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Forum Post: Who has worked for a financial company and also suffered?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 9:33 a.m. EST by cristinasupes (145)
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I worked for a financial company and lost my job and the little I had in my 401K after the subprime mortgage crisis. I was not an analyst or in sales or an executive. I was an administrative assistant. But I saw what really goes on. The expense reports for thousands of dollars a month. That went to liquid lunches and liquid dinners to entertain the customers. Parties thrown to woo the customers. Golf outings to woo the customers. Tons of excess spent on nonsense in order to close deals. I never understood why they didn't just hold meetings in the lavishly furnished state of the art conference rooms. This type of excess is what I saw and called corporate greed.



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