Forum Post: Who represents the people?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 6, 2011, 5:51 p.m. EST by IonU
from Stratford, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Time after time, regulations are relaxed to the benefit of corporate giants at the taxpayers’ expense. When will the American people get leaders who don’t put money over serving the public’s interest? When will “We the People,” get true representation? Once upon a time politicians actually ran for office to serve the “People,” the public’s interest but we have allowed them to serve corporate America instead. And now, “We,” are at the tipping point of a permanent downward spiral of economic oblivion if we do not change course and elect leaders who care about the common folks. We need leaders with integrity, compassion, decency and morals. With the Supreme Courts decision in 2010, it is now “We The Corporations!” Corporations have the money to influence the votes of our elected leaders who are supposed to be working on behalf of the people who voted them in office. Instead our elected officials are being bought by the highest bidders. . So, who works for the working class of this country if our elected officials don’t?
Please don't let Occupy Wall Street get coopted. The demands of the people regarding corporate personhood and ending corporate control of government cannot be achieved through the existing two-party, or better worded one-party with two faces, system that we have. Not many people are even aware that the Tea Party started as a protest to abolish the Federal Reserve Bank, and it was quickly coopted by the Koch brothers and the far right of the Republican party. And none of the original objectives are even on the agenda anymore. First the powers that be ignore the cause, then marginalize it, then ridicule it, then try to coopt it into the existing hierarchy while systematically killing the cause which threatens the elite. With solidarity, Link
What is truly sickening is when even FOREIGN corporations and governments are doing the influencing too.. where is the rage? We need to start with term limits and stricter campaign funding laws