Forum Post: White House proposes a federal income tax for all income levels.
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 13, 2012, 7:12 p.m. EST by foreeverLeft
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Should everyone have "skin in the game"? Is a minimum federal income tax appropriate?
I think he misused the term "global." It's my understanding that the Buffet Rule only applies to those making a million dollars or more.
The government already has the ability to print all the money it needs to spend. Why would they then need to tax us to get even more money?
the government does not print money. a private bank called the federal reserve prints money and then lends it to the government with interest . again.. the government does not have the power to print money.
Yes, I am aware. I posted the simplistic question in the manner that I did in hopes to get others to think about a possible answer.