Forum Post: Petition the Obama Administration to: Investigate Chris Dodd & the MPAA for Bribery After he Publicly Admited to Bribing Politicans to Pass PIPA & SOPA Legislation
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 22, 2012, 9:14 a.m. EST by MonetizingDiscontent
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Consumer Group Accuses Hollywood of 'Threatening Politicians'
-01/20/2012- By Brendan Sasso
Consumer group Public Knowledge on Friday accused the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) and its head, former Sen. Chris Dodd, of trying to intimidate lawmakers into supporting a pair of controversial anti-piracy bills.
In recent days, Dodd and other top Hollywood figures have threatened to cut off campaign donations to politicians who do not support their effort to crackdown on online copyright infringement.....
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White House Petitioned to Investigate MPAA Bribery
-January 22, 2012-
The public has started a petition asking the White House to investigate comments made by MPAA CEO Chris Dodd a few days ago on Fox News. Closing a tumultuous week of wide protest against PIPA and SOPA – two MPAA backed anti-piracy bills –
Dodd threatened to stop the cash-flow to politicians who dare to take a stand against pro-Hollywood legislation. Clear bribery, the petition claims, and already thousands agree.
Responding to the mass protests... ...Responding to the mass protests against the PIPA and SOPA bills on Wednesday, the MPAA has revealed its true nature.
First, MPAA CEO Chris Dodd described the blackouts of Wikipedia, Reddit and others as corporate PR stunts which manipulated and exploited the sites’ users.
“Some technology business interests are resorting to stunts that punish their users or turn them into their corporate pawns,” Dodd said.
(((Dodd's Statement)))
Then, a few days later when many lawmakers had already dropped... ...their support for the anti-piracy bills, the MPAA’s comments turned even more grim.
Talking to Fox News, the MPAA’s boss threatened... stop contributing to politicians who don’t back legislation designed to protect Hollywood.
“Those who count on quote ‘Hollywood’ for support need to understand that this industry is watching very carefully who’s going to stand up for them when their job is at stake. Don’t ask me to write a check for you when you think your job is at risk and then don’t pay any attention to me when my job is at stake,” Dodd said.
Although it’s no secret that the movie industry has a powerful lobby in Washington, explicitly admitting that bribery is one of the tactics the MPAA uses to have their way wasn’t well received by the public. A few hours ago a White house petition was started...!/petition/investigate-chris-dodd-and-mpaa-bribery-after-he-publicly-admited-bribing-politicans-pass/DffX0YQv investigate Chris Dodd and the MPAA for alleged bribery.
“This is an open admission of bribery and a threat designed to provoke a specific policy goal. This is a brazen flouting of the ‘above the law’ status people of Dodd’s position and wealth enjoy,” the petition reads.
“We demand justice. Investigate this blatant bribery and indict every person, especially government officials and lawmakers, who is involved.”
In just a few hours the petition amassed more than 5,000 votes...!/petition/investigate-chris-dodd-and-mpaa-bribery-after-he-publicly-admited-bribing-politicans-pass/DffX0YQv ...and this number is increasing rapidly.
As a former Senator, Chris Dodd has many friends in Washington so it’s unclear whether the petition will accomplish anything, but if the numbers grow big enough the White House won’t be able to ignore it either.
The MPAA’s response to the PIPA and SOPA opposition this week is a sign that they might be losing control in Washington. At the very least, they are starting to lose their patience and become frustrated, which may not help their cause at this point.
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We petition the Obama Administration to:
Investigate Chris Dodd and the MPAA for bribery after he publicly admited to bribing politicans to pass legislation.
Recently on FOX News former Senator Chris Dodd said (as quoted on news site TechDirt), "Those who count on quote 'Hollywood' for support need to understand that this industry is watching very carefully who's going to stand up for them when their job is at stake. Don't ask me to write a check for you when you think your job is at risk and then don't pay any attention to me when my job is at stake," This is an open admission of bribery and a threat designed to provoke a specific policy goal. This is a brazen flouting of the "above the law" status people of Dodd's position and wealth enjoy.
We demand justice. Investigate this blatant bribery and indict every person, especially government officials and lawmakers, who is involved.
Mass media is losing control of the market
( ( ( f l a s h b a c k ) ) )
:::::::::::::::::Chris Dodd Breaking Promise Not To Become A Lobbyist::::::::::::::::::
::::::::::::Just Weeks After Leaving Senate; Joining MPAA As Top Lobbyist:::::::::::
-Feb 22nd 2011-
One of the worst kept secrets in DC and Hollywood over the last month or so is the news that former Connecticut Senator and failed Presidential candidate Chris Dodd is set to become the MPAA's new boss... ...(salary: $1.2 million per year). This came after a failed attempt to get former Senator (and failed presidential candidate) Bob Kerrey to take the role last year.
Assuming Dodd takes the role, he's already proving himself to be perfect for a Hollywood job, because it makes him a blatant liar. Last summer, Dodd insisted that he would not become a lobbyist... ...He made this abundantly clear. When asked what he would do, he was explicit: "No lobbying, no lobbying." Yeah, apparently a million dollar plus salary makes you a liar barely a month after leaving the job. Of course, technically, Dodd is also barred from becoming a lobbyist for two years after leaving the Senate, but there's a kind of wink, wink, nudge, nudge trick that Dodd and others use to technically claim they're not lobbyists while merely running one of the bigger and most high profile lobbying organizations around.
Of course, it'll also be interesting to see if Dodd sells his soul and changes some of his professed principles... ...For example, he was a big supporter of "net neutrality." But the MPAA has come out against net neutrality... ...claiming it would hamper its efforts to "fight piracy." He was also against ISP data retention, which the MPAA has supported (again as a way to fight piracy). On copyright he was somewhat non-committal, but did talk about how fair use rights are important. I imagine that will disappear once he takes the role formerly filled by Jack Valenti -- the man who once declared that fair use doesn't exist.
Anyway, I guess it shouldn't surprise us that a politician lied and went back on his basic principles in favor of a huge check from industry. It happens all the time. The real question is why anyone would take Chris Dodd seriously in this role going forward after proving that he's in it for nothing more than the check.
Chris Dodd is an a*hole... What do you expect from a politician who was a FOA? Also, look at the pathetic Dodd-Frank bill. Enough said...
Unite in common cause. Hate the things that are wrong in this world. Support each-other in making things right. This is where the healing will begin.
The Government of "The People" by "The People" for "The People"
We are the 99%. Take part in "The Peoples" Lobby.
Take action. See samples of how below.
192,815 signatures so far for Bernie Sanders petition as of 8:27am central time 01/22/2012
The petition to save abandoned houses has 16 signatures. We picked one up at around 11:07am 01/16/2012. Were just rolling right along.
Here is a place where you can directly address change. Take part, it does not hurt and may very well heal/help. Forward the cause of reform and rebirth.
Sierra Club has some good things to take part in as well. Set-up and ready for you to take part in.
~Absolutely~ Signed that Bernie Sanders petition a few days ago =) Keep Spreading The Word!
(((Power to the Peaceful)))
:::::::::::::::::::::::::Why Chris Dodd Failed With His SOPA/PIPA Strategy:::::::::::::::::::::::::
-Jan 20th 2012-
::::::::::::No Bank Prosecutions From Attorney General Who Used To Represent The Banks!::::::::::::
Unite and be strong.
Signed and twittered.!/petition/investigate-chris-dodd-and-mpaa-bribery-after-he-publicly-admited-bribing-politicans-pass/DffX0YQv
~ T h a n k Y o u ~
Holding the (L)-criminals-(R) accountable is the name of the Game
Getting the justice department up off it's ass will help.
~Keeping Up the Pressure~ People are having an >>>E f f e c t<<<
::::::::::Now, 91 Congressmen Have ‘No Confidence’ in Holder or Believe he Should Quit::::::::::
Yes momentum and participation is growing. We just need to make sure to keep feeding the growth with plenty of good food. Petitions and protests.