to see more honest progressives in government...

[-] 1 points by gsw (3423) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 13 years ago

Hi Blue Rose.

I was not familiar either, but he was on : "The Young Turks" Current Channel the other day, very articulate speaking for the 99 percent issues, and the host liked him. The commentators said 3rd party has no chance to win, but they could help keep Obama to the left, if he has support at this point in the race.


Here's another link. I don't believe he can win in 2012, but maybe 2016 he could have a shot.


I think we ought to have some candidates up there spreading the message, and right now he's the best one I see running so far, so I want to give him a plug, that people should look into it...He's trying to get on the ballot for the 50 states, but there is an early deadline, (January 2, 2012?) as I understand it.

I really don't have much other info than my couple of day-old introduction and research, but the more voices out there proclaiming the message clearly of the 99 percent, the better....strike while the iron is hot. Sorry I don't have more first-hand experience .

[-] 0 points by BlueRose (1437) 13 years ago

I saw Rocky on Current. I like Cenk, sometimes he is a little naive, so I would not blindly support anyone he endorses. There are sharks in the media water, they want nothing more than to push a Libertarian agenda. They are going after young, conservative voters big time at the moment. The other trick is to split a vote by placing someone on the ballot. Believe me, it was Republicans standing in line to sign to get Ralph Nader on the ballot. This Rocky is suspicious, as I really can't pin down what he's about. I do not care if he supports "justice".

[-] 2 points by gsw (3423) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 13 years ago

yea "splitting the ticket" and tilting things for the right wingers to get the presidency would be terrible for my mental and economic health. I'm still not over Bush getting Florida due to Nader, so I take your point seriously, because if a couple more states went to the repubs, it could tilt it in their favor, and I wouldn't put it past Karl Rove and his right wing dirty-players dreaming up some scheme to get their candidates elected.

[-] 1 points by alexrai (851) 13 years ago

Just out of mild curiosity, why are the dems not more to the left? That's how they should have responded to Nader. I'm glad Al Gore is now a famous environmentalist but I don't seem to remember his strong views on global warming coming out during his presidential run.

If republicans are smart enough to take the tea party seriously, why are dems not smart enough to take 3rd party candidates seriously? When a 3rd party is threatening to scoop 5% of your base, you gotta address the issue that is causing them to leave.

If Obama kicked the Drug Czar out of his cabinet, and ordered the DEA to reschedule Marijuana, then Paul would not have the support of a substantial number of marijuana users and medical patients who normally probably vote for democrats. Had he done that in year one, nobody would care anymore because after 3 years it would be obvious that it was the right decision to everyone except staunch conservatives who will never vote for him anyway.

When support for legalization is polling higher than your approval rating in some places... maybe its time to address the issue instead of really pissing off a large chunk of your supporters by raiding dispensaries (and pretending you have nothing to do with it).

[-] 1 points by gsw (3423) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 13 years ago

The democratic party is mostly Clintonesque/centrist/pro-business/ostensibly pro middle-class. It's a big-tent party, and I don't think they foresaw Bush "winning".

Now, the democrats seem to be employing the same people who are running Wall Street and the banks, and there getting paid the same, as well, because they're (politicians) essentially in for life, due to gerrymandered election districts.

Nader had no elective office experience. so they (the dems and general public) didn't think he'd be a factor, I suppose.

They don't want to appear "soft on drugs" or soft on the war on drugs, is my guess.

Although "the war on drugs" is not winnable....this ought to be regulated and taxed--distributed like alcohol, to undercut the main money-maker of the Mexican cartels. That many people are incarcerated and made criminals from a little plant, that's weird. Veracruz just had to fire its entire police force because there were so many who were compelled to be on the cartel take, or face their wrath. It's a messed up system, but that is supply and demand.

So I hope people will be more open to outside political parties, and not just the traditional ones, but our system seems to favor a two-major party system. I never went to far out of the democratic party (although I will listen to credible arguments on the other side with an open mind). this time i'm looking hoping the justice party will shed some light on the issues.

i think most people still see "red" versus "blue" ...where their states align and lean. I think the issues have become more complex, but good luck getting people to see that. Did you see that movie, Inside Job, narrated by Matt Damon? Although I had been aware of all the related issues and pieces, it was nice to see them all pulled together, and presented systematically. I didn't think it would run on my slow pc, but it worked mostly very well-twice it paused to load.


[-] 1 points by alexrai (851) 13 years ago

No but I keep hearing a lot about it, thanks for the link I'll check it out.

I think the issue goes a lot deeper than appearing "soft on drugs" a lot of people make a lot of money off the status quo, a lot of people have jobs because of marijuana prohibition... the CIA uses drug money to finance operations... but support for the drug war is quickly becoming a political liability.

Anyway, what Obama-Care hating republican is going to vote for him even if he is seen as a drug warrior? Even republicans (e.g. Chris Christie) are getting tired of this policy.

I think its time for the dems to move further left on the social issues, or risk losing their base, and the more tightly contested elections. People are getting fed up with them pandering to republicans, and they are looking elsewhere, like www.bluerepublican.org

People wonder why republicans moved to the right because of a relatively small number of tea party supporters, but if they didn't they would risk losing the close elections to voter splits. If democrats refuse to adapt, they will suffer the same fate at the hand of other parties like the Justice Party... and will completely deserve it too.

At least in my opinion its time for the oft courted independents to pick a fricken side of the ever increasing chasm between left/right, or start their own party in the center... or if the dems want to occupy the tiny little political center, fine, but its time for a new party that is more progressive on the left.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 13 years ago

Another reason that the oath of office ( any oath of office ) should be a binding social contract that has real consequences for violation. Like losing office immediately, and depending on the violation could very well carry criminal charges for undermining the public good.

[-] 1 points by ARod1993 (2420) 13 years ago

Honestly, whether I like it or not I'm voting for Obama in 2012. My reasoning is simply that he's the only one in the field who has a real shot at winning the election that will at least try to get things done. Ideally Green Party candidates like Jill Stein or Kent Mesplay would be able to capture a large enough share of the vote to be viable candidates, but third-and fourth-party people tend not to get anywhere in our current electoral system and a vote cast there is thus a vote lost when everything is said and done.

That also rules out Rocky Anderson and RJ Harris, and I'm also pretty sure that the Libertarian Party is even more strongly against re-regulation of private industry and similar measures that I firmly believe will help to turn this country around than the mainstream Republicans appear to be. I have serious reservations about Ron PauI and Buddy Roemer even if they do get the backing of a major political party, and I have articulated those reasons on here multiple times, and you can just forget about me voting for any of the mainstream Republican candidates; I disagree strongly with them on the issues and have little if any trust in or respect for them as people.

I could always simply refuse to vote, but the way things work here a vote not cast for Obama becomes an indirect vote for whoever the GOP finally sets on as their nominee, and I am not going to contribute to the election of any of those people, even indirectly.


[-] 0 points by thefutureisnow (223) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

right on man i dig what you are saying Zendog , i am for sure supporting Obama again , because the theory that we could go from bad to worse i think totally applies in this situation , and i believe if he has four more years he will do everything in his power to at least get the nation heading in a positive direction some one said to me, yea he will get us back on track bu we do not need to get back on track because that political track is what fukd this country up so bad in the first place , i am kind of a hands on political net worker but most of the issues i bring up seem to attract certain people , so i am basically trying to do a hand off when i come up with a viable political idea for a forum , because i will be happy when i am occupying again in a site i have done a east coast new England tour through seven states and now i am resting a bit and thinking of finding a small office in DC or NYC < and live there and network for OWS and the 2012 democratic election campaign , thanks for your insight man ,

[-] -1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 13 years ago

What is it with republicans?

Any mention of their legion, malfeasance, brings a childish response of--------------------But, Mommm, the other guys are doing it too!!!

All the way back to Nixon, they said the democrats are doing it too.

They weren't. It was just the low life republicans.

[-] 1 points by moediggity (646) from Houston, TX 13 years ago

Fuck obama! Personally, I think that hes going to win the election, but don't let that get to you. Even thought that will happen, if we have a ralph nader type candidate, vote for him instead. I mean with either major candidate we get screwed anyway so it doesn't matter who wins. The important thing is that you don't sell your vote out to either party. thats my tree fiddy.

[-] 1 points by CriticalThinker (140) 13 years ago

white bred racist tyranny?? Seriously?

I will give him credit for getting us out of the sandbox but I don't think he got us out of there on any ideological grounds. TPTB most probably directed him that they've accomplished what they were looking for.

But, nonetheless, obama did get us the fuck outa there. We NEVER belonged there in the first place.

[-] 1 points by ithink (761) from York, PA 13 years ago

The presidency is important.. but we need more moderates in congress. Enough with the extremism.

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 13 years ago

I voted for Obama in 2008 and will vote for him again in 2012. He is a politician who must work within the evil framework of our current election system. He really doesn't have much of a choice. At least he gets more money from small donors than anyone else.

Although he's been weak, his heart is in the right place and I don't think he can be blamed for the mess he inherited.

[-] 0 points by thefutureisnow (223) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

thanks very much for the most positive reply of this entire forum i really wish more people felt this way, because i think its true also and he does have his back to the wall , especially with people like dick cheney who are still trying to run the country from behind he scene,s , and he is just one of the people Obama has to deal with ,

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 13 years ago

I'm happy to speak the truth of how I feel. A lot of people, Republicans in particular, just want him out because he is black. It's pathetic. They actually want the unemployment rate to stay high because they think he can't be re-elected with a high unemployment rate. He's been bullied from every angle but he is still standing. Although I think he's been very weak at times and would like him to push hard from the left, maybe his moderate strategy is best for re-election.

[-] 0 points by thefutureisnow (223) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

yea i feel he has been oppressed while in office but i do think its possible that he does have an agenda against those oppressors in 2012 , i think he needs the second term to actually make some more real progress ,

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 13 years ago

As long as the Republicans don't succeed in disenfranchising millions of Americans (mostly African-Americans, the elderly and out-of-state students likely to vote for Obama) in the name of phony and non-existent "fraud" he will likely win.

[-] 0 points by thefutureisnow (223) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

yes i think its quite possible he will win again , and also recently i have been studying the welfare generation process and how it was created and why it was created to keep the poor and the lower middle class in their place so the upper class and the rich would have people to rule like dictator,s ,

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 13 years ago

This is why we are here this is why you are needed.


Share, circulate, educate, inspire.

[-] 1 points by Nicolas (258) from Québec, QC 13 years ago

It says so just above, but I'll first reiterate : I'm not american.

That said, my understanding is that elections are not ows' main concern and Obama's reelection campaign is not ows's business. Democracy is not only about elections, it is also about public discourse, public space and public involvement. It can't work properly without a broad and actualized counsciousness among the citizens of their shared responsability and power. Those are the things ows is trying to restore, and it starts with getting people in the streets and talking.

Focusing on electing someone or other would be a distraction, and a divisive one at that. Moreover it would in effect put a set expiration date on the political awereness and participation ows is trying to build in people. Ows righly focuses on the long term and durable goal of getting people involved and active politically while trusting this will, among other things, lead to citizens voting more and responsibly.

Basically, ows cares about the horse, and Obama is the cart. It does no good to fret over getting the fanciest cart available while the horse is moribund.

[-] 1 points by Demian (497) from San Francisco, CA 13 years ago

Is this a troll thread?

[-] 1 points by reckoning (53) 13 years ago

What kind of dumbass question is this??

Obama is a FAILURE!!!! PERIOD!! A loon nut job!

[-] -1 points by thefutureisnow (223) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

obviously its a question that you cannot answer because the answer you gave is not good enough , so why don,t you go back to forum,s about anarchy or something and stick to you norm ,

[-] 1 points by sato (148) 13 years ago

the current president always has the burden of every problem the country faces. Obama is the current president. He hasn't done nearly enough. His promises have to proven to be unrealistic. etc etc etc. Obama sucks. Sadly, he is our best choice at the moment. I will vote for him but I would have wanted someone better.

[-] 1 points by jomojo (562) 13 years ago

Presidential elections bring out voters. Will this help or hurt? In many states it's already known which party will win. My vote will not stop the landslide here, so why not vote for a third party candidate, and be counted as one vote against the two contenders, while voting for who I'd like as president, (wishful thinking). The other issues and candidates will be more important. I'd like for there to debates among independent candidates, since they will not be able to debate the democrat and republican's chosen candidates, but the 2014 election will bring changes also.

[-] 1 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 13 years ago

I believe those that hate him are either knee jerk Republicans or honestly don't know how are system works. I guess it was that Bushtard's words, "I am the decider" that got the american people confused. Presidents don't decide the laws of the land. Kings, dictators and Congress are the deciders. Presidents are the implementators.

[-] 0 points by thefutureisnow (223) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

nice i am glad this may be going somewhere so many people have told me to get fucked called me a racist and many other types of insults , yours is not only a welcome reply it is a valid point, thanks very much ,

[-] 1 points by fixwallstreetnow (42) from San Francisco, CA 13 years ago

He's done nothing real for financial reform and instead has put in people owned by the system such as Timothy Geithner and Larry Summers. He either 1) doesn't get how corrupt the system, 2) gets it but is too weak to stand up to it, or 3) is completely owned by it. I expect more from a democratic president. I guess you just can't win.

Elizabeth Warren for President 2016.

[-] 0 points by thefutureisnow (223) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

i understand but what if people have threatened him behind the scene,s and his back is to the wall even though he is the president ,

[-] 1 points by warriorjoe7 (232) 13 years ago

I understand where you are coming from. But if the reason he has done badly is because he has been threatened, then he shouldnt get another term, because they will just threaten him again, and the same thing will happen again

[-] 0 points by thefutureisnow (223) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

yea its like a catch 22 , i am disgusted with my choices i guess it could be worse but i feel i must support someone anyone who is at the very least going to stand up o wall st, all the details

[-] 1 points by divineright (664) 13 years ago

Four letters, NDAA. If he vetoes the act by the deadline, I will most likely vote for Obama. If he does not, I can not in good faith support him.

[-] 1 points by thefutureisnow (223) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

I believe Obama can be swayed away from the wall street scene and back to the people we just need to give him a viable reason , he is our only hope and our only link to the people that has a chance to actually put a lid on wall street once and for all , they have been hounding him and adorning him all at the same time they shower him with gifts and then call him a capitalist in the media and talk about his supposed relationship with wall st, and other big business corporations , they have set him up to fail but he has not failed yet even this national defense act bullshit bill was created for the sole purpose of first spiraling the OWS movement out of control so they can implement martial law in America , and then say its Obama,s fault he has been set up but i do not think he is as blind to their plot as they think he is , you know the age old saying keep your friends close and your enemies closer,

[-] 0 points by agnosticnixie (17) from Laval, QC 13 years ago

No, we don't need a president.

Also if all he has accomplished is being a token, quite frankly that's pretty weak in view of all the oligarchy did on his watch.

[-] 0 points by SteveKJR (-497) 13 years ago

Well lets see - he sure has been successful

Unenployment over 8% for the past 3 years - that's an accomplishment No jobs - that's an accomplishment Putting the country another 5 trillion in debt - that's an accomplishment Blaming Bush for his failures - that's a true leader Blaming the Sunami in Japan for high unemployment Blaming Euripe for high unemployment

Need I say more?

[-] 0 points by betuadollar (-313) 13 years ago

National debt, Obamacare, Illegal Immigration, Energy, etc., etc., etc.

[-] 0 points by mikePac (52) 13 years ago

Obummer is nothing but a pile of failed policies. Commando Odumbo is liked by all the libtards and a very few dummyCrats. He is one and done

[-] 0 points by Spankysmojo (849) 13 years ago

He's been a huge let-down. What options do we have? Seriously...he's what we got for now.

[-] 0 points by thefutureisnow (223) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

yes for now unless someone steps up out of the blue ,

[-] 0 points by Spankysmojo (849) 13 years ago

Not gonna happen. What have we seen so far...that we have to vote Obama!

[-] 0 points by kickthemout (83) 13 years ago

Obama doesn't need another four years. This man is an anti-American, anti-White, wants to destroy everything White and was good enough to fool millions of Whites into electing him President.

It's not going to happen again. This is a White Country. Non-Whites with the exception of native Americans whose tribes are located within the present United States of America should all be forcefully deported as they are endangering our continuous survival. I must note that OWS-Revolution is our revolution because Whites have become gypsies in their own Country and have to fight back.

[-] -2 points by Farleymowat (415) 13 years ago

Who gives a damn about race? When are you fucking libs going to start looking at people as people? Fuck skin color. who cares one fucking bit that he is part black? A lib, that's who. Go to hell and take your racist bullshit with you, thefutureisnow.

[-] 3 points by thefutureisnow (223) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

you are an idiot you probably spend most of your time on this site talking to real racist pricks and don,t even realize it , you don,t know me or where i have been or what i have done for my country and how i have risk my life my freedom and existence on this planet standing up against racism , and also standing up for our civil liberties , you are a sad misled propaganda freak and a huge portion of the people who visit these forum,s have no idea what,s really going on , oh gee i have something form you tube to show you or cnn or bbc or blahblahblah , you fall into that category , and i do not mind when these idiot,s insult me but when you say i am a racist , that makes me angry as fuk , you have no idea what,s going on Obama is our last chance at keeping our country from falling back into the hands of the racist pricks who have been ruling it for 200 plus years , why the fuk do you think the you think they call it the white house because it was built for white men to rule in , you are so misled its not funny so if you cannot control yourself with these needless fuking insults why even bother you message me just to tell me to fuk off ,

[-] 0 points by capella (199) 13 years ago

It's called the "White House" because it's painted white. another term for obama and the republic of the USA will be done. YOU are the mislead one.

[-] 1 points by thefutureisnow (223) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

hey check this out fuck the white house i am want to paint it black you know like Mick said man ,

[-] 0 points by capella (199) 13 years ago

mick the druggie?

[-] 1 points by thefutureisnow (223) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

why not Mick jagger , i see a white house and i want to paint it black ,

[-] -2 points by Farleymowat (415) 13 years ago

Fuck off loser. Ass holes like you do nothing but incite racism. That is what you are about. Fuck skin color. If you are black, I could give a shit. If you are white, I could give a shit. Brown, I don't care! Get it? I don't give a damn if you are Martin Luther King Junior back from the dead! Take you and your racist attitude and shove it up your ass. This world keeps dwelling on the past because of losers like you.

[-] 2 points by thefutureisnow (223) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

if you continue to insult me needlessly you may become an example , or if you want be my real enemy that,s fine with me , because frankly i think there are many people like you who need to be taught a very serious lesson , about the difference between hospitality and hospitalized , and i am quite sure this will be one of my MO,s when i am occupying in public in fact it already has been , a few times so far, so i don,t know you or really care to but if you continue to insult me and call me a racist , you are going to go to far , and where you stop is where i start , so i hope you consider what i have just said because i am a dead fukng serious i am not going to put up with this bullshit you want to be my fukng enemy fine ,

[-] -1 points by Farleymowat (415) 13 years ago

You are seriously delusional.

[-] -1 points by thefutureisnow (223) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

now you see i don, mind if you say i am delusional or tell me to fuck off or anything at all , besides slandering me as a racist allright? because i am not so thanks for calling me delusional instead i have no real quarrel with you what so ever we are all on here for a reason and one of my main reasons it to find a pres candidate so OWS can back them in 2012 , that,s all nothing more nothing less nothing up my sleeve man , but i cannot help as much as i would be able to if people see a post that say,s i am a racist and statistically speaking about 30 percent less people would be reached , we need a fucking president and we need to start backing whoever its going to be now,

[-] -2 points by capella (199) 13 years ago

What does being bi-racial have to do with being president? What is required is the ability to lead and that has nothng to do with skin color. You are a racist.

[-] 2 points by thefutureisnow (223) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

i am not a racist but i do know there are many racist people on this site Obama has a hard enough job being bi racial has everything to do with it he is the first American president who did did not come from a completely white background in the whole 200 plus years of American politics, and i have never seen anyone photo shop a African American persons head on a white presidents picture and post it to the web , yet the people who posted the pic of Obama with a fuking monkey,s head on it totally got away with it , also other white bred republicans and gop,s have also made degrading remarks about Obama,s wife even his family and they get away with it , then some freak gets close enough to he white house to fire off several rounds from an assault rifle and makes it all the way to western Pennsylvania before he finally gets caught , Obama has the most difficult presidency in the history in the United states , and i have had many people rudely and crudely insult me every time i have even mentioned his name on this site so you got it wrong man , i am not a fukng racist and do not play into any racist ideologies but there are many people who do and many of them are using this site to promote their racist views and ideologies and i would like to know why , so you see Obama,s skin color has everything to do with what i am talking about , i have heard so many people make insulting and degrading remarks about Obama on this site , And i want to know why they are using bullshit propaganda tactics within the OWS movement because not only do i not agree i am quite sure their are many other people in the country who also do not agree , and i am contemplating a conspiracy theory about who and what started up the OWS movement so i can decide if it was actually a ploy that accidentally grew so large so fast that the people who created it lost control and it it now a living entity , Obama needs more time to continue changing what has been the same way for 200 plus years , because its obvious even to most un informed citizens that the white bred tyranny way sucks and does not work so now we must change everything and the only president who can do it is Obama ,

[-] -1 points by capella (199) 13 years ago

bush was often called a "chimp" . was that racist? Reagan was shot. Was that racist? Kennedy was killed. Was that racist? Truman was shot at. Was that racist? An attempt was made to kill FDR. Was that racist? His presidency was a lot more difficult that 0bamas.

[-] 2 points by thefutureisnow (223) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

yes these are facts but this is a new age a new world compared to when those people were in power in politics , i am tired of these behind the scenes racist shadow gov,t who are basically diabolical dictators waiting in the wings they will not just come out and say who and what they they are and represent , so we will flush them out and hold them responsible for their actions ,