Forum Post: Why can't we add any support from Arab Countries?!!!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 5:30 a.m. EST by Waseem
from Subaşı, Hatay
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Hi there,,, I just want to ask you all, i tried many times to add a pin in my country Jordan (Middle East) to support your revolution but i couldn't add it anywhere in my country or even in the surrounding arab countries EXCEPT ISRAEL !!! I am fed up of treating the arab countries like an outsider from this world plz stop this !!! All i wanted is to show support and love to all the free people in the US cause we all know that the whole world is fighting against its masonic governments but they always try to make people fight each other. Anyways, although i am really upset but i wanted you to hear my voice and most of the arab muslims in the arab world. We are ALL with you !!
Thank you for your support, and I have to say that I, for one, am deeply saddened by everything that has happened between our two civilizations in the last decades. The cycle of violence and hatred must end, or it will destroy us all eventually. PEACE!
Peace to all the free people of the world. We really were waiting for you (our brothers in humanity) in the US to get rid of your injustice governments, as you might know already we have suffered for decades now from our dictatorial governments supported by US Governments and we have been in streets shouting for our right to live free for over 8 months. Of course we suffered too from the US governments wars around the middle east and its stealing of our resources but we know that you don't have anything to do with it and you are suffering as much as we are in your own way. Of course here our protests are full of threats as dead people and blood showers are everywhere. Please always remember to stay united, be patient, keep your faith, keep fighting and you will eventually get anything you want. I hope one day we could all live in freedom, justice and dignity. May GOD bless you all ...
I am really, deeply, touched by your post. I cannot say how sorry I am for all this mysery, for your people, and for the American veterans who come back and find themselves homless on the streets. It's just evil and it has to end!
you know my friend, it was killing me deeply in the past when i hear some people in the US or europe who were tricked by their governments thinking that we want to make terrorist attacks or that we hate you or that we impose danger to the world. while most of us here don't even have money or food to support our families because of the corruption in out regimes. We understood this years ago but at the same time we believed that one day the whole world would know the truth!! you don't have to be sorry about anything, We are really brothers and i hope one day we will live all together without fear or wars or poverty. i do believe that GOD will help us all ...
we support you too! the people are not fighting the people. the government is fighting the government, the people are just along for the ride. that is something that should no longer be so.
Thank you guys for all your support and kind words ... God bless u all
God bless you all for your kind words, i really do have great faith in your revolution and i hope one day we can all live in one peaceful world... We really do need your help and support as well ...
Really appreciate your support. I hope one day we all can be one !
Thanks Waseem. Make sure this is a movement of clear conscience and it will recognize and rally for an end to settlements and occupation in Palestine
yes my friend, We all agree on that but i hope the (user map) on this good site would allow arabs to write their comments from their countries. Jordan is just next to Israel (the new nazi) they are allowed to add comments their but we can't here. this is not fair !!
'Jordan is just next to Israel (the new nazi)'
I was with you till this stinkin thinking comment