Forum Post: Who do I vote for, the Republocrat or the Demolican?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 5, 2011, 10:34 p.m. EST by MortgagedTent
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Decisions. Decisions. Decisions.
When is the election? 2012? Take deep breaths. Try to focus on growing the movement and educating yourself about the issues. It will all become clearer over the next few months I am sure.
Demolican rolls off the tongue
lol. I know. I tried.
Vote out All incumbents in 2012!
Ron PauI 2012
As far as I know...he's the only guy who sticks to his guns and means what he says. But for some reason he's censored here.
He's censored here because he has an (R) behind his name and isn't into having the government provide a cradle to grave support system for every citizen and illegal alien that wants it. The previously covert leftist mind of the OWS movement is becoming more and more overt each day.
Vote for the reptilican
Whoever isn't the incumbent has my vote. If a seat is vacant, then I vote the opposite of whatever party held it last.
I've played that game the last 4 elections and now were 13 trillion deeper in debt.