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Forum Post: who are these angels that will organize society for us?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 11:05 p.m. EST by figero (661)
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please advise



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[-] 1 points by odiug (93) 13 years ago

What is this? Is this a poetic or a religious attempt on reformulating the leadership question?

[-] 0 points by figero (661) 13 years ago

it's a simple question

[-] 1 points by odiug (93) 13 years ago

I was able to deduct by the question mark at the end of the sentences that in fact your statement amounts to a question.

In regard to the matter of being simple, could you elaborate on your definition/s (there could be more than just one) of "angels" and how it should be used in the context of your guestion. If not simple it sure would simplify.