Forum Post: Who pays taxes??
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 12:47 a.m. EST by RantCasey
from Saginaw, MI
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To an earlier post....The one percent may pay 47% of taxes but they bought 100% off federal representation. They rule us we get no say. Why should we pay the majority of taxes. They tell us who to go to war with.... Let them pay for the war? They screwed everybodies 401k's and retirements into the ground make them pay for social security and Medicare. This country is created and controlled by the rich make them pay for it. Anybody I vote for don't get elected. I'm not represented. But I still pay. Why should I pay???
The peoples voices are being drowned out so, why not start with something everyone, the 99%, can agree on, something simple. End corporate contributions in campaigns, and restrict lobbyists access to congress. That way you sever the chords that bind Wall Street and Capitol Hill. I'm pretty sure both conservatives and liberals can agree on this, which is in itself kind of a miracle.
I always bring this up when they say 47% of Americans pay no taxes:
It usually shuts them up right away.
"No taxation without representation."
If you feel slighted, if you feel you have no representation, then why pay?
Yeah we bought all the representation, that is why OBAMA is president and he had a super majority in both houses for two years. Just to give you a little info. The top 53% pay all the taxes and that includes the guy makeing from about 30,000 and up. Of that all federal programs are paid for at a clip of about 10 billion dollars a day. If you took all the assets from all of these people including earnings, brockerage and bank accounts, land (everything). You could run the government for about 255 days. Then what do you do, because next year you don't have them to pay the bills. The wars, man! Both wars for 2010 is 432 billion (only about 43 more days there buckoo). It's the social contract, man! Show me a copy of it. A contract states that two or more entites have come to an agreement. Payments for service, understanding of boundries, etc, etc... I have meet my obligation to this supposed social contract, I paid the bill (my taxes). I ask you, what is your obligation? When can I expect payment? What fruits will it bare? I sir think that you have no intention of doing a DAMN THING to improve society or meeting your obligation! You will always play the victim, despise anyone who by their own hard work and determination has made something of themselves. You have neither the self worth or courage to do it yourself. You have been dupped into believing that the world owes you by your, so called, intellectuial professiors who could not make it outside of academia either. You sir are the misrepresentation of my taxation, I paid to provide you with school, lunch money, buses, roads, healthcare, foodstamps and the list goes on and on. And what has the sweat of my brow bought me, a VICTIM! Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Obama plays golf. God (yes I believe in God) help us all.
Yeah we bought all the representation, that is why OBAMA is president and he had a super majority in both houses for two years. Just to give you a little info. The top 53% pay all the taxes and that includes the guy makeing from about 30,000 and up. Of that all federal programs are paid for at a clip of about 10 billion dollars a day. If you took all the assets from all of these people including earnings, brockerage and bank accounts, land (everything). You could run the government for about 255 days. Then what do you do, because next year you don't have them to pay the bills. The wars, man! Both wars for 2010 is 432 billion (only about 43 more days there buckoo). It's the social contract, man! Show me a copy of it. A contract states that two or more entites have come to an agreement. Payments for service, understanding of boundries, etc, etc... I have meet my obligation to this supposed social contract, I paid the bill (my taxes). I ask you, what is your obligation? When can I expect payment? What fruits will it bare? I sir think that you have no intention of doing a DAMN THING to improve society or meeting your obligation! You will always play the victim, despise anyone who by their own hard work and determination has made something of themselves. You have neither the self worth or courage to do it yourself. You have been dupped into believing that the world owes you by your, so called, intellectuial professiors who could not make it outside of academia either. You sir are the misrepresentation of my taxation, I paid to provide you with school, lunch money, buses, roads, healthcare, foodstamps and the list goes on and on. And what has the sweat of my brow bought me, a VICTIM! Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Obama plays golf. God (yes I believe in God) help us all.
You paid for my school. My blood in fallujah paid for my school. My buddys lost legs paid for my school. You pay haven't seen hard work. I work sixty hours a week with a piece of shrapnel in my back right next to my spine. Driving truck down the road because my college education ain't worth the toilet paper it's wrote on. the college Ed that I paid for with GI bill money. You pay for high schools to educate the people to work your jobs mr one percent. Cum down here I'll show you the work that is making your money. You wait til we start an occupy transportation movement and shut this country down.
Roads I pay for roads thru tolls fuel taxes. I have to pay to haul your companies goods. Lol you Sir are talking to a man probably more educated then you. .don't tell me who is working in this country. Just because you shuffle a few papers and ship someone's job off to china or Mexico doesn't make you a hard working American. It just makes you a dick