Forum Post: Why Are Conservatives Happier Than Liberals?
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 10, 2011, 10:31 p.m. EST by bereal
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This study explains it......
Ignorance is bliss.
Because they think what they are told to think. Easy, happy.
Who told you to think that?
Learned it from years of watching GOP sheep. BahhhhhhhhhBahhhhhhhh
1/2 point on a scale of 1 to 4 based on self-perception questions.
I am basically conservative myself, but I only watched this nonsense half way. Someone let me know if they bothered to look at incidence of ulcers, clinical depression or suicides. Conservatives are definitely better at claiming to be straight when they are gay, and also culturally feel pressure often to say they are happy rather than 'let it all hang out.'
Also, it starts out comparing active occupyers with members of the AIE...! They could at least compare occupiers with tea partyers.
The researcher did say that this held up across the board. However, she did not mention gender. Do women's libbers have an 'anger' streak? While at the same time, do evangelical women feel required to claim fulfillment? That I do believe. I am not saying they don't both have reasons. But there maybe is your 1/2 point.
Also, maybe liberals on average simply care more sincerely about other people and the state of the nation. If you see someone always smiling, you may be seeing someone who is mentally challenged. A high happiness score is not necessarily something to brag about.
Well, they say Ignorance is bliss
They think they are right all the time no matter what they think. It's more like a disease than happiness.
I don't think any one group is really happier than the other.
They are not
Who you going to believe some lame ass poll or the people you know?
Is this a trick question?
Another interesting study.................................
Over the past 2-1/2 months, viewership of TV comedy shows has dropped dramatically. It seems more and more people are flocking to for their daily dose of laughter. One viewer stated "In 10 minutes of reading the forum posts on the OWS site, I get more laughs than a few years worth of Leno, Letterman, etc. The TV comedy writers got nothin' on the OWS members. You just can't make this sh*t up!"