Forum Post: Who writes the articles for!?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 5:15 p.m. EST by Truthseeker11
from Oak Lawn, IL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I think it is important for everyone to know who writes the articles for this website and who monitors it because perspective within a perspective is important. The movement wants transparency on Wall Street and from the U.S government, including myself, but I also want transparency from this website. I think it is only right and to have credibility it is essential.
The people writes the articles.
OWS got no leaders we all one voice. You can write articles also if you wish
However, this website has a voice that can be traced to one or a group of people. I want to know who they are. Why? Because they are the leaders of the movement, to the extent of this website. People that don't live in New York are influenced by this website, so it is important.
The group that organized this..Adbusters is from Canada. They are openly anti-capitalists. They started OWS.
However I see that the movement has attracted more then the anti-capitalists crowd. I'm not sure they counted on that. Now the people are taking notice of the movement. I am not surprised to see other political types try and step in. When they unleash the “real” agenda, I think most PEOPLE involved in this movement will recognize that. I have witnessed the awakening of many people, who came here for information.
Ok but who is the writer of the articles on this website? Why don't they take credit for their writing? Who monitors all of these comments? I have seen people complaining about their comments being deleted and even though I understand some people love to vilify topics, I don't think it is right to undermine those opinions or to hide them.
I do not know. Just sharing leads to what I have learned.
Isn't it important to know? Because if we follow people blindly then we are subject to repeating the same mistakes.
I understand your point, and yes I do agree.
I am not following, I am here to help educate and awaken people. I have an opinon on what is "really" going on here, and who is "really" behind it all(based on facts and history). I do not want to express it too much, as it may influence the awakening.
One of the key aspects of reaching people is to give them the leads, not the conclusion. There is a lot of research and information out there. It is up to the individual to see the truth. They must be able to trust themsleves to see it. Otherwise they are just believing someone elses' opinon. I assure you though, there IS an awakening happening.
I agree, that we need to show people many different points of view and let the person critically examine the evidence and make their own inference.
I live in IL, work, and go to school but like the movement. I just don't want to be fooled by another master, so I ask questions. It isn't realistic for me to come all the way to New York to find out something that should be basic information and a building block of the movement: all information TRANSPARENT.
If you want to know more that that you need to show up at liberty park....for now.
Fabulous! And who writes for and edits and pays for the full color newspaper being circulated in the movement? Why has there been no transparency about that?