Forum Post: Why aren't rich people investing in alternative energy?
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 15, 2012, 5:56 p.m. EST by ronimacarroni
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I saw an interview with Bill Gates and Warren Buffet.
They were asked if they would invest in alternative energy like solar panels and windmills. They said no because it wouldn't be profitable enough.
are you kidding me?
If they were so concerned about the planet they could at least donate some of their money for alternative energy.
Wouldn't they at least try for the sake of their children and grand children?
Because it would shut down the capitalist community. Why make stuff that doesn't break or waste resources. Eventually there would be nothing left to buy.
"cause no one wants to hear about the H.H.O. vehicle , etc..." !
A Different Life ; Oh No !
It will become more profitable when the price of oil really starts to go up.
Well some people don't see that far into the future but I have a question for you. Who the FUCK gives you the right to think you have any right to tell them how to spend their money?
I have the right to say whatever the hell I feel like.
Ok so no right to tell anyone how to spend their money? Good just wanted to check
I'm just saying that it's a problem that's not going to solve itself and it'd be nice if people with billions of dollars would be willing to tackle this problem even if it doesn't add money to their giant horde of cash.
Yeah I know it would be but you have no place to demand it of them.
concerned for the planet,.......what silliness. why should someone go into businees to lose money? would you?
If it was for a good cause I'd count it as charity.
how would you pay you workers? how would you pay your own bills?
Well I think the issue is the initial cost. I don't think mainteniance would be very expensive, I guess you'd have to change the windmill's gears after a few years for instance.
the cost of windmills? insurance? birds flying into them? and when there is no wind?