Forum Post: Who held Google back?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 29, 2011, 11:43 p.m. EST by SteveJobsLives
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How did Google become successful if capitalism does not work? Who held Steve Jobs back?
"How did the sub-prime crisis happen if capitalism does work?"
Capitalism is a good thing and has given us many good things, but it's not infallible.
Google was a very successful company, n one hel Steve Jobs back. These people are not fighting against R&D, they are not fighting against facebook and google who have both opened the world to free information which very well may have helped the Spring Revolution in the Arab countries. What is wrong are when you get into the situation where we are now where the banks got a free ride and where the banks are using the government as free insurance against them. What this government did had nothing to do with capitalism except for the greed part. They were in the pockets of the bankers. Those means need to be stopped, it would be a good time to come in an regulate the banks in a way where they can no scare a country like the US into a "We are too big to fail" scenario. I still don't believe it for a minute, but if that is what they did and it worked, then we need to make sure that if they want to play that game, we fight it on the terms of the people that are subsidizing these banks as welll as the coporations who can be only 10 people large which make up most of the businesses around the country, we need to have regulators that make sure that these types of things are not happening and that we are not getting ripped off. The level of what is going on is so big, that us as citizens are not a big enough force, we need our congressmen and women to stand behind us and to make sure that things are done fairly. Getting in the way of ripping off drug companies knowing that they are charging 600% of the price of the most used pills and then charging the government for that, is what we need to fix. What you are suggesting is that capitalism is what we are even using, and that is the bain of your argument. Its not about capitalism, I would think that many aren't so afraid of capitalism on its truest form, but capitalism that has rules and boundries that target specific groups that strip the profits and the wealth from the people. Id think we all believed in less government, but there has to be some government if you want a federal system. If you don't want the federal system, which is where I'm at 90% of the time, then we'd be in a much better place. The freer we are, the less people in jail, the less it costss society, unlike now where they lobby to say that people who have done one thing bad and put them in jail forever. No one held google back, they've done quite well and the only issues are the laws made to specifically make one person have an advantage over
Nobody saw google coming. That's why google worked. Google was not evil and intends to not become evil, but with Larry Page in power now and Eric Schmidt as the president, and the merger with YouTube, I start to wonder if they've been infiltrated.
I still don't have a job
Its too hard to be successful. You have to work waaay to much, you have to take soooo many risks, you have to spend days formulating a disruptive strategy that your bigger, better competitors didn't think of. Getting up all early and stuff. Boo capitalism! The 1% should just give the 99% their companies and let Joe Everyman invent iPads. When he sobers up and gets out of bed.
Thanks for helping us to demonstrate the exact difference between what the left thinks and what conservative liars and halfwits like to pretend that the left thinks.
I read that a few times and I cannot tell what you are saying. If you are insulting me, just follow up with how I cannot even understand that. If you are agreeing with me, wtf are you saying?
Ask a grown-up to help you with the hard words.
Ok, thought so. Relax though, like most of the 1%; I'll give most of it back when I'm bored of having too much.