Forum Post: Why are we still following?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 11, 2011, 2:02 p.m. EST by prosperfireson
from Hollister, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Watching and listening to the national discourse made me wonder why are we as people listening and following the lead of leaders who by their actions/inaction have demonstrated amply that their mode of governance has failed? Despite overwhelming evidence we still take our cues from this two party debacle (whatever their intentions are) and far too often recite party rhetoric regardless of which side of the fence we may sit ideologically.
When did we start relying on media analysts to do our critical thinking for us? I am as lazy as the next person but this is one area where we obviously can't allow ourselves the luxury of disengagement. Allowing ourselves to let others make the pertinent points and to shape the national discourse has led us down the path we now are on. It is certainly not THE only reason we are where we are but allowing ourselves to be lulled to sleep has cost us dearly.
I am not here to make a sweeping condemnation because we know that sweeping generalizations NEVER hold up under scrutiny. There are exceptions to everything, even among the media and our leaders. What I am saying is we can do better. Humans are flawed by nature thus our endeavors tend be flawed. As long as we engage in meaningful discussions with each other we can collectively come to a plan that is sustainable and provides real, substantive change for the majority.
We will probably never please all of us but we can do better so that the outcomes of our decisions will benefit the majority and at the very least do no harm. We can do this. All of us, together. Stand fast...all of you who stand now in this place and time.
Obviously the 99% reflect their society makeup. We re like herding cats. Not a full quorum on anything. We are making impacts nevertheless - as bank of america is seeing. 99% should sever old ties to established cronypartisan parties and support the non crony candidates uninfested by corruption
I hear you. I am having this discussion with a friend of mine. Getting even a simple majority in our country to agree on any issue is tough sledding. Its another manifestation of what I like to call the pendulum effect...which is that we can't find equilibrium (when we have swung to one extreme) without experiencing the other extreme. Which leads me to this observation (which might be totally wrong since its not based on any facts) it seems to me that we have learned quite well how to say no. We are now quite comfortable with speaking up and disagreeing as a nation but seem to have forgotten how to work together for mutual benefit. Thanks Crashing for the observations...all my best.