Forum Post: who was involved with the actual occupy of zuccotti park????
Posted 13 years ago on March 1, 2012, 7:59 p.m. EST by littlebird201
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who here was involved with the actual occupy of liberty park? what are some of your stories? what were your feelings about entering in to that community, staying and ultimately being thrown out? do you think it changed your way of looking at society?? this is interesting!!! let us know your feelings!
My favorite story to tell is the time I woke up surrounded by cops arresting people.
It was on day 4ish when we were expecting 8 days of rain and super cold. That previous night I was freezing and used a giant wooden Worker's World Party sign as a lean-to, but other people actually had tents and decided to set them up despite the fact that the cops had told us not to. After all, no one wants to wake up soaked in the rain, right?
So the rain held off through the night and the cops didn't care about the first people who set up tents so everyone else started setting up more. It wasn't until like 8 in the morning when everyone was all cozy and in their tents that the cops swarmed in, started arresting people, and tearing down tents. One person refused to leave their tent in an act of civil disobedience so a cop literally threw him across the pavement and people started screaming and making noise. That's when I woke up (don't ask me how I slept through the previous arrest, megaphones, and shit before that!) and I was about 20 feet from where that happened. As I opened my eyes the first thing I remember was about ten more cops running around me to get to the crowd and try to control it. So I was just like, "ok... terrific, I'm not going to be here right now", put all my shit in my backpack and walked away.
Wow. At least you can tell your kids that you were a part of history! Thanks for going out there and braving the cold & the cops for what you believe in.
Thanks :) I'm looking forward to the opportunity to do it again in the spring. But hopefully then we'll remember the original mission statement and actually occupy wall street. I'd pitch a tent and roast vegan marshmallows on the trade floor if I could.
for that Party ... I'll Walk up there ... w/ a zillion marshmallows ... ;)
A flash mob protest on the NYSE's trading floor would be AMAZING!
I heard about the big crowd that took the city by surprise on the first day of Occupation. The next day, when I got down there, it had gone from a couple of thousand to a couple of hundred. It's over, I thought as I went home feeling disappointed. A few weeks later, after hearing daily reports on the activities in the park, I went back for another look.... Wow! What a transformation. The mob was back - and dug in with all their tents pitched in defiance of the cops. The drums were banging full blast and creatively costumed people with clever improvised signs abounded. I felt the energy - and I wasn't the only one. Time and again I heard those very words from others who had gotten hooked...." I felt the energy".
After that, I didn't miss a day without visiting Zuccotti Park. I have an apartment in town so I didn't think it was necessary to encroach on the limited space available for camping. But I did attend most events and was there for the first attempt by the cops to take us out. It was the most beautiful dawn I've ever seen. I'm glad I was awake for it.
My God,,,, you people want to TAKE OVER THE WORLD and yet you can stop trying to relive 1,000 sq foot DOT. A little tiny DOT in the world and you could not even control.
hehehe ... YOU can't even control that little tiny DOT of the stuff u got in your head ....