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Forum Post: Why are people so brainwashed in supporting paying the government taxes.

Posted 12 years ago on Jan. 24, 2012, 9:31 p.m. EST by freewriterguy (882)
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Everywhere I go, i talk to people who think people who don't pay taxes should go to jail. Well I disagree, I think the government has gotten way too much of our money, the constitution states, that taxes were to be voluntary, and just look at how big government has become in taking away our freedoms. I think we should encourage people not to pay, instead of paying. I never got to vote on it, some other man (who id like to see hang by a tree decided this for me, and I have yet to benefit anything from it, and my life is 3/4 over. I mean, every time I get a thousand bucks saved up I have to give it to the government in some form of overtaxation, (like dmv or housing tax) Hell the bank takes the lion share in my mortgage payment 80% is interest, this shouldnt be! But I need a place to live.



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[-] 1 points by ThomasJephersson (3) 12 years ago

Fear ! Is why people pay there taxes ! If everyone just refused the population would win ! But The fiat money system would come crashing down though. All of the people who have Treasury Notes would lose a portion if not all of their : investment money. There still would be taxes on Gas and sales purchases plus other things. Mortgages are a scam in a sense. Particularly if you are " underwater " since you are essentially renting a house while you have to pay to do the maintenance as well. Not to mention the time spent on the Maintenance. You could join with multiple people and live together to lower your expenses. Share stuff. Just make sure you live with the " right " people.
