Forum Post: Who is in charge of the $300,000?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 1:25 p.m. EST by quaker
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I have not heard how this is being spent, or the democratic decision-making process around how it is managed. Obviously, it belongs to all of us, and we need to collectively build a consensus around it. Thoughts?
Legal fees for attorneys to represent those who are getting arrested, and challenging the Constitutionality of the legislation limiting our first amendment rights.
WHY DONT WE DO SOMETHING SUBSTANTIAL!!! THE 99% of us need to come together and attack these big corporations together--- ONE by ONE... Lets for example take Exxon-Mobile and the millions and billions they earn at our expense. LET US ALL-- ALL 99% of US pick just one day and not drive our cars/trucks/mode of transportation. ONE DAY!!!! ONE DAY that the BIG GREEDY CORPORATION cannot get back in earnings will make a huge difference-- they will lose millions --- SEND THE MESSAGE (LOUD and CLEAR). THIS is just for STARTERS-- we can attack one corporation at a time-- have good clear focus and a good clear strategy to attack
You need supplies, winter is coming so preparation is a must if this is going to continue. How about spread the word? Use the money to print flyers. Money left over? Upgrade medic tents, food tents, and media coverage.
In my opinion, the media coverage will take care if itself as long as crowds grow and the population sustains. I think spending resources to ensure that the environment is as comfortable and safe as possible is the key. That way, more protesters will be likely to join and stay.
We gave it to the meth dealer, what do you think! lol
Jus kiddin.
frankchurch, jokes like that are not helpful in any way. In fact, they can be very harmful. Please keep in mind that we have thousands of supporters donating their hard-earned dollars to support us and our cause. Please do not joke about that. Thanks!
The right has always said that the left doesn't have a sense of humour. Bill Maher has mentioned this. Activism is about fun as well.
Fun, yes. But I'm not sure a donor who spent four hours working so he could donate $50 (after paying the government their share of taxes) to the cause would agree that is funny.
"Who is in charge of the $300,000?"
The Union Guys who just walked out the door with it,
Who picked that bank???? Shouldn't we have a better process to select a bank???
and how do you propose choosing a bank? Everyone vote on it and majority rules? This is like children with a piggy bank and the older sibling takes what they want. OWS is as corrupt as those they are protesting.
That is irony in its purest form. That is God created irony, and funny too.
All the people who used their cars to bring people to the protests should be compensated for gas. I joined the movement because we were to share the wealth and I'd be shocked if we couldn't at least demonstrate our resolve within our own community.
seems reasonable to me. any monies spent to further the cause should be reimbursed! Can we start a reimbursement system?
better have accounting system in place before you start handing out money.
You are correct. After thinking about it, the amount of attempted fraud on that will be tremendous. Scratch that idea!
I had no idea that today is "international Irony Day". You are worried about fraud coming from people who are protesting fraud. This is elevated to God irony for its purity. well, maybe Ivory irony as it is 99 44/100% pure.
Rob, maybe you are a smarter man than me. I am gonna go sit down and think about all this for awhile. But back to the question...... does anyone know: (1) how much of the $300K is still there (2) how it was spent and (3) how the remaining amount will be spent?
Those are very real concerns, and I do not mean to make too much light of the situation, but from day 1 I have been banging the "You need leadership" drum only to hear that the beauty of this movement is the lack of centralized leadership. Winging it never works.
I agree with many of the comments made regarding transparency. Lack of transparency is why/how politicians and corporations keep money in the hands of the 1%.
we definately need to build a better mousetrap. who can be in charge of doing that?
How much damage has been done to this private park everyone is at?
I think we owe it to donors and supporters to be transparent about how their money is being spent. If there is even a suggestion that is being misused or not spent to further the cause, then it will be harmful to future donors that otherwise support the cause.
Thank you frankjr. I am trying to ask the right questions so we do it a better way!
Consensus for how to spend it is built at the GA's, which vote on recommendations by various working groups. There is a notable lack of infrastructure to support the online-only supporters, but that's because of practical limitations, not ideological exclusion. I am hoping to someone brings that issue up at a GA, though it doesn't seem to have happened, yet. There's a huge organizational gulf between the people on the ground and everyone else, and unfortunately it has yet to be bridged.
hairlessOrphan, how do we know the recommendations are being followed through?
Does someone keep minutes at the GA's? How about reports to ensure that the recommendations are followed through on?
Minutes from the GA
I've seen people keeping minutes, but I do not know where they are kept. I don't think they're quite that organized, yet.
Note that my endorsement here is not a recommendation that you trust me on this, but personally I haven't seen any reason to be suspicious. Frustration, yes certainly.
Check my post above for minutes URL.
thanks. I am not suspicious. I am concerned that eveyone's (including mine) input is being considered. However, based on the responses here, I do feel that some sort of accounting and/or report does make sense because if there is ever suspicion, and even lack of organization, it may hamper future donations.
thanks anotherone. I will check it out. Do you know of any record of how the money is spent, and whether or not the decisions in the GA are followed through?
agree with frankjr. we need transparency! let's not be like the wall st scum!
Buy some bodywash!
Please post the details on line? Incoming and outoing. Thanks
Who is the inner circle? And who appointed them?
Please, serious answers only! Some of us have spent days and weeks here and we are getting a lot of financial assistance from supporters around the world! What is the process around how this is invested to further the cause?
Investing is a curse word around here.
How can you even suggest "investing" it? That is just putting money back in the 1%rs hands. You MUST be a troll as no 99%r would even consider anything to do with Wall Street. Troll, Troll, I see a Troll. Quick, there is a Troll over here, look, right--------->THERE.
If somebody ask you details of the finances, he is troll. That is the problem with current system. That is the problem with wall street. Money being handled.behind closed door.
Well, where is the money? seriously, is anyone concerned? Maybe I will start a fund and everyone can submit via PayPal. I do not need to tell anyone where the money is going, but I will guarantee I will be in a warmer climate, phoning it in.
Rob, are you serious? are you suggesting that the money is being stolen?
where is the accounting? At least Wall Street has accounting and I am sorry to say, too many in power see the temptation and if there is no accounting, there is no proof.
Rob, I agree with you. We need transparency? Can somebody bring this issue up at the GA?
Communist revolutionarys
The inner circle
I think they should spend the $300,000 to restore the park spaces they've ruined.