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Forum Post: Why did Reddit Politics drop this thread out of their search listings?

Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 12, 2012, 5:05 p.m. EST by ironboltbruce (371) from Miami, FL
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Why did Reddit Politics drop this thread out of their search listings?




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[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

all 62 comments sorted by: new

[–]bwnewkid 1 point 2 hours ago

Why would the Tea Party join a group who is currently protesting against their right to even speak at a convention? (Occupy at CPAC)?


[–]Kytescall 1 point 2 hours ago*

The NDAA is a complete red herring. Everything that worries people about the NDAA is either A) something the NDAA doesn't actually do, or B) something that the government can do regardless of whether the NDAA exists or not.

Indefinite detention is the latter. It is even recognized by the Supreme Court. "Without trial" is an example of the former, as the Supreme Court has already ruled that due process cannot be denied, and the NDAA does actually provide detainees with a lawyer and an opportunity to be heard by a judge.


[–]Leo55 2 points 2 hours ago

Finally something both can agree on; civil liberties. Took them long enough...


[–]ithinksumtinwong 1 point 3 hours ago

Didn't read the article (I'm sorry, I'm just lazy atm), but is the plan to undo the NDAA, or to just revise it without the controversial part? The government won't repeal an act which determines the budget for the military, which is what the NDAA is for.


[–]feor1300 1 point 3 hours ago

Frankly, if you've got the Tea Party AND Occupy on your ass at the same time, you should know you've fucked up big.


[–]Lyser 8 points 4 hours ago

MSE flipped shit after visiting that link. Java exploits and trojan downloaders. Careful.


[–]shoooowme 2 points 1 hour ago

I've messaged the mods and told them about it, hopefully it will be removed and posted/linked to again somewhere else without that stuff.


[–]frostyknees 3 points 2 hours ago

Confirming that. 2 PDF's opened. Scanned one of them: http://virusscan.jotti.org/en/scanresult/302fb6d3287c6c5e7e3ad8ccebcd4a976ad74d63

http://roxannegutierrre.aa.am/1/cqaoezxpfzew.pdf http://roxannegutierrre.aa.am/1/yvaujnbpdvknxp9.pdf


[–]Icantread_good_at_al 3 points 1 hour ago

I'm getting the same thing too from this site Exploit:Java/CVE-2011-3544 and Exploit:Java/CVE-2010-0840.OO


[–]spacem00se 8 points 4 hours ago

Hope it works out, Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street have some common goals. Id love to see efforts combined, not to get people elected, but to overturn laws that chip away at our liberties and thats something everyone can agree to.


[–]fennoberg 2 points 4 hours ago

oregon. the center of politics.


[–]NoVaGuy -1 points 4 hours ago

Except the Tea Party constituency hates educated people, and the Occupy constituency is made up of far more educated people. And I'm not saying that OWS is particularly educated, I'm saying that the Tea Party is particularly uneducated.


[–]redditer46 2 points 1 hour ago*

And I'm not saying that OWS is particularly educated,

This source shows 61% are college educated... There is another based on web traffic that shows 91%, but, well, that's web traffic.

I'm saying that the Tea Party is particularly uneducated.

Lets See:

They (TeaParty) are better educated than most Americans: 

37 percent are college graduates,(average is 25%)

56 percent make more than $50,000 per year.

It all boils down to age. Today's younger people go to college at much higher rates that Baby Boomers were able to, and older people being in the work force longer, tend to have higher salaries.

*Edit: spelling


[–]WhyHellYeah 2 points 3 hours ago

LOL. Your posts prove you are an idiot.

Get back to your video games, dork.


[–]NoVaGuy 1 point 3 hours ago

non sequitur?


[–]WhyHellYeah 1 point 3 hours ago

I'm highly educated, support Tea Party ideas and know the OWS is just a bunch of whining idiots following an idea started by Canadian anarchists.

How edumacated!

Like I said: get back to your video games, dweeb.

Worthy only of mockery, you shall be laughed at for the next 2 seconds.


[–]Leo55 1 point 2 hours ago

You do realize that libertarianism (Tea Party) and socialism (OWS) have a common anarchist underpinning right? Very diluted but individual freedoms (civil liberties) are paramount to analyzing the similarities, though I do agree that OWS is getting it wrong on demanding policies that would only serve to expand the federal government. Something that runs perpendicular to their request to end the corruption in the federal government.


[–]completeasshole 1 point 3 hours ago

It's just begging for shit to go down, I wouldn't be surprised if one of the teabaggers pulled out a gun on those "godless occupy faggots" and got labelled as an occupier in the media so talking-heads could say how "dangerous" those occupiers are.
