Forum Post: Why do people here hate the original Wall Street protestor?
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 12, 2011, 8:32 p.m. EST by hymie
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I'm talking about Lyndon Larouche, actually. He was advocating Glass Steagall years, if not decades ago, and was thrown in jail for being against Wall Street, which is just a part of the British empire.
Numerous people here have said he is a right wing extremist, but he claims to be a moderate democrat in the tradition of FDR or JFK. I think he is considered authoritarian because he promotes definite moral values and classical culture, for example, teaching classical singing to his cadre of political activists.
This is his site:
If you think he is a right wing extremist, please copy something from his site a post it here to prove your point.
LaRouche is a nut case. And that is apparent just by reading his website.
People always say that, but never give an example. Can you?
Your reference is what somebody else says about Larouche. Please make your point using what Larouche says for himself.
You may consider Wikipedia objective, but I do not. I think the people that run it most definitely manipulate it.
"You may consider Wikipedia objective, but I do not. I think the people that run it most definitely manipulate it."
LA Times:
Washington Post:
New York Times:
More New York Times:
New York Times again:(this one's despicable)
That's just the late 80s.(and not all of it)
He's going to steal (borrow) all your money because he is a cult leader and you are in a cult.
Now get over your mommy issues and break your dependence from the manipulative baby boomer that's brainwashing you.
Clarification: Lyndon LaRouche is eighty-eight years old, which would not qualify him as a Baby Boomer.
I don't trust any of those media outlet's. They are owned by Wall Street and their lies have gotten us into the crisis that we have today. They should hate Larouche, he is their enemy.
This is from his site ----------loopy enough for you ? if not there's that guy who thinks that lizard people are running the country ---------I'll admit he's the loopy-est
"There is no recovery, and no intent to have one. Period. The people running the so-called financial rescue from the top have no intention of allowing an economic recovery. Their plan is to kill you, not save you. The openly stated intent of the people who run the British Empire is to reduce the world’s population from seven billion to less than one billion. They’ve said so, and they are systematically destroying the structures which keep people alive. Health care, education, food, shelter, energy, water supplies, the transportation grid—it’s all being either destroyed or priced out of reach, or both. Deliberately."
This is going on in the Third World already. Look at Haiti.
It's not loopy at all. It just hasn't hit your neighborhood yet.
Larouche said the economic crisis was going to happen decades ago, people said he was crazy, and what happened? We had an economic crisis.
I don't see any recovery now, nothing strange about that. We've certainly had genocide before, just after the previous economic crisis - the great depression, then we had world war 2. Some people see world war three on the horizon now.
Why would the people at the top want to kill the folks that have always given them their wealth? I'll tell you for sure wall street like the laws exactly like they are now and I agree about Glass Steagall --------but there's a point where all these guys Paul, Ickes, La'Roauche take wild turns into la la land. I honestly think it's due to a hatred of math. The whole crisis, the derivatives, the leverage, the systemic risk can all be explained easily with math. They can be fixed with math. I think these fanciful characters divert people away from seeing the real problems and looking for real solutions --------it's like they all work for Goldman Saks helping keep Americans in the dark.
The people at the top want to kill people because people are getting out of control, now that the system is coming down. People protest Wall Street and spread their protest all around the world. The people at the top can't have that happening.
Larouche is a scientist actually. Remember Star Wars? He did all the science behind that. So he can do the math. I'm sure he understands all the math behind derivatives.
He believes classical art is a more important foundation for scientific creativity though. Einstein for example was a competent classical violinist. He played the violin to help develop his scientific ideas.
Oh Jesus tap dancing christ! The whole queen of England controls the drug trade and my prostate etc.... Get a life.
The whole British international banking system is the biggest launderer of drug money in the world, and the Queen is at the top of that. Its been that way since the opium wars over 100 years ago. What's so hard to understand about that?
Being against that is a form of Wall Street protest, opposing the drug money laundering of the international banking system.
Larouche says far more than that. And even based on my own family history, I can tell you, that there is definite truth here as relates to the power of London and Bankfurt.
Is your family involved in banking? Tell us more.
My mother's paternal side was, yea... WWI era, Deutschbank... Frankfurt and London... think "Count James Minotto," "Otto Kahn"... others... "Buenos Aires" ... "Paris, the trial of Cailliaux".. "Arizona" ... "Chicago"... "Einstien"... it goes on and on.
The HHQs of General Pershing in France... Ferdinand Foch...
The Prussian General that masterminded the invasion of France via Belgium.
Italy, Vienna, even the Queen of England...
"George II of Saxony," the "Theater Duke"... the "Viceroy of India"...
It's a huge, huge story that has never been told. And no I'm not nutz; I have some 1000 documents to support it. And it would make a really great hollywood movie cause it's got everything - war, espionage, suspense, romance... ocean liners... "jet setters"... summer mansions... convertibles... women... uniforms... it's just incredible. And it's all TRUE.
I'd like to hear more about your story. I live near Hollywood, maybe I can pitch it to somebody. Just kidding. But I would like to hear more about it.
I can't... Very interesting story, though... somewhat apropos... We're talking Frankfurt, Deutchbank London, Wall Street, Long Island... Buenos Aires, Venezuela... it's just amazing the circles the aristocracy moved in... and their financial interest and ability to influence in war is also very interesting.
One more time: get a life.
Not a very convincing argument.
"Numerous people here have said he is a right wing extremist, but he claims to be a moderate democrat in the tradition of FDR or JFK. "
He is an extremist and "claims" are a dime a dozen
I don't trust Wikipedia. Its part of an online propaganda system.
Both Tlydon and Msvn are regulars in the "there is no such thing as conspiracy" vein - sockpuppets of thrasy the great for all I know. Someone has to respond to their bullshit so the lost wanderer doesn't get sucked into their trance dance. Keep it up.
Maybe because when you Google his name and KKK bad stuff comes up?
Have you considered that perhaps his enemies are writing those things about him?
LaRouche is right about Glass-Steagall and a massive northern research and public works program does sound like a good idea. However, this guy says things about the British Empire that are as ludicrous as what David Icke says about lizard people and what God only knows how many people say about the Jews, especially the Rothschild family. Also, for the love of God, who the fuck thought it was a good idea to plop a Hitler mustache on Obama?
The man ran an organization that is more akin to a paramilitary cult than a political party that ran around accusing everyone who disagreed with them of being brainwashed and then forcibly "deprogramming" as many of them as he could get his hands on. He claimed to be under threat of assassination by everybody and their mother and ran ads accusing a presidential candidate of being a Soviet spy. He produces conspiracy theories faster than China produces cheap toys and then proceeds to systematically smear and attack anyone who thinks differently. There are two decades of evidence documenting how much havoc this man caused as a private citizen and now you want to elect him president?
What does he say about the British empire that is so ludicrous? Wall Street, the City of London Financial district, other financial districts around the world - that is the British empire.
Obama's mustache comes from similarities in his health care program to those of Hitler's. Also his continuation of the American Blitzkrieg into the middle east is likely to lead to a third world war if it is extended to Iran or Syria.
Both Russia and China have said they would not hesitate to protect Iran if it comes under attack. Russia is repositioning its missiles and anti-missiles as well as moving a fleet into the Mediterranean. Hu Jin Tao has put the Chinese navy on alert for a war against the US.
First of all, what exactly does Obamacare have to do with Hitler's healthcare plan? Unless it includes involuntary "euthanasia" of the old and sick you're being ridiculous. As far as the "American blitzkrieg" is concerned, all he's been doing is wrapping up the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Libya and Egypt were merely providing support to popular overthrow of authoritarian dictators; we didn't even have boots on the ground. Incidentally, if there is a mess in Iran, then that lands squarely on Ahmedinejad & Co.
As far as the British Empire is concerned, forget it. International finance is the domain of multinational financial conglomerates such as hedge funds. The whole point of the 2008 financial crisis was that the firms concerned had been allowed to grow so large that no government was in a position to get a handle on them, and you're trying to tell me that a symbolic figurehead who has little or no power over British financial policy, engineered it? Get real.
While you're at it, you might want to address my second paragraph, which you conveniently forgot to mention above.
Regarding your second paragraph above, there is a cultishness to the organization that I don't appreciate either. However, you may be getting some of your information from sites like "Larouche Watch" which reports some real events, but distorts them as well.
It wouldn't surprise me if assassination attempts were made against him. I don't know about the accusations against a presidential candidate.
Larouche is indeed fighting a war against Wall Street, he just sees the bigger picture that Wall Street is a part of the British empire. So his tactics get rough some time. But look at the terrible economic conditions that we are in now. Isn't it a good thing that somebody was fighting tooth and nail against those who brought this about?
I don't care if the man's ends were utopian; he exercised a near dictatorial control over his followers without any official authority behind him. If he's actually handed official power what's to say he won't go on a paranoid binge that would make us yearn for the good old days of Kent State and Watergate? The Patriot Act and the DHS give him ten times more power than Nixon ever had, and what's to say he won't decide to start forcibly "deprogramming" American citizens, among other things? There are "not-nice" tactics I can live with as a temporary means of dealing with a far greater evil, but LaRouche crosses the line so many times that I wouldn't let him near the White House.
I've been to Larouche's facilities and have met his activists. Never came across any dictatorial control. He's not running for office, worry about his young people who are running for congress.
If elected, they would probably try to end the patriot act. Their first priority is Glass Steagall and an economic recovery program.
I'd say the only thing I really don't like about them is the excessive fund raising tactics. But I keep it under control, and make my own decisions about what I will contribute.
Maybe he's not as crazy as he was in the seventies, but there is still no way I'm putting my name on anything affiliated with him period Amen. I don't trust him, nor do I trust most of the people that accept his ideology.
Larouche advocates Glass Steagall and a New Deal style economic recovery, and an end to the current threat of WW3. Those are his main priorities now.
If you don't trust him though, that's up to you. I don't trust Obama. What has he done for us? Things have only gotten worse since he's been president.
I agree with him on those three things, but I can't simply dismiss his record of cultlike behavior, paranoia, and occasional insanity. There are far saner people out there backing the same thing whom I would much prefer to be involved with.
If you support these three things, that's the main point. We would be fine, on our way to recovery, and living in peace if everybody supported these issues.
Then how about we forget about Lyndon LaRouche altogether and focus our efforts on those three areas of policy? If we do that instead then we stand a far better chance of getting things done than getting bogged down focusing our efforts on whether or not we should be supporting LaRouche the man.
Sure, that's fine. For me though, they are allies working for the same cause. But I don't worship Larouche.
If you don't want to talk about him, that's ok, its the same thing with my brother.
Fair enough; good talk.
Yes indeed, let's keep in touch.
Wow, enjoyed it immensely-glad I caught it.
Glad you dropped by.
I think the problem with Obama care is along the lines of involuntary euthanasia.
Just wrapping up wars, eh? Doesn't it occur to you that lots of people are being killed. What if China or Russia started providing support the Tea Party to overthrow our authoritarian dictator.
Why shouldn't Iran be able to have nuclear power. Some day all fossil fuel will be gone, and every country will need nuclear power. Iran is much less of a nuclear threat than Israel, Pakistan or the superpowers.
By British empire I do mean international corporations. It just happens that their headquarters is in the City of London financial district, because it really is a continuation of what we once called the British empire. The British empire was originally a corporate entity - the East India Company, which colonized India, then returned to colonize England, America, etc.
First of all, we don't have an authoritarian dictator, we have an incredibly henpecked and hamstrung president who is probably wondering what life would have been like had he not run for the office in 2008. Second of all, in both Egypt and Libya there was already a full-scale rebellion going on before we got involved and we (along with the rest of the international community) were asked by the people to come and help them.
As far as Iran is concerned, if Mir Hussein Moussavi were in power as a democratically elected president of Iran this wouldn't be a problem. Instead we have a petty theocratic quasi-dictator surrounded by a mix of mullahs and thugs who's busy rattling his saber at Israel to distract the populace from the manner in which he took power. He probably is pushing for a nuclear weapon so that he can be big and bad and try to drown out critics with testosterone-laced patriotism; it's the oldest trick in the book and he's given me no reason to trust him.
International financial conglomerates may in fact be spread across the area formerly controlled by the British, but referring to them as the British Empire implies that there is a shadow government in the UK that has been actively engineering the financial crisis and those collapses that came before. That is patently absurd, and I give it about as much credence as I do lizard people.
As far as the provision in Obamacare that has you people shitting bricks, all it says is that terminally ill patients have the right to see a counselor about how exactly they wish to die, and whether or not they wish to begin palliative and hospice care rather than therapies that are incredibly painful and invasive but won't necessarily extend their lives by any appreciable length of time. Theoretically, such palliative care might include a lethal dose of drugs in the event that the patient requests it, but that's not even explicitly provided for.
Also, you still haven't addressed why LaRouche is in any way fit to be president. The man ran an organization that is more akin to a paramilitary cult than a political party that ran around accusing everyone who disagreed with them of being brainwashed and then forcibly "deprogramming" as many of them as he could get his hands on. He claimed to be under threat of assassination by everybody and their mother and ran ads accusing a presidential candidate of being a Soviet spy. He produces conspiracy theories faster than China produces cheap toys and then proceeds to systematically smear and attack anyone who thinks differently. There are two decades of evidence documenting how much havoc this man caused as a private citizen and now you want to elect him president?
"As far as Iran is concerned, if Mir Hussein Moussavi were in power as a democratically elected president of Iran this wouldn't be a problem. Instead we have a petty theocratic quasi-dictator surrounded by a mix of mullahs and thugs who's busy rattling his saber at Israel to distract the populace from the manner in which he took power."
I have to respectfully object to that.(everything else I agree with)
Fareed Zakaria spoke about the election on GPS and made note that Mousavi (nor the Green Movement) never wanted to dismantle the nuclear program. Also, if he had gained the presidency, I'm pretty sure it would have been more of a notional victory(for the green movement) for what would remain an authoritarian system with the Ayatollah still holding absolute power.(but it would have instilled some hope for democracy)
Here's the thing: Mousavi might not have been willing to stop or suspend the nuclear program, but he at least would be someone to work with. He was planning to fix parts of the system from the inside, in ways such as transferring police powers away from the unelected council of mullahs and into the hands of the democratically elected executive, suspending a number of laws against women and shutting down the "moral police" so as to secularize and democratize Iran. I'm not saying that he'd be perfect as far as the US is concerned, but honest bilateral negotiations would be a start and he'd already agreed to those. Even if it didn't fix things and tensions still came to a head I'd much rather have a rational moderate sitting across from us than an unstable dictator (which is what we have now).
Larouche isn't running for president any more, he's too old, almost 90 I think. He does have five young people though running for congress.
Can't agree with you about Obama, I think he is working for our enemy. If he had not run, we probably would have been better off with Hilary.
I can't support the ongoing war in the middle east, you didn't even mention Afghanistan and Iraq. We shouldn't be putting our noses into other people's business. That's traditional American philosophy. People came here from Europe to stay out of wars.
The collapse of the British empire is like many bankruptcies The people at the top suck the money out of the company without investing anything back into it and it collapses. Larouche used to be an executive in a management consulting company, he knows this pattern.
I mentioned Afghanistan and Iraq before, and I agree with you that Iraq was the most flagrant BS I've seen in a long time. That said, we're going to be mostly out of Iraq by year's end and completely gone by mid-2014 if al-Maliki lets us stay; if he says no then we're all leaving. As far as Afghanistan is concerned, we made an honest effort and I have no clue how well it has or has not paid off, and I'd like to see us leave. As to whether or not we would have been better off with Hillary I honestly don't know. Also, apparently there will be a Lyndon LaRouche 2012 campaign...
No, no Larouche for president campaign in 2012, I've hear him say that numerous times, he's too old. Where are you reading this?
Let's just make sure we don't make the same mistakes in Iran. It's a powerful country, at the least it would create havoc, sending oil prices skyrocketing. At the worst, it could result in nuclear war with Russia and China.
Look at these videos if you are not familiar with the threat of WW3:
'Iran cornerstone of possible WW3 over Mid East'
"China will not hesitate to protect Iran even with a third World War" Major General Zhang Zhaozhong
BUILD UP TO WW3 - U.S. Military Sources Confirm Iran Has Missing U.S. Sentinel Drone
Gen. Hamid Gul: US will start WW3 if war expands to Pakistan
Chossudovsky: US will start WW3 by attacking Iran
RT: China Says Either WW3 or New World Order
Honestly, we seriously need to figure out how to back Iran the fuck down as soon as possible so that this doesn't devolve into a second Cuban missile crisis.
First of all, let's just not attack them. They don't even have a nuclear weapon now. We need to find ways to positively engage with middle eastern countries rather than by war.
Larouche advocates an intercontinental train system connecting up all of Asia with Europe and the Americas, the American part by digging a tunnel under the Bering strait.
Cooperation on these kinds of projects would allow Americans to have a constructive influence on Asia. This is what we used to call "the American way".
"We need to find ways to positively engage with middle eastern countries rather than by war."
Positively engage? Wasn't that Obama's plan? How'd that work out for him? There is no way to positively engage the idiots that are in power in a country like Iran..........
Obama announces plans which he never plans to actually do. What do you want? A war with Iran? That's going to be a war with Russian and China too. Do you want that?
What do you really know about Ahmadinejad? Just what his enemies say about him? Have you seen this video of him interacting with Jews:
Ahmadinejad Greeted by Anti-Zionist Jews in New York
In other words, we should Marshall Plan our prospective enemies so that they have no impetus to attack us and instead have a reason to work with us on creating a global framework for peace and international trust? I'm not sure how exactly this would be implemented, but at the very least we should consider it.
Good, I'm glad you are open to considering it. After Glass Steagall, the idea would be to reopen a National Bank. It could create credit for infrastructure projects at low interest rates, to be paid back over decades.
It could do this because it wouldn't have to pay profits to private owners. Instead, the profit would be in the good paying jobs that workers would get, and the rebuilding of our manufacturing industry.
The improvement in infrastructure would improve our industrial and commercial capacities creating a revenue that would pay back the credit that the National bank would issue.
Well, after reading through all the talk here, I feel as if I shouldn't worry at all about the defacto federal government running things from D.C. ... I think I'll just go back to sleep. Interesting as concepts go - National Bank sounds swell -the FED won't mind a bit.
You and Arod clearly have it all worked out;). I've got to look at this Larouche character now-sigh.
Glad to hear that. I'm happy to answer any questions if you have them.
I have never read much about him. However I do see people at school passing out literature advocating for this guy and I have to say I get a cult like vibe from them. Also, although I am no fan of Obama I find their use of a Hitler mustasche superimposed on Obamas face as a bad sign, it just strikes me as something those tea party people would do.
I think there is a cultish tendency also, which I don't like.
See my comments above on the reasoning behind Obama's mustache.
Some of Larouche's stuff is very good. But other times it's just an incoherent rant, definitely beyond my comprehension.
I mean, my father's been asking me about this guy for years... "Have you been following this guy, Larouche?" And so, I started paying attention.
I've been reading Larouche for a while and understand quite a bit of his material. If you have any questions, I'd be happy to try and answer them.
You father was probably interested in Larouche because he advocates a return to the traditional American Economic System. This refers to that time when America was a powerful manufacturing economy.
In those times the US was looked on by countries around the world with respect and admiration, not only for its wealth and power, but more importantly for it's goodness.
Yea, that's about the sum of it. He's also the greatest source of political knowledge I have ever encountered. He's not a politician, has no interest in the Internet... it's as if the info just falls out of the sky and lands in his head. So I pay attention.
I am glad to see that there is at least one other person here who sees it the way I do.
I have never been able to determine the source of his knowledge; he networks... but in some unknown manner.
Yes, he has sources everywhere. He's considered to have among the best private intelligence agencies in the world. Has contacts in the CIA, military, industry, etc.
Believe me, these are very intelligent people. And this kind of stuff doesn't fall out of the sky. It just doesn't.