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Forum Post: Who are the 1 percent?

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 10, 2011, 4:42 a.m. EST by 1Silverbullit (0)
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I used to be a merchant. Our first and foremost rule was, "I have to sell to my friends and relatives, because my enemies go down the street to my competitors." The point is that you do not do business with people whom you do not like or who abuse the relationship. So, who are the 1 percent? Do we know their names. What companies to they own? I keep hearing that the majority of the wealth in this country is controlled by about 400 families. Who are they? What do they own? Who are their competitors? I read a comment today from some of the 99 percent who went to Washington, DC. They said that the staffers could not even look them in the eye. Of course not, there were no dollar signs there. Nothing to see! Now, we don't have to stop doing business with all of the 1 percent. Just single out one to start with and the message will spread quickly. Like Red Aurbach told Bill Russell, "You gotta throw an elbow. You only have to do it once and they will get the message." Well, some of these people are pretty insensitive so it may take more than one. But let's pick a target and go after it hard. Then watch to see what happens.



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[-] 2 points by sufinaga (513) 13 years ago

the 1% are the freemason/knights templar hierarchy who created PROPERTY RIGHTS and control the banking system. so they are big LANDOWNERS. the queen of england is the Whore of Babylon! riding on the back of the great beast. they brutalise us with BS. The crucified jew is a RACIST ABOMINATION. christians are a bunch of psychos reliving the crucifixion, imagining they are eating dead flesh and talking to their imaginary friend. only bullied dumbass would believe in a virgin birth, resurrection after crucifixion and walking on water. anyone who preaches that BS is an ENEMY agent. jesus is the antichrist. 911 was an INSIDE JOB. the subprime fraud was an INSIDE JOB. let's not tolerate their BS anymore. the truth is out they are calling us "terrorists" WE ARE THE MEEK WHO WILL INHERIT THE EARTH.

[-] 1 points by bensdad (8977) 13 years ago

I hope I dont have to tell you who grover is and what he does, but here is an article about a lesser known 1% and the congress they buy-

Wal-Mart Dollars Funds GOP, Lobbying to Eliminate Estate Tax Walton family uses chain's profits to shift tax burden onto customers

By Jim Hopkins Published by USA Today, April 5, 2005

Wal-Mart Inc. drew broad scrutiny last year as its political spending soared in nationwide battles over health care, labor and other hot-button issues threatening the giant retailer's growth.

Now, in a little-noticed move, the company's founding family has plunged into a fight to pass income tax changes and other legislation that could preserve its grip on the USA's biggest business and the family's $84 billion fortune.

Led by Sam Walton's only daughter, Alice, the family spent $3.2 million on lobbying, conservative causes and candidates for last year's federal elections. That's more than double what it spent in the previous two elections combined, public documents show.

The Waltons have joined a coterie of wealthy families trying to save fortunes through permanent repeal of the estate tax, government watchdogs say. The election of President Bush and more conservatives to Congress gave momentum to the long-fought effort. The Waltons add more.

"To see the wealthiest family in America weighing in is scary," says Chuck Collins, co-founder of Responsible Wealth, a non-profit group that tracks the super-rich. (see "Some of wealthiest say go ahead, tax us")

The Walton support for Bush and other fiscal conservatives assumed new urgency last month when Wal-Mart sweetened its dividend - boosting Walton dividend income above $1 billion a year. Bush's dividend tax cut, enacted two years ago and set to expire in 2009, will save the family as much as $51 million this year.

The growing Walton political prowess is a departure from patriarch "Mr. Sam," who disliked politics. Moreover, their largesse isn't limited to the national stage. In 2002-2004, the family gave $879,000 to state campaigns from California to Florida, says the Institute on Money in State Politics. The biggest gift, $250,000, went to the Republican Party of Florida, whose titular head is Bush's brother, Gov. Jeb Bush.

Yet it is in the bitter fight over federal estate taxes that the family and Wal-Mart have the most at stake. The tax, now collected on estates worth more than $1.5 million, could force the Waltons to sell a chunk of Wal-Mart to pay billions in taxes when family members die. The top tax rate this year is 47%.

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

You're talking about boycotts, correct? It is one of the options being tossed around. Some of us are already doing it. You're welcome to join us anytime. Like they say, an avalanche often starts with a few snowflakes.

[-] 1 points by willum55 (1) from Tampa, FL 13 years ago

I'm not sure who all of the 1%'ers are. But I do know that 11% of them are sitting in the House and Senate.