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Forum Post: Why Demands ?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 9:32 p.m. EST by MedullaPancreas (1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Having no demands and asking for nebulous concepts, like "an end to the status quo," simply gives Wall Street a blank check to fill in what it thinks "the status quo" is. They might decide to give you nothing in the form of "an end to the status quo." It's up to us to define what the status quo is not the enslaver. And don't act like families aren't being kicked out of their homes and foreclosed on while we're pretending NO DEMANDS are somehow helping these homeless people.



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[-] 1 points by JNBReinvent (5) from Redwood City, CA 13 years ago

A single organization might have a goal which, if achieved, might mean that the organization had no more reason to exist. In the past a large-scale movement has usually been perceived as consisting of various organizations with related (but different) goals. Today, a large-scale movement consisting largely of individuals seeking a total overthrow of the power structure is not about to agree on a few goals which, if achieved, will mean they'll agree to roll over and disappear.

A century ago we were Wobblies, working-class, Socialists, Anarchists & muckrakers. Shot down by the 1%, we grew strong. In time, by allowing the graduated tax and social safety nets of Progressives & the New Deal, they convinced some of us we’d won. We grew weak, but had a bit more to spend as consumers, which also profited the 1%. Their economy grew. But now, unable to accept their victory, they undo reforms, hurting us & the economy. As 99%ers, we’ve learned: Reforms are fine, but don’t trust the 1% to say when we’ve won.


[-] 1 points by MedullaPancreas (1) 13 years ago

Occupy Wall Street has become an official force to be reckoned with.

[-] 1 points by Lmurguia7 (57) 13 years ago

With all the talk about Wall Street, I've yet to see a single person commit to selling all financial holdings -- and there are many protesting who do have investments.

This is the only way to REALLY impact Wall Street machinations -- and, also, Bank Transfer Day on November 5 -- close bank accounts and deposit funds in a credit union near you.

Let me be the first !

Lynne Murguia (retired NYC teacher; former NGO to the UN; micro-credit practitioner; funder; investor) Tucson, AZ

[-] 1 points by atki4564 (1259) from Lake Placid, FL 13 years ago

Agreed, "they might decide to give you nothing", so perhaps you would consider our group's proposal of an alternative online direct democracy of government and business at http://getsatisfaction.com/americanselect/topics/on_strategically_weighted_policies_organizational_operating_structures_tactical_investment_procedures-448eo and then direct questions or comments to our group's 19 members committed to that plan at: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/StrategicInternationalSystems/