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Forum Post: Who could we elect for change?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 9:27 a.m. EST by fraudstreet (3) from Staten Island, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Party politics is not working. We need to Unite and elect people that will work for us. Not pay them to work for themselves. This is getting closer to possible now. Thank You All!!



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[-] 2 points by jph (2652) 13 years ago

"They sentenced me to twenty years of boredom for trying to change the system from within." - Leonard Cohen

Single issue independents perhaps,. those committed to removing the current system and replacing it with a functioning democracy.

[-] 2 points by seeker (242) 13 years ago

Ron Paul..

The only politician that has stayed true to his word.

[-] 1 points by MyHeartSpits (448) 13 years ago

Ron Paul. There would be change. Not sure it'd be all positive, but it would start a whole mess of conversations that we NEED to have as a nation, mainly the whole global war thing.

[-] 1 points by fraudstreet (3) from Staten Island, NY 13 years ago

After all this is America. There must be a B flick movie star or ex wrestler out there we could elect? Oh guess that wouldn't be a change would it.

[-] 1 points by RantCasey (782) from Saginaw, MI 13 years ago

You should vote for someone that you think represents you. Liberals and conservatives need to vote for people with there views. As long as u stay away from those campaigns funded with corporate money you should be ok. Democrat and republican parties have been sold out. A vote for them is part of the problem. Be the solution and research. Your vote is important

[-] 1 points by trob888 (25) 13 years ago

The ONLY candidate that can make a change for the better is Ron Paul. We have to stop making this about Democrats vs. Republicans and unite together to support someone that can put an end to this financial meltdown.

[-] 1 points by fraudstreet (3) from Staten Island, NY 13 years ago

The difficult part is that people are so easily corrupted. There must be a few people with some morals and values. Does anyone want to lead to make this a better world? What good is another BMW? Who cares?

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

I'm from Bay Street. Read my blog. Elect me.

9/11 is invoked and broadcast daily

American people refuse to examine the evidence that was filmed at the WTC to learn what really happened. Americans are too arrogant and too ignorant to admit they were misled and manipulated by their government and media propaganda whose claims are on the level of Santa coming down the chimney to leave presents under the tree. The Santa story grooms American children to accept complete nonsense later in their lives about 9/11 and other very important criminal acts by government officials.

There are no quotas in America for the number of lies told by American officials. There is a bottomless pit of lies and weird nonsense that Americans have no problem accepting. Obama just told another whopper when he claimed that all troops will be brought home from Iraq. The troops left in Iraq are called contractors. No media reporters are reporting the contractor story. Americans now call liars "flip-floppers".

The book written by NYT reporter Philip Shenon divulges incredible first hand accounts from senior officials including the Director of the FBI Tom Pickard who had a violent confrontation with his boss, the attorney general John Ashcroft on July 12, 2001 because Ashcroft refused to listen to any evidence that America would be attacked by Al Qaeda at the direction of Osama bin Laden.

The fact that Shenon and his editors for the NYT decided to hide this story by not publishing it in the NYT when Shenon learned about it directly from Tom Pickard in 2004, but published the story in 2008 in Shenon's book THE COMMISSION is the revelation that only SCREWED AGAIN has published for its world wide audience. http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/

[-] 0 points by jay1975 (428) 13 years ago

Who could we elect for change? Simple, vote for anyone who is not the incumbent. If the seat is open, vote for the opposite party of the last seat holder. If we could completely turn over Congress and the White House in one fell swoop, the message would be pretty clear. As it stands now, when one party is voted out, the incoming party thinks that that is an endorsement of their ideas rather than simply a punishment against the outgoing party. If every seat up for election/reelection changed hands in one day, the message would be loud and clear.