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Forum Post: Why Anonymous’ Claims about Election-Rigging Can’t Be Ignored

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 20, 2012, 8:44 p.m. EST by LeoYo (5909)
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Why Anonymous’ Claims about Election-Rigging Can’t Be Ignored

Tuesday, 20 November 2012 15:18 By Thom Hartmann and Sam Sacks, The Daily Take | News Analysis


As laid out in the previous article, Anonymous, Karl Rove and the 2012 Election Fix?, it’s possible that Karl Rove used SmartTECH’s servers in Chattanooga, Tennessee, to flip the vote totals in Ohio in 2004 and thus steal the election that year for George W. Bush – and just as possible that he tried to do the same thing this year on Romney’s behalf but was thwarted by the hacktivist group Anonymous.

Many people have responded to these claims with a variation on: “That’s impossible. A presidential candidate committing treason? That would never happen, and, if it did, it would be front-page news. Everybody would know about it, right?"


Consider some simple history.



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[-] 1 points by nomdeguerre (1775) from Brooklyn, NY 12 years ago

This is more than a smoking gun. We, through Anonymous, have his actual criminal attempt. If Rove is not arrested, there is no justice system in this country.

[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

There is no justice system in this country.

The government puts people in prison because of plants that could compete against big business and lets frauds like Goldman Sachs go free while the federal government tries to make their fraud legal through legislation.

There is much reform needed in this country.

[-] 0 points by thegreatsquare (16) 12 years ago

Prove it [the 2004 election that is] and there are two Supreme Court Justices who have to go along with all their votes ...including Citizen's United.


[-] -1 points by nomdeguerre (1775) from Brooklyn, NY 12 years ago

If the Dems were a real opposition party they would have been and would be all over this.