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Forum Post: Why are Zombies the word of the day? Food for thought...

Posted 11 years ago on Feb. 7, 2014, 8:10 p.m. EST by elf3 (4203)
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Because people are fed - up ... ready for change - and running from zombies is more exciting than running the debt treadmill; At least you can get away from zombies. Zombies represent hope - a hope that this sucky imposed system we are living in will change and bring about chaos because even Zombie Apocalypse represents a chance for something new; Out with the old rotten corpses in Congress in with a world based on self-sufficiency and reliance - a world not controlled by power elites and mindless corporations; at least you can kill mindless Zombies. At least you can still dream of another world with Zombies instead of knowing you will be trapped forever in an ever tightening Orwellian system of corporate meets gov control..zombies are easy to escape from in comparison.



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[-] 1 points by WSmith (2698) from Cornelius, OR 11 years ago


Zombies are thoughtless, unfeeling, masochistic, sociopathic, authoritarian, believing, automaton, cultists who have been thoroughly brainwashed to obey and worship the 1% via GOP guidance or apparatus. Perfectly, abjectly, willing and relentlessly driven to kill, maim, eat, steal, lie, to the opposition, loved ones and themselves. Unaffected, immune, and oblivious to facts, justice, morals, laws, science, decency, pain, humanity, or suffering. To affect unknown goals for the 1% in their Class War against the 99%.


[-] 0 points by elf3 (4203) 11 years ago

I think I disagree - IN ZOMBIES LAY TRUTH - Zombie culture belies your cultist automaton theory!! There is an undercurrent of zombie revolutionaries who have brought their desire for a complete overhaul of the authoritarian system into the mainstream... the people want to rule their own lives, be it fighting off the brain-eating moronic thugs who walk among us, or growing their own unpolluted food to sustain themselves. They want to form communities that co-op together and help each other survive while living without rule from an overclass Orwellian overlord society. We are ready for a chance at freedom - ZOMBIES = FREEDOM a chance to combat mindless selfish brain-eating stupidity - and making their own way of life without forced reliance on systems that seek to control every tick of their heart and the very breath in their lungs. Being eaten by a Zombie quickly is far better than being boiled to death slowly like a frog, and while you don't realize you are being killed slowly - and your food and bodies are being poisoned and there are so many invisible threats coming at us today from the NSA to polluted water supplies - you can see a ZOMBIE exactly for what is is: it's there it's going to eat you - and it's not hiding behind a catchy slogan or a striped tie. No one blinks an eyelid when you stab a Zombie through the skull - but go after corporate America - or call a politician on the carpet and you just might find yourself being accused of conspiracy to commit protest without any right to Habeas Corpus (never thought I'd see that in the USA) ZOMBIES ALL THE WAY!! - keep on plugging em corporate media - ick ZOMBIES are so mainstream now - but in this case I'll take it as a sign the mainstream is ready for change!!!


[-] 1 points by bullfrogma (448) 11 years ago

occupy brains, that's awesome.