Forum Post: Whither from here?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 1:51 p.m. EST by Atticus27
from Savoy, IL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
A lot of people seem to be interested in reducing Corporate influence on our political system. I think that this is an important goal, but I'm wondering what people see as viable avenues forward especially in the area of campaign finance. Citizens United is now precedent in the courts and legislative measures introduced to reform campaign financing would surely be defeated as unconstitutional.
Three possibilities I have considered. One would be to try to get enough of a grass roots movement to purchase large amounts of stock in targeted corporations (presumably corporations that have some symbolic significance) and then exert influence through attendance and voting in share-holder meetings. Pros: Potentially changing the culture of Wall Street from the inside. Cons: Expensive, and at least initially gives support to Corporate America.
Another option would be to try to create targeted Law Suits for the purpose of getting cert granted to potentially overturn Citizens United. Pros: This is the most important Supreme Court decision to overturn both symbolically and pragmatically to get political power out of the hands of corporations. Cons: You will need a creative argument to get around the problem of standing, you will need very good lawyers, the current court would not likely overturn the decision.
Lastly you could try to test the limits of Citizens United through the methodical introduction of legislation to restrict corporate interests in the electoral process. Pros: Could reduce the impact of Citizens United. Cons: Could backfire and cause the court to expand/increase corporate influence, requires the help of legislators, still requires very good lawyers.
Thoughts on these ideas or other suggestions?
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