Forum Post: Why Didn't the SEC Catch Madoff? It Might Have Been Policy Not To
Posted 11 years ago on June 3, 2013, 6:28 p.m. EST by itsmyblood
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More and more embarrassing stories of keep leaking out of the SEC, which is beginning to look somehow worse than corrupt – it's hard to find the right language exactly, but "aggressively clueless" comes pretty close to summing up the atmosphere that seems to be ruling the country's top financial gendarmes.
The most recent contribution to the broadening canvas of dysfunction and incompetence surrounding the SEC is a whistleblower complaint filed by 56-year-old Kathleen Furey, a senior lawyer who worked in the New York Regional Office (NYRO), the agency outpost with direct jurisdiction over Wall Street.
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Things are getting ugly when will the people rise up?