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Forum Post: Why are poor Mexicans happier than middle class Americans?

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 12, 2011, 1:45 a.m. EST by VladimirMayakovsky (796)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The answer is simple. Americans are greedy, while Mexicans has accepted life with little. It doesn;t take money to be happy. It takes a heart that has no greed in it. The OWS folks are not happy because they are jealous of the rich, in turn because they are greedy for all the shit they see the rich enjoying. Poor Mexicans have so much greediness. Yes, they have nothing compared to middle class Americans. But they are content with what they have. For OWS guys to be truly happy they need to be first content with what they have rather than being jealous about the rich.



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[-] 3 points by HitGirl (2263) 13 years ago

They say ignorance is bliss.

[-] 2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 13 years ago

They have drug gangs instead of FLAKESnews?

[-] 2 points by laffingrass (362) from Normal, IL 13 years ago

They're so content that they're willing to break international laws to get here, and break federal laws to stay here.

[-] 1 points by GreedKills (1119) 13 years ago

That was the first thought that crossed my mind when I read the tittle of this thread.

[-] 0 points by VIadimirMayakovsky (-2) 13 years ago

because we're crazy

[-] -3 points by VladimirMayakovsky (796) 13 years ago

Those are the unhappy ones. No wonder they come tot he USA. The happy ones stay back. Did you know that happiness scores are higher in Mexico than either in Canada or the USA?

[-] 1 points by GreedKills (1119) 13 years ago

I bet many of Americans are unhappy due to being victims of greed.

[-] 1 points by JonoLith (467) 13 years ago

Are you accusing people who have sacrificed so much and are trying to destroy the Greed Driven Economy of Greed?

I wish I could put an audio file of me laughing.

[-] 0 points by VladimirMayakovsky (796) 13 years ago

They are trying to destroy the greed driven economy of greed while asking for trade barriers so that American working class can get back the $90/hour working class jobs?

[-] 1 points by sudoname (1001) from Berkeley, CA 13 years ago

I'm not jealous of the rich, in fact I pity them because their wealth doesn't give them anything. They spend their days working hard so that mostly Mexicans can hang out at their house all day (construction, cleaning). The Mexicans are the happy ones here. The rich are jealous of the happy and they work even harder to distract themselves from their crappy lives.

[-] 1 points by Joyce (375) 13 years ago

Whatever makes you feel better....

[-] 1 points by technoviking (484) 13 years ago

the richest man in the world is mexican.

[-] 1 points by JadedGem (895) 13 years ago

You are right, the 1% wants to make Americans poorer than Mexicans! Slaves sang all the time, doesn't mean slavery made them happy and as far as justifications for slavery go, to be more trouble free and happy wasn't even a marketing ploy! But that's okay, next the 1% will be telling us how happy we be if it were legal to sell our selves into slavery. The problem is they don't want to outright own us, because then they would have to feed us. That's right, the 99% have lower statuses than slaves did! Happiness is irrelevant, you maybe choose to be happy in-spite of terrible conditions like slavery. It is no justification for creating horrible conditions in the first place. OWSers smile, sing, chant and play music, they see horrible conditions and protesting them and being productive makes them happy!

[-] 1 points by GypsyKing (8708) 13 years ago

Troll Thread

[-] 1 points by OQPi (162) 13 years ago

I am not jealous of the rich. I truly and completely do not want to be rich. What I want is for single mothers to be able to feed their children. I want Vietnam Veterans to get housing and mental healthcare. I want the school systems to actually educate our children. I want widows to have the ability to keep their house. I want no one to be forced to choose between cancer treatment or food. I want people to have heat in the winter. I want jobs for regular working class people. I want food and water that is not poisoned with preservatives, hormones, and antibiotics. I want regulation of banks. I want money to have worth. I want people to be able to retire at a reasonable age. I want equality and peace. I want to get out of wars that have crushed the economy and that the American people do not support. I want for any average person to have the ability to become President. I want the American Dream back.

[-] 1 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

Mexicans are happier because they are more mobile.

One of the major factors contributing to the overall unhappiness of Americans is dangerously increasing obesity. More fat translates to less mobility and less happiness. It's called morbid obesity for a reason. Once you have become immobile, the only thing left is your mind, and this quickly becomes a major problem if your mind lacks sophistication like it does for most Americans. Boredom becomes the final poison that kills you off. When a big part of your population is composed of fat and bored citizens watching Jerry Springer while they eat greasy fries and drink buckets of Coca-Cola, the happiness index of your country is bound to fall quite low.

[-] 1 points by genanmer (822) 13 years ago

If Americans are content with what they have, advertisers aren't doing their jobs all that well.

But yes, appreciation and acceptance for what is leads to a happier mindset.

[-] -2 points by VladimirMayakovsky (796) 13 years ago

Happiness is the gap between expectation and reality. You can't change reality. All you can change is expectation. Americans have unrealistic expectations. That's why we have all this OWS nonsense.

[-] 1 points by genanmer (822) 13 years ago

Simply having an expectation isn't the same as clinging to false beliefs.

And the environment plays just as big a role as personal beliefs because it is socially inappropriate to not be materialistic as American. Every holiday/significant day has its own customary product lines.

[-] 0 points by VladimirMayakovsky (796) 13 years ago

So it is the environment's fault that Americans have to buy a lot of Chinese made junk?

[-] 1 points by genanmer (822) 13 years ago

The environment promotes that behavior. If people were conditioned to believe there were better made or less costly alternatives to Chinese goods they would buy locally.

Also, why are people supposed to be patriotic and support local manufacturers but businesses are exempt from the same standard?

It's a matter of convenience. If you only have junk food in your kitchen you will likely eat junk food. The same applies if only healthy food is available.

Most people don't choose their values because they don't question them. Most simply go along with what is conveniently available in their environment.

[-] 0 points by VladimirMayakovsky (796) 13 years ago

So it is not the people's fault at the end of the day. It is always someone else's fault. Right?

[-] 1 points by genanmer (822) 13 years ago

Why are you always trying to pin blame on somebody or something?

Does blaming others make you happy? :P How about beating yourself up over mistakes?

The responsibility is on the individual to make the best choice they can and the environment simply provides or restricts the opportunity. There's is nothing gained from passing (or even claiming) blame. Accept the problem for what it is and correct it.

[-] 0 points by VladimirMayakovsky (796) 13 years ago

I only do that because the OWS movement is pinning a lot of blame on the 1%. So I like to expose the hypocrisy in that.

[-] 1 points by genanmer (822) 13 years ago

Yep, we are in fact the 100%.

[-] 1 points by RexDiamond (585) from Idabel, OK 13 years ago

Bad troll attempt.

[-] -2 points by VladimirMayakovsky (796) 13 years ago

OK, so you tell me why Mexicans are happier than Americans?

[-] 1 points by RexDiamond (585) from Idabel, OK 13 years ago

They aren't. That's your problem.

[-] 0 points by dantes443322 (148) 13 years ago

Family structure for one. Not worrying about the next door neighbors new shi& for another.

[-] -1 points by VIadimirMayakovsky (-2) 13 years ago

yeah, tell us.

[-] 0 points by mynameismoe (153) 13 years ago

They work

[-] 0 points by Jimboiam (812) 13 years ago

Mexicans aren't the only ones. Most other cultures around the world are wanting to survive, and so being successful or having 'stuff' isn't part of their mindset. Americans are just generally selfish and self absorbded.

[-] -1 points by VladimirMayakovsky (796) 13 years ago

When Americans talk about a living wage, they are actually talking about a living good wage. OWS folks are the most consumerist of the lot. They won't even get rid of their Chinese made laptops and macs and iphones and ipads. They are contributing directly to the job losses for working class Americans.

[-] -1 points by Jimboiam (812) 13 years ago

Indeed. Hypocrisy runs rampant.

[-] 0 points by stevo (314) 13 years ago

so you know, vlad is the one with the Kaopectate running out his underwear,


[-] -1 points by YRUSoStupid (26) 13 years ago

Americans on all levels of society have an insatiable desire for more of everything. Greed describes all Americans well.

[-] 1 points by Joyce (375) 13 years ago

.....and so..........?

[-] -1 points by journey4word (214) 13 years ago

because they can sneak across the border and get a free education, free healthcare, food stamps, and welfare checks. while middle class Americans don't qualify

[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

Don't forget organ donations as well, and I'm not kidding.

I consider this a trollish question, however if one takes the bait it becomes obvious that the more educated any race is, the LESS kids they have so they can give them the proper education.

Whereas the uneducated of any race just popping the kids out can be kind of a turn on once realizes that in america someone will come to your rescue.